Uncensored Footage of Paris Terror Attack Raises Serious - TopicsExpress


Uncensored Footage of Paris Terror Attack Raises Serious Questions??? A censored video of the Charlie Hebdo shootings is raising serious questions about the recent terror attack in Paris. In the shockingly non-graphic video below, which is meant to show French police officer Ahmed Merabet being shot in the head, you’ll notice there is no blood, gore or graphic violence. Pay attention to the sidewalk to the right of the officer’s head. This has provided many with a legitimate reason to doubt the official narrative taking shape around attack. We also know that a forth suspect linked to the terror attacks left France days before the event and is now in Syria according to French police. It is also important to note that it has only been a few days since the shootings and a senior police commissioner in charge of the investigation into the Charlie Hebdo shootings has already ended up dead. What we do know is that this footage suggests the officer was likely not shot in the head by an AK-47 (a 7.62×39mm round), as claimed by the corporate media. I’m not here to tell you this is some sort of hoax, or what will be happening next. I am asking you to watch the video below with an open mind: Jordi Mir, the man who filmed the shooting while sitting alone in his apartment, now says that he regrets filming and subsequently posting the video to his Facebook account. Mir removed the video from his social media account 15 minutes after posting, but not before someone grabbed the footage from his account and posted it to YouTube. The amateur cameraman called the his decision to share the video on Facebook a “stupid reflex”. In November Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu warned it would be a “grave mistake” for France to recognize a Palestinian state. On Monday French President Hollande asked for Western sanctions on Russia to be lifted. Two days later, Paris was attacked. It appears that the Paris terror attack has bolstered the European right. Massive protests (over 700,000 today) continue to rage across France, while new support for the more militant anti-immigration policies of the National Front rapidly grows. Remember the American government under George W. Bush? We’ve been told that these professionally trained terrorists left their identification cards in the getaway car before making an effort to conceal their identity by putting on ski masks. How could they be so careless and so well trained, as the media is reporting, at the same time? According to Reuters, in 2011 one of the Charlie Hebdo shooting suspects met with al-Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen. You probably recognize this name as the first American to ever be killed by a US drone strike. What you likely missed was that in 2012 the FBI admitted it knew in October of 2002 they knew Anwar al-Awlaki was returning to the US before they detained him and abruptly released al-Awlaki from federal custody. All of this becomes very interesting after reading an article published by Newsweek a few days ago about the role Saudi Arabia plays in terrorism and the 28 classified pages of the 9/11 commission report. Million Dollar Question Why was Anwar al Awlaki a guest at the Pentagon within months of the 9/11 terror attacks? Due to the obvious fact that the mainstream media outlets will not be showing this footage, please share this information with as many people as possible. youtube/watch?v=yJEvlKKm6og
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 05:35:21 +0000

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