Unconditional Love & Acceptance ~ January 14, 2009 MA (long and - TopicsExpress


Unconditional Love & Acceptance ~ January 14, 2009 MA (long and worth the read) These words fall around me gently like snow. Easily produced by the vocal cords and voice box in our bodies. Easily understood by the logic mind yet most difficult to hold in every moment of one’s life and to hold in one’s spirit always. Temptation to judge, slip slide into criticism, holding tight so toxicity can be avoided. Hypocritical thoughts of “do as I say not as I do” only to find that we all do what we want in the end. Banish these things in spirit and would unconditional acceptance become a global phenomenon? Does this not all start from within, like world peace? Can we truly find this strength within ourselves when societal norms sometimes demand we shelve the concept of us all getting along? I have strived to understand this concept of unconditional acceptance to some meaningful end yet alas the true context of what it all represents seems to evade my spirit and soul. I do find myself reverting to archaic thought and judgment when things are not exactly as I expected. It is time to live by a credo of mine, expectations breed frustrations! Would becoming benign help in being a person of unconditional acceptance? Or would that just make you a hermit or loner? How is it when we burn our bridges, we can not see our own NON conditional acceptance? They say hind sight is 20-20, yet what occurs once, can never be taken back. Is that a hint for us to not have any bridges to burn? Or would that just make us anti social? When we are emotionally motivated by family and friends through disagreement and miscommunication, do we stop loving that person unconditionally? Or are we just paying them lip service when we do declare our unconditional love and acceptance? What a gift it would be to have unconditional acceptance and love genetically placed so we mere mortals could grasp the concept AND context in better fashion. Yet then what would all the war mongers do and how many countries would go bankrupt because they are no longer at war? There would just be too much unconditional acceptance and love that there would be no need to bear arms or consider anyone a foe. Or would we as a selfish population, find other things to fight over and consume? These words do fall gently all around me like snow. Melting slowly as they grace Mother Earth’s warmth and unconditional acceptance of we humans. My spirit holds its face up, letting the flakes fall with the dream and wish that all that is unconditional love and acceptance will be brought with them. Like a small child, willing to learn, wanting to understand and most of all be accepted unconditionally. My soul accepts that it is all a learning process. I thank all that I am for the personal strength of learning these most crucial things at this time in my life, it can only empower others and support more unconditional acceptance and love.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 07:34:37 +0000

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