Under the city David felt his way along the tunnels trying to - TopicsExpress


Under the city David felt his way along the tunnels trying to remember his way back. The corridors were pitch blank. Only the dim intermittent glow of the Data Sphere allowed David to see his hand in front of his face. The airflow from the vents above him had stopped causing the air in the corridors to go stale rather fast. David hadn’t realized it before but the airflow had also been the only source of sound this far under the city. Now there was nothing only the sounds of his footsteps and his labored breathing. David found the absolute silence almost terrifying and would have given anything for a noise that wasn’t his own. Using His fingertips as a guide he ran them along the wall feeling his way along the corridor. When the wall vanished from under his fingers he knew that he had reached an intersection he would have missed in the dark. Holding the Data Sphere to wall he moved it slowly so he could read the intersection numbers. “Junction 30-B.” He thought to himself. It was a relief to know he was going the right way, still to find his way back to the surface he was going to have to remember each branching path he had taken when he first came down into this part of the city. It was a task he was sure he would have trouble with even if the lights were on. Making his way through the darkness David ran his fingers along the wall checking the large dark letter on the walls at each intersection. As time passed David the darkness get to him. The hairs on the back of his neck were standing up and felt as if he were being watched from behind, only to turn around and find nothing there. The silence was broken by a faint repetitive clicking that he was sure was only his imagination. David stopped and leaned against the wall trying to control his breathing before he went into a panic attack. Taking a few deep breaths David began to feel calmer. “It can’t be much farther.” He said trying to convince himself. Ready to continue David heard the clicking again. This time he was sure it was real. The sound echoed off the corridor making it was impossible to tell were it was coming from or how far away it was. Closing his eyes he listened for a moment trying to distinguish the noise and see if he could recognize it, but as he listened to the repeating clicking only one thing became clear. The noise wasn’t something mechanical as David has hoped, no quite the opposite there was something alive down here with him and in the darkness he stood little chance.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 03:24:58 +0000

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