💍💘Unconditional Love💍💘 (Sequel to Runaway Love) - TopicsExpress


💍💘Unconditional Love💍💘 (Sequel to Runaway Love) Chapter Two- 💚💔Love & Fame🎤🎧 :::::::::🎬🎤🎧🎼PART 143🎬🎤🎧🎼::::::::: RECAP: You, Jacob, Rayan, Alex, EJ, Miyah and Santo walked to the fitness center. You watched Jacob do sit ups. You ran on the treadmill then got off. Jacob kept touching on your while you were lifting weights. He did push ups while on top of you. You two started making out on the floor on one of the mats. Rayan and Santo made jokes about you two being freaks. You and Jacob said I love you to each other while laughing.:RECAP OVER Jacob smiles hard and gives you one last peck on the lips. After that you two got up off the mats and continued to work out. Yall spent two hours at the fitness center and then yall left and went to Burger King. Jacob called a cab. You two got into the cab and headed back to the hotel. 💚🎤Your Thoughts💚🎤 God I am so tired. I cant wait to get back to that hotel so I can take a nice shower and cuddle up in bed with my husband. I really had fun with him today. Every moment spent with him is either freaky, loving, relaxing, exhausting, funny and sometimes weird. But the best moments are when me and him are cuddled up in bed in the dark. I love the way he holds me and kisses my forehead telling me Good Night and I love you.! *yawns* 💚🎤End of thoughts💚🎤 As you yawned Jacob looked at you. He watched as you rubbed your eyes. After you moved your hands away from your eyes you looked at Jacob. A small cute smile appeared on Jacobs face as one appeared onto yours. Jacob: Well be at the hotel in a few more minutes okay baby.? You: *nods* Jacob: *kisses your cheek* You: *smiles and lays your head on his shoulder* Jacob rubbed his hand on your arm. It didnt take that long for the cab to arrive at the hotel. When the cab stopped Jacob paid the cab man. He then opened the door and got out of the cab. Jacob then turned around and grabbed your hand. You get out the and he closes the door. Jacob and you went into the hotel and got onto the elevator. 💚🎤Jacob Thoughts💚🎤 Awwwwww she is so cute when shes tired. Shes like a little baby. Well my little baby. My pookie bear looks so exhausted. When we get to the hotel we can take us a nice shower together. Then we will cuddle up under the sheets together. 💚🎤End of thoughts💚🎤 The elevator stopped. You got off first and Jacob followed behind you. You two walked to the hotel room. Jacob opened the room door and you walked inside. He followed in behind you and closed the door. You: *puts fingers through hair* God I am so tired Jacob: Awww Lil Prince is tired *goes over to you* You: *laughs while looking at him* Jacob: *places hands on your hips* You: *puts hands on his chest* Baby can we take our shower now.? Jacob: Sure pookie bear *gives you a peck on the lips* You go ahead into the bathroom ill be in there in a minute You: *smiles* Okay Jacob smiles back at you. You walk away and go into the bathroom and close the door. He took out his phone and called his aunt to check up on the kids and to see how his mother was doing. :::::::::::::::::::Phone Convo::::::::::::: JacobAunt: Hey Jacob Jacob: Hey. Any news JacobAunt: Well shes in good condition. The doctors say we have nothing to worry about. She may wake up tonight or tomorrow Jacob: *sighs in relief* Thank God.! Where are my kiddos JacobAunt: Theyre upstairs sleeping. They have had a long day Jacob: So did me and Yn JacobAunt: *laughs a little* Do you want me to have the kids call you in the morning.? Jacob: Yes and if any more info comes about my mom please let me know JacobAunt: Will do Jacob: Thanks Good Night JacobAunt: Good night and your welcome ::::::::::::::::End of phone convo::::::::::::::: After Jacobs aunt said Good night and your welcome Jacob hung up the phone. He sat the phone down on the bed and went into the bathroom. Jacob took off his cloths and then got into the shower with you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your cheek. A small smile appeared on your face. You: What took you so long Jacob: I called my aunt to check up on the kids You: Awww what were they doing Jacob: They were sleeping. She said my mom might wake up tonight or tomorrow You: *sighs in relief* Thank God Jacob: Thats what I said *kisses your cheek again* You: *smiles* Jacob kisses the back of your neck and then kisses both of your shoulders. He placed his hands on your shoulders and then started to massage them. You smiled and closed your eyes. He massaged your shoulders for a few minutes and then turned you around so you was facing him. You laid your head on his chest as his hands rubbed your back. As you two stayed in this position the water ran down your backs. Jacob: I wuv you pookie bear You: *giggles* I wuv you too bookie Jacob: I wuv you more my pookie ookie snookie bear You: *laughs* Jacob: *laughs* You: *looks at him and pokes out lips* Jacob smiles and leans in. You and him give each other a sweet peck on the lips and then kiss passionately. You placed your hands on his shoulders while he held your face. What started off as a peck on the lips went to a long passionate kiss only to end with three slow sweet pecks on the lips. After those passionate kisses you and Jacob finished bathing and then got out. 💚🎤Jacob Thoughts💚🎤 *blow drying your hair* I hope shes feeling relaxed. I honestly dont wanna go to sleep. Not because im wide awake but because I wanna stay up and cuddle while talking to my pookie bear. 💚🎤End of thoughts💚🎤 To Be Continued......... Comment your thoughts and like Mickey__Mouse :P
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 22:45:37 +0000

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