Uncertainty is our Friend. Next time you are unsure about - TopicsExpress


Uncertainty is our Friend. Next time you are unsure about anything, revel in it, it is a Being Human Essential :-) It is when we are uncertain, that we can grow. It is by being IN uncertainty, that we allow for a change, or something new to enter our reality. If we are never in this place, we do not ever grow, and risk remaining in a stifled, child consciousness state. This goes the same for humanity as a whole, as it does for one of us. We are designed to make the best choice we can in a given moment, given all the knowledge and wisdom we have available to us. We are not meant to always know what to do, but to figure it out. The Make life easier for yourself advertising used for promoting ALL inventions produced to grow economies in Victorian England IS WRONG for us. It is adverse to our needs as humans, and it has swayed us as a species away from the point and purpose of human life. Our lives need to be exactly as challenging as they are, and we have been diverted into stupidity by inventions that we arguably never needed. ;) Chairs for instance are nothing more than a sculpture we can fold our self onto, and are now often replaced with alternative, healthier chairs that are elevated kneeling positions of a kind, or a giant ball, or standing variations. Are you choosing your next moves or your desires as the unique being that you are? How much of what you do is scheduled? Always take yourself out of your comfort zone and do something just your heart wants. :-)
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 13:52:19 +0000

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