Under the system of racism white supremacy one thing always has - TopicsExpress


Under the system of racism white supremacy one thing always has something to do with the other. Now understand whats happening here. Ray Rice hitting his wife happened back in February, Ray was suspended for two games back in June, and although we thought that it wasnt enough for hitting a black woman, the Ray Rice saga was fading into the background. But then, in July, Eric Garner died by the hands of police. In August, John Crawford died by the hands of police. Michael Brown was murdered by the police in August, 4 days after John Crawford died. Ezell Ford died by the hands of police in August 10 days after Michael Brown died. But it would be Michael Browns death that would bring about something that wh!te people did not expect to happen, and fought for centuries to keep from happening,that is, for the whole world to began to sympathize with black males. The world sympathizing with black males is a threat to wh!te male supremacy.So what do wh!tes do? Wh!tes go on a propaganda campaign to show black males as animals who beat their women, and are unworthy of the worlds sympathy. So now whites released a video that TMZ, and the NFL had in their possession since April, showing the actual punch made by Ray Rice, playing that punch over, and over, and over again, embedding this picture in the minds of the world who would be our biggest sympathizer against the biggest domestic abuser on the planet wh!te people. Wh!te people are on a campaign mission to make sure that black males are the face of domestic violence. Wh!tes, so desperate in their attempts that they dug way back into the late 1980s to find Robin Givens to talk about Ray Rice, and her domestic abuse by Mike Tyson. Skipping over the likes of Mel Gibson who committed domestic violence, along with Nicholas Cage, Sean Penn, Steven Seagal, Charlie Sheen, Tommy Lee, Ozzy Osborne, Vanilla Ice, Evel Knievel, and Steve Stone Cold Austin just to name a few. Yet, you go way back to find Robin Givens to talk about her abuse by Tyson???? Understand while black people are out protesting trying to gain the sympathy, support, and attention of the world about what happen to Michael Brown and countless other black males who have been murdered by white police. White people are counter attacking by making black males the face of domestic violence to keep that sympathy, and support from happening. Yeah Ray Rice hit his wife. Yes he was wrong. No it should have never happened. However, black people need to look at the bigger problem, bigger than Ray Rice, which is wh!te people! Wh!te people are the problem, and if you do not understand white supremacy, you will not understand that! #racism_is_WAR!!! Wh!te people, when it comes to black people, are the biggest domestic abuser on the planet under racism white supremacy! But you never see, nor hear that on tv.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 07:40:18 +0000

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