Understanding Southerners. Southern boys are raised “right” - TopicsExpress


Understanding Southerners. Southern boys are raised “right” by their mommas and when they grow up they compare all women to her. Southerners know grits come from corn and how to eat them! Southerners know you don’t cook meals, you “fix” them! All Southerners know the term, “Bless your heart”, has many different meanings! Southern hospitality is a way of life in the South; an easiness and friendliness with people that makes them feel welcomed. Nothing warms the heart like Southern cooking. Southerners know that rocking chairs and porch swings are guaranteed stress relievers. Southerners know you can’t be considered a serious Southern cook if you don’t know how to make peach cobbler. – Trisha Yearwood In the South barbecue is something you eat, not something you do. Southerners know that fried catfish is the other white meat! Southerners know that no matter how old you are, your father is “Daddy” and your mother is “Mama”. Southern women know you always clean your house before going on a trip in case you don’t come home. In the South, cooking and eating is a way that people can enjoy each other, spend time with loved ones and develop new friendships. Southerners know how good an R.C. cola and a moonpie is at a country store! The smell of a Southern breakfast cooking in the kitchen provides a great alarm clock. Southerners know the positions of key hills, knobs, trees and rocks when it comes to giving directions. Southerners know about double first names such as, Billy Ray and Bobbie Sue. Southerners know you “cut off” the lights. Southern music genres like gospel, bluegrass, jazz, rock, blues and country reflect Southern soul, character and culture. Southerners equate food with love, so if you love what they cook, they’re sure to love you back. Southerners know what it means to be “full as a tick on a hound dog”. “It was not a Southern watermelon that Eve took: we know it because she repented”. –Mark Twain You seldom hear a Southerner say, “I believe you cooked those green beans too long”. Southerners are devoted to grits. We like grits-and-gravy, grits-and-ham, grits-and-sausage, grits-and-shrimp, grits-and-eggs, garlic grits, buttered grits, etc.,etc, etc. You might be in a Southern church if the preacher says, “I’d like to ask Bubba to take up the offering”, and five guys stand up. You seldom hear a Southerner say, “Duct tape won’t fix that!” You might be from the South if – you learned how to make noise with a blade of grass between your thumbs –Jeanette H. Whitfield Southerners know what, “playin possum”, means. The most beautiful voice in the world is that of an educated Southern woman –Winston Churchill Southerners know “just sittin there like a bump on a log” refers to one being “unknowing”. In the South, place, family and tradition are the essence of identity. In the South “Jeet?” is actually a phrase meaning, “Did you eat?” Southerners know that “afar” is a state of combustion. In the South, sweet tea is appropriate for all meals and you start drinking it before you can walk. Southern fathers think of their daughters as flowers of the South, so they give them floral names. Rose Ann, Violet Ann, Iris Ann, etc. In the South get used to hearing, “You ain’t from ’round here, are ya?” A Southern State Trooper stopped a pickup truck. The trooper asked the driver, “Got any ID?” The driver said, “Bout what?” What’s the difference between a Northern fairy tale and a Southern fairy tale? A Northern fairy tale begins, “Once upon a time”. A Southern fairy tale begins, ” ‘Y’all ain’t gonna believe this”. You know you’re in the South when you can make sun tea instantly! You might be a Southerner if you have a very special baseball cap, just for formal occasions. Southerners know how to speak proper English. We speak “Southern” because we want to and we can. It’s like playing jazz, you have to know how to do it right first. The first words out of a Southerner’s mouth when they see a friend: “Howdy!”, “Hey!” or “How Y”all Doin?” You know you are in the South when you realize that asphalt has a liquid state. In the South, “clone” is a type of perfume. –”What’s that clone you’re wearin dawlin?” Southerners want to make sure you listen when they speak. Example: “Y’all come back now, y’heah?”. Southerners carry a spare in the “boot” of the car and use the “glove compartment” for storage.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 03:14:52 +0000

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