Under Which Priesthood? 1Pt 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, - TopicsExpress


Under Which Priesthood? 1Pt 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvellous light: Virtually identical to Ex 19:5 Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine: 6 And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel. Ex.19:5-6 can only be speaking of one ‘priesthood; by virtue of there not being any other at that point – the Melchizedek Priesthood. 1Pt.2:9 punctuates that point in the words ‘royal priesthood; for the word ‘melchizedek’ is a conjunction of two Hebrew words – ‘melek’ meaning king and ‘zedek’ meaning righteous. Ex.19:5-6 are the opening lines of the Book of the Covenant (Ex.19:5-24:8). The Israelites promised to keep and obey this covenant (Ex.19:7-8/24:7-8) – they did not (Ex.32). YHWH’s solution was to wipe all of Israel out and start over with Moses, the only one that kept the covenant and still had a Melchizedek Priesthood standing. But Moses pleaded for them; YHWH relented. But Israel would no longer be a nation ‘of’ Melchizedek Priests – now – (post covenant breach); Israel would be a nation ‘with’ priests – Levitical Priests – the Levitical Priesthood was born. It is then consistent with the evidence that YHWH (knowing the end from the beginning) called Moses up the Mountain in good faith with the full intent of the nation of Israel keeping their promise. Israel did not. So what started out in Covenant compliance to be a national Melchizedek Priesthood intent, became a Covenant breach tribal Levitical Priesthood reality, a concession granted by a merciful YHWH in lieu of complete annihilation (Ex.32:10). Rabbinic types will assert that Levi was given the priesthood long before the covenant at Sinai – sighting the Talmud, Mishnah, other writings and Gen.49:5. As stated; the best these Beyond Scripture / non-Torah writings can aspire to is commentary. Nothing can be above Torah – Nothing! Gen.49:5 is Torah; it reveals a curse on both Simeon and Levi for actions taken at Gen.34 involving both (only) Simeon and Levi – Now; ask yourself – Self; how can anyone split that verse (Gen.49:5) in half, wrench a priesthood (verbiage that is not there) for only Levi and cookie cut Simeon out of the picture? We would have a ‘Simeonic’ priesthood also; but most don’t ask that question – most just go along to get along. So what we see at Ex.19:5-6 is Yahweh’s offer that if the people would keep the covenant, they would be His Kingdom of (Melchizedek) Priests. This was Plan ‘A; that was lost with the Gold Calf incident of Ex.32 that thrust the Israelites into the Levitical Priesthood that was at best a damage control Plan ‘B’. There is a huge difference between being ‘a nation of priests’ and being ‘a nation with priests’. Most of the Hebrew Root Teachers teach the cyclical nature of Hebrew – that is; it cycles – if you want to know the future; look to the beginning. We under Yahshua revert back to the original Melchizedek Priesthood Plan ‘A’. The same offer (of Ex.19:5-6) being identified at 1Ptr.2:9. Heb 7:11 If .. perfection were by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,) … As a New Testament – New/re-New-ed Covenant believer, have you ever considered what ‘Priesthood’ you are under? What ‘Priesthood’ you have been called into (1Pt.2:9/Rev.1:6; 5:10 – Ex.19:5-6)? Yahshua (Christ) is our High Priest (Heb.5:5; 10, 7:17) after the order of Melchizedek. Have you ever considered that the Covenant/Law teaching of both the Christian Church and the Messianic Assemblies though responding in opposition nevertheless defer to the same understanding of biblical law via the Judaism of Rabbinic Orthodoxy? That itself maintains and regularly defers to a reinforced Levitical Priesthood mindset? Saying; ‘The law cannot be divided’ – By and large; the Church and the Jews believe and act on this same tenant concerning biblical law – yet; the Jews want it all – the Church does not want it at all. Have you ever considered that Yahshua (Jesus) as are most of us, are not from the Tribe of Levi (Heb.7:13-14) and thereby not eligible to ever be a Levitical Priest (Heb.7:14)? Yet we are called to be Melchizedek Priests of the Most High through His Son – Yahshua the High Melchizedek Priest. Therefore Heb.7:12 is correct. Heb 7:12 For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law. This ‘change’ was prophesied at; Gen 49:10 The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; (Prv.25:2) Therefore it is not a change ‘of’ Torah to enact the change ‘in’ Torah that has always been right there ‘in’ the pages of Torah (‘T’aNaK – ‘Penta’teuch = 5 Books of Moses) Gen.17:9 ‘in their generations; in connection with circumcision – Num.15:38 ‘throughout their generations; in connection with ‘Tzitzits’ – Num.35:29 ‘throughout your generations’ in connection with Levitical statutes in contrast with; Jer 31:32 ‘Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers … which my covenant they brake’ “Fathers” speaks of ‘generations’ – “my covenant they brake” is Paul’s exact argument; Rom 2:25 For circumcision verily profiteth, if thou keep the law: but if thou be a breaker of the law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision. Heb.7:12 is not a change to ‘no law’ – it is not a change to ‘no priesthood’. This ‘change’ is a reversion back to the original Melchizedek Priesthood standards – a reversion back to Plan ‘A’ in the parameters of Melchizedek Priesthood Law – both Covenant and non-Covenant. Examples of Melchizedek non-Covenant Law issues would include; Passover, Redeeming of the first Born, Clean Meats, New Moons, Jubilee Year, etc. and the like not found in the Book of the Covenant at Ex19:5-24:8; but stated (including evidenced) before between the balance of Gen.1:1 to Ex.24:8 (actually v:11; for Ex.24:9-11 is the Melchizedek Covenant Confirming Meal). Eph 2:12 That at that time ye were without Messiah (Christ), being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without Yah (God) in the world: As you read Rom 5:14, ask yourself – realizing that death did reign, has reigned and is still reigning since Adam; why did the Apostle Paul stop with ‘Moses’? I submit and further assert that there is a very Melchizedek reason why. Rom 5:14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression, who is the figure of him (Yahshua) that was to come. Most don’t consider that Aaron (Ex.32:24) and all the Egypt exodus Israelites had defiled themselves because of the ‘Golden Calf’ covenant breach. Moses was the last Melchizedek Priesthood priest/mediator until the death of Yahshua. This ‘death’ released Him (Yahshua) from the Levitical Law (Heb.7:11-14); to be the Melchizedek High Priest. His death also releases us to be Melchizedek Priests again in keeping with the original calling of Ex.19:5-6 or ‘Plan’ (A). It becomes self-evident that the Levitical Priesthood is at the very best a ‘damage’ control; Plan ‘B’, 2nd string ‘solution’ – a regrouping scramble granted by YHWH against His better judgement of complete mass Israelite genocide (Ex.32:10). Congratulations what an honor! – Woo Whoooo! What a close call is more like it. It then makes perfect sense that Yahshua would be protected from ever being part of a less-than, 2nd best, organic priesthood. Yes – the Levites did distinguish themselves; Yah did cleanse and will work with the Levitical tribe, but that will never change the fact that the Melchizedek Priesthood was never again an option for any Israelite of any tribe until after Yahshua’s death, resurrection and ascension (Heb.8:4, Ezk.20:10-25). Heb 8:4 “For if He (Yahshua) were on earth, He should not be a priest, …” (Heb.7:13-14/1Pt.2:9) Conclusion – We (post crucifixion) are under the Melchizedek Priesthood – We are under all the Melchizedek period and pre- Book of the Covenant statues (Gen.1:1- Ex.24-8-11) & the New Testament Melchizedek Priesthood edicts (Mat.1:1 – Rev.22:21) – we are under none of the Levitical post- Book of the Covenant breach statues (Ex.24:12 – Dt.34:12 / Ezk.20:10-25); unless by virtue of restating the original Melchizedek (Gen.1:1- Ex.24-8-11) position. Yah’s Esteem – Dr. David L. Perry Th.D. PS / From – Meira Bat Yah Heb 7:12 – For the PRIESTHOOD being CHANGED, of necessity there takes place a CHANGE OF LAW also. Understand the differences between these two priesthoods and what changed, and new understandings will FLOOD in like never before! E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G makes so much more sense and doesn’t have to be “explained away”. Yehusha fits perfectly, even Paul fits perfectly. No seemingly contradictions whatsoever! This is important! Don’t blow it off!
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 01:46:33 +0000

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