Uncle Qs Word of the Day (#UQWOTD): hyperpalatable adj. or n. - TopicsExpress


Uncle Qs Word of the Day (#UQWOTD): hyperpalatable adj. or n. (say: high-per-PAL-uh-tuh-bul): a term notably used by Dr. David Kessler, former director of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, to describe processed foods that are engineered by food chemists to generate rewards in the brains of those consuming them which surpass the reward properties of traditional foods, like vegetables, fruits, and nuts. This is achieved by loading such foods with increased levels of fat, sugar, flavors, and food additives. Hyperpalatables are associated with food addiction. Great usage in the attached article from The New York Times, with additional links in the thread. nyti.ms/X7sytL #WordPower #fitness #wellness #health #cleaneating #nutrition #UncleQ
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 02:35:08 +0000

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