Unbreakable Bonds : Epi Jul 2 After watching today’s episode, - TopicsExpress


Unbreakable Bonds : Epi Jul 2 After watching today’s episode, my first reaction was : Is that it? Where is Mangalpur 2? Where is the Lion? Later, after reflecting on the episode, I realized that today’s episode was never meant to be Mangalpur 2. Instead, it was an episode that has laid the foundation for the future tracks of this show and highlights the change or growth in the characters (specially Asad). Today’s was a very symbolic episode and if we watch it with that in mind, it all makes so much more sense. Even though it’s been a while since AsYa separated, what strikes me is how unbreakable their bond has become. 1. Tanveer’s archaic method of a murder attempt was thwarted by our modern day Salim. If the medieval era Salim couldn’t save his Anarkali, the 21st century prince sure did. No matter what method Tanveer uses, she can’t break their bond. 2. Asad has developed a sixth sense about Zoya now. It just proves that no matter where she is and whatever danger she will face, he will break all barriers (here the symbolic wall) and be there for her. 3. Even in her subconscious state, Zoya didn’t want to let go of his hand. Similarly, she never returned his ring even though she had left the taveez home. That means she hasn’t given up on their relationship; she has just lost faith in him. With time, her faith in him shall get reinstated but their relationship, their bond shall never break. 4. If Zoya hurts, Asad hurts. If she suffers, he suffers. If she is in pain, he is in pain. If she sleeps on the floor, he sleeps on the floor. Why? Because they are essentially one unit and cannot be separated. 5. Asad has become more selfless in his love for Zoya. He will be there for her but never force his wishes on her. Coming to Dilshaad’s role today: 1. She is well aware of Asad’s pain. Just like she had perceived his love for Zoya, she can perceive his pain after losing her. Why is she silent? That’s how Dilshaad is. She gives space to her children and loved ones. She knows her son too well. His pain is still very raw and she wants him to heal and find redemption himself. She won’t spoon feed him here. In fact, she knows him too well and hopes that one day he will do the right thing on his own. 2. Why has she not kicked Tanveer out yet? I think we have to go back to today’s forum 32 article. I guess we have to assume that Asad didn’t let Tanu leave because he still has blind faith in her and no faith in himself. Perhaps, she relented to her son’s wishes there. Tanveer: 1. A pregnant anemic lady committed that crime all by herself? Just shows how much she cares about her unborn child. NOT! I have a feeling she will lose this baby. Nature has its own way of giving justice. 2. Why is she headed to Ajmer? Sau choohe maarkar billi haj ko chali??? Humeira & Family: So, she probably does have multiple personality disorder. Would be an interesting track especially with the Hindu-Muslim segregation issues. Let’s wait and see. I am sure Ajmer will be BIG! Let’s not wait for another Mangalpur again. Let Ajmer be a game changer on its own accord.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 18:20:16 +0000

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