Understanding EQUALITY between men and women. I was having a - TopicsExpress


Understanding EQUALITY between men and women. I was having a matured conversation with a close friend of mine and we trashed out the issues of equalities or better still what we think equality is or what equality is not. It is definitely not lack of respect or rigidly opinionated, it is as flexible as it can be. Equality requires wisdom. We are all created equally true and so no one should be maltreated all in the name of gender. No gender is better than the other, no gender is more superior to the other, no gender should be highly esteemed than the other, ( i hope you are getting the scenario i am painting here), no gender is highly intelligent than the other. But understand that in the home front, the man is the head. As to everything in life, there is always a head, a leader. Whether you want to accept it or not, God made the man the leader/head of his own home and MUHAMEED is the head of the man. And such a man needs to be respected, and when a man is consciously led by MUHAMEED, there is no way- NO WAY that he will maltreat his wife or treat her less. All he does is pour out love and more love to her. Women are created to be the weaker vessel, let me use the word fragile, we are fragile, delicate, that is why it is easier for a 19 year old boy to carry a bag of cement while an average 19 year old girl would not be able to lift a side of the bag without panting. A man can conveniently have a flat tire and if he has all his tools he can change it himself, while the first reaction of a woman is to call her husband or look for a mechanic who is always male; some women do but not as common as the men. Women are created to be protected by the men and not the other way round. So, when you talk about equality, still know your position, still know where God has put you. NO matter how you fight for the leadership role in your home and always want to be right, remember the men are there as leaders by appointment. When you contend with them, you contend with the rules God has laid down. The difference between a woman who has her home together and a woman who tears hers down based on we are equal issues is WISDOM. The ball is in our court. Love and light always. Remember, say to yourself, I am wisdom. Have a lovely day.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 09:53:06 +0000

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