Uncle Sugar: Another word for Uncle Sam. The concept that Uncle - TopicsExpress


Uncle Sugar: Another word for Uncle Sam. The concept that Uncle Sam is everyones pimp because he takes his share of your money before you get your share. The personification of the U.S.: Uncle Sugar wants a little more of your money this year. A federal agent; federal agents: Uncle has some pretty strong ideas about whos in charge of this investigation. Huckabee: And if the Democrats want to insult the women of America by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government, then so be it, lets take that discussion all across America, because women are for more than Democrats have made them out to be. Huckabee: If Titanic sank now, feminism would cost more womens lives. The doctrine of women and children first makes the Titanic tragedy stand out in remarkable ways. When asked in Senate hearings about the Titanic sinking whether the doctrine of women and children first was the law of the sea, a naval officer responded, It is the law of human nature. Of course, there were no formal laws, maritime or otherwise, which required the implementation of such a policy in times of danger. Alas, no longer. The debunking suffragettes have won. And, thus, we have all lost immeasurably more than we can imagine. If that unsinkable liner were to go down in the North Atlantic today, we could hardly expect the standard of Women and children first to bring order to the crisis. The great sea disaster would undoubtedly cost even more lives were it to occur time-when notions of sacrifice, duty and chivalry no longer dominate our cultural landscape. Huckabee: Womens liberation resulted in womens impoverishment. Most of the revolutionary attempts at social engineering have been undertaken, ostensibly, in an effort to improve the lot of women and children in our society. As one cover story asserted, American women have been sold a bill of goods. Instead of making life easier, or better, or even more just for women, the sundry programs of social engineering have made it harder, worse, and more unjust. They have broken down traditional family structures. They have contributed to epidemic irresponsibility. They have opened a Pandoras box of social ills not the least of which is the progressive impoverishment of the very women it is supposed to liberate. Evidence of the feminization of poverty everywhere abounds. 70% of todays women in the labor force work out of economic necessity. More often than not, they are single, widowed, or divorced. And more often than not, they are poor. A full 77% of this nations poverty is now borne by women and their children.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 10:50:19 +0000

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