Understanding our Creator’s Reckoning of Time Many of you - TopicsExpress


Understanding our Creator’s Reckoning of Time Many of you might recall our recent posting where I used the procedures in baking of a cake as example, and then too, the importance of doing things exactly right to ensure the best result. Our Creator, Yahuah Elohim, is man’s most excellent example in such processes since He designed everything that is, was, and will forever be. Man’s mistake is that he constantly wants to go about things in his own miserable way, instead of asking for wisdom, understanding, and insight. It is exactly this stubbornness that has resulted in constant “attempts” over time to change the times and seasons on the planet. As believers come to the knowledge of the truth in their thousands in these times, too many in the fold sow confusion by making statements, rules, and exclamations which deviate from what the Creator of these very concepts said should be done! For this reason we all need to have, and understand, the term DISCERNMENT. DISCERNMENT is not the ability to know wrong from right so much. It is more the ability to discern the difference between what’s right and nearly right. It is important to read the following few Scriptures first, so that we have the same point of reference during the writing to follow: Jer 8:7 AMP [Even the migratory birds are punctual to their seasons.] Yes, the stork [excelling in the great height of her flight] in the heavens knows her appointed times [of migration], and the turtledove, the swallow, and the crane observe the time of their return. But My people do not know the law of Yahuah Elohim [which the lower animals instinctively recognize in so far as it applies to them]. Isa 66:23 And it shall be that from one New Moon to another New Moon and from one Sabbath to another Sabbath, all flesh shall come to worship before Me, says Yahuah. Genesis 1:14: “And Elohim said, `Let lights come to be in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and appointed times (moed’im), and for days and years.” (My note: The renewed moon each month marks time, but also the aviv stage of the barley in March/April to determine the first month of Aviv, in which is Passover. These two signs must be seen from Jerusalem. When Joshua entered the land, the signs had to be seen wherever the tabernacle was set up. Then the tabernacle was set up at Shilo, and continued for many years. But, when He moved to Jerusalem and made Zion, the City of David, His dwelling place forever (Psalm 132:12-14), then the barley had to be around Jerusalem, and the sighting of the new moon. He moved His requirements to where His people were gathered, where He put His Name. Precedent was set in Egypt, in Exodus 9:31-32. In the 7th plague, the barley was in the aviv stage, when struck by hail. They left the eve of the Passover!) Exo 12:1 And יהוה spoke to Mosheh and to Aharon in the land of Mitsrayim, saying, Exo 12:2 This month is the beginning of months for you, it is the first month of the year for you. Lev 23:1 And יהוה spoke to Mosheh, saying, Lev 23:2 Speak to the children of Yisraĕl, and say to them, The appointed times of יהוה, which you are to proclaim as set-apart gatherings, My appointed times, are these: Lev 23:3 Six days work is done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of rest, a set-apart gathering. You do no work, it is a Sabbath to יהוה in all your dwellings. Lev 23:4 These are the appointed times of יהוה, set-apart gatherings which you are to proclaim at their appointed times. Lev 23:5 In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, between the evenings, is the Passover to יהוה. Lev 23:6 And on the fifteenth day of this month is the Festival of Unleavened Bread to יהוה - seven days you eat unleavened bread. Lev 23:7 On the first day you have a set-apart gathering, you do no servile work. Lev 23:8 And you shall bring an offering made by fire to יהוה for seven days. On the seventh day is a set-apart gathering, you do no servile work. Ps 81:3 Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day. (My note: The Hebrew word for month actually means new moon. The Hebrew concept of the new moon is when the first visible sliver of the moon is seen in the western sky at sunset from Jerusalem. The identical day and the identical word described in Psalms above as the new moon is described in this verse and translated month). (My note 2: Month: The English word “month” comes from the Hebrew word “chodesh.” It refers to the moon and means, “to be new, to rebuild, or renew: by implication a month.” A month is the time it takes the moon to make one complete revolution around the earth which is 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, and 2.841 seconds. Thus, an observational calendar month will vary from 29 to 30 days and usually alternates from one to the other. The first month of the Hebrew calendar is the month of Abib. The English word “Abib” comes from the Hebrew word [23] “`abiyb” and means “the moon of the green barley.” The Hebrew word [24] “chodesh” means “new moon.” The reason is that ETERNAL wants every month to start with “a new moon.” So, it is allowable to translate Exodus 12:2 into English in two possible ways: first is quoted from the KJV which is identical to the JPS translation of the referenced verse, and second is quoted from the AV and it shows the actual meaning of the Hebrew.. 1.Exodus 12:1-2. (KJV) And ETERNAL spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, This MONTH shall be unto you the beginning of MONTHS: it shall be the FIRST MONTH of the year to you. 2.Exodus 12:2. (AV) This NEW MOON shall be unto you the beginning of NEW MOONS (or months): it shall be the FIRST NEW MOON of the year to you. Dan 7:25 And he shall speak words against the Most High [Yahuah Elohim] and shall wear out the set-apart ones of the Most High and think to change the time [of sacred feasts and holy days] and the law What is time, and why does man need time? Nowhere in the universe does the need for time exist, except on our tiny planet. The reason for this is that when YHWH said “let US make man”, He wanted something very specific, and designed a very specific way and time frame for it to unfold. In the same way that a race has rules, participants, and a specific distance toward a designated prize, so His “family project” has the same. If He merely “made” people to communicate and build relationship they would be called robots. Robots have no choice, they just do. He wanted everyone that would live over a designated period of time to make a decision to be or become His offspring BY CHOICE at some point, and for this reason He gave us our own will. And so, Elohim let the earth, the sun, and the moon have specific interaction in order for us to have a single day. Multiplication of such a day then gives us weeks, months and years. Because He alone controls the universe and movement of all the planets, and because He knows the end from the beginning, He very well knew about all kinds of “hair-splitting”, technicalities and scientific influences that would and could arise over time. During creation, Elohim therefore created a specific time limit for all these things to play out and come into fulfilment. He therefore stated that the time of man on earth would be 120 sets of jubilee years, and 120x50 years=6000 years. This would be the time in which man could determine his own future by his own choices. Elohim also gave the times, seasons, and reckoning of time to the sages to allow us to keep track of things. The reason this is so important for us all, is so that we can live with purpose and hope and become part of the developments on earth. It is designed for us to understand, and to carry across to our children and grandchildren. It helps us to be anchored and keep our eyes on the heavens and the greater creation with wonder. It is meant to constantly reaffirm to the generations that there IS a divine power that keeps everything in check and in place. My personal question to Elohim was why He wanted man to do the “calendar thing” specifically in THIS manner? His gentle answer shook my world. He said that if man had to wait every month to observe the renewed moon before he announced a new month, he would have to limit his micro planning to a monthly basis. If he had to wait for the barley to be aviv before he announced a new year, he would be limited to one year for medium term planning. If he would then have interest in the future beyond that, he would have to enquire of Elohim for knowledge and wisdom. This system would cause man to maximise his time between new work, maintenance and family. He further explained that due to His design, the decisions on whether months would have 29 or 30 days, and years would either have 12 or 13 months, it allows Him Sovereignty to stretch or shrink seasons as required. For instance, He explained: If I said to you something would happen in 10 years’ time, you would not know how many 29 or 30 day months, or how many 12 or 13 month years there would be. You would only count the years. The same would be for governments and kings. The problem for man arose when the fallen kings of Babylon started to disregard My ways and turned to the sun for sun-god worship and time. They also turned to their fallen angel masters for wisdom. They designed a FIXED month and year solar-based calendar according to a different recipe and design. In this calendar there was very little room for adjustment, and it allowed man for the first time to plan decades and centuries ahead. In this manner man could set long term plans, budgets, and goals. It allowed him to take personal control over the way he designed the planet’s structures towards a one world government. I then asked Him what if we missed something or time gets lost somewhere…or what if someone’s counting was wrong somewhere? He simply replied that those little things are His responsibility, and He knows and upholds all things. His Ruach travels across the earth and searches the hearts of men…and knows the intent threof. It was for this reason that Yahuah gave Moshe (Moses) fresh instruction regarding the reckoning of time for the Israelites that came out of Egypt. They were free again after 400 years, and had to learn the ways of their Elohim again. The refreshment included time reckoning, and new key markers for long term events to come. These were YHWH’s feasts which would each inaugurate new dispensations and seasons for the planet. Instructions have remained the same since creation. When the sliver of the renewed moon was and is visible at sunset, then the new month has arrived. If not, the new month would start tomorrow at sunset. If it was the season for barley, and the barley was and is found to be aviv (ready/ripe) before the renewed moon of that month, a 13th month would not be counted. If otherwise, the new year would start one month later. (For those who do not have understanding of His feasts, please message us with your e-mail address for relevant documents and include the word “feasts”). I am reminded of a story I heard some years ago. A grandfather was walking his grandson to school early mornings in central London. They had to cross the Thames and pass by Big Ben along the way. Each morning grandpa stopped, looked at the clock, and set his watch. The boy followed every action and one day complained that the looking upward always started to hurt his neck. He then asked his grandpa if it would not have been better if the clock was put at ground level, as it would be much easier then. Grandpa smiled and replied: “Yes, my son. Surely it would be so. But it would also happen that each man passing by would rather set the clock to his own watch”. On asking why, grandpa said: “For that is what men do”. This pretty much says everything, doesn’t it? Now, what should we do with all the different opinions flooding our mailboxes? What about the new technology and scientific research recalculating all the Scriptural calendar, and constantly varying by days and weeks - even to modern day biblical calendars? What about orthodox Jews and their different calendar? Well, I ask myself these questions: Is there any mention in the Scriptures that YHWH’s instructions would only be valid until the day technology turned up to show us a better way? Were all the Jews wrong because they did not have this technology? What I have learned is that people who constantly produce more and more options to what the Scriptures teach, have huge difficulty in sustaining sufficient proof when challenged with the rest of what Scripture says on a matter. It is easy to bring research and science into the equation and produce a reasonable argument on the letter, but the totality of Scripture always carries a message for a teachable heart and produces a distinct context too. It is here where too much research and scientific intervention can reach a point where it changes the message, and ignores context. This is also how sects and splinter groups develop over time. Basic Kingdom rules apply here. Each person should ask Father’s Ruach – our Helper – to teach and convict him about every subject. Feeling condemned is not conviction. Conviction is a spiritual event in the spirit man, and even if it demands a difficult decision to be made, the person would feel good about the fact and that more truth has been revealed to him. Do NOT do anything hastily. Trust your Father, Messiah, and His Ruach. Remember the following in the process. The currently increasing time-date-setting dilemma among believers should not go beyond what is proper. Our primary focus and duty is to learn to become more set apart, build the intimacy with our Elohim and Father, and be transformed into the likeness and nature of our loving Messiah Yahushua. The calendar factor is not pivotal to our salvation. It is of assistance for this earthly dispensation. Time will at some point stop to exist, as it is written that at some point after 1000 years of peace under Messiah’s rule the heavens will roll up, while the sun and the moon will be no more. We have to be very, very aware that the calendar and time clock in our present time is the very same one given to Daniel and sealed up for revelation in our days. It is interesting that in THIS calendar - where the last seven years on earth is revealed - there was such an accurate counting process required, that the angel instructed Daniel to start counting not the MONTHS, but THE DAYS from the day that the INSTRUCTION went out in 1947 to make Israel a nation again. Yahushua gave those who walk close to Him a clear indication here when He would return. The day and hour we DO NOT know yet, is because we still don’t know on which day the sliver of the renewed moon will appear. This provides a possible 48hr difference…but it brings us very, very close. He will only come as a thief in the night to those who can’t be bothered and couldn’t care less - unfortunately many believers included. Why do we say so? It is quite obvious that believers who stay entrenched in Babylon are not bothered much about a deeper walk with their Messiah. These ones’ hearts are also more set on the benefits of the Kingdom they deserve and believe for, than committing to the cause of the Kingdom and adopt the life of its citizens. Those who do answer the call immediately start on a path of set apartness, and they have a hunger to straighten out their leavened lifestyles. It is our duty to love all believers into a deeper walk in such a way that people want what we have. Judgment is not one of them. We should refrain from forcing our way and understanding on others. The difference between sharing and imposing is the heart and intention with which it is done. For those wanting a real hot and exciting topic touching the very weeks we live in, we would suggest becoming sufficiently acquainted with the upcoming blood moons. We expect much will be written and shared from next week onwards on this topic. If one compares the events in the Middle East, other global issues and what the Scriptures say about these events in 2014 and 2015, things get very exciting. In spite of so much denial by so many bible scholars and commentaries, it is confirmed over and over again that we are approximately in the middle of Daniel’s 70th week or the last 7 years of this dispensation. Remember also that no man knows it all, and the way I know my Elohim, He has reserved His Sovereign right to reveal key issues in very short time for the trained ears and minds to know and understand. We have entered the one-on-one season with Him likened to a bride and her groom’s private communications. If you would like more information on Daniel’s Timeline and the Blood Moons, please go to the following website: danielstimeline/home.htm The entire video presentation can be watched/downloaded here: youtube/watch?v=GvMGkgJAV44&feature=player_detailpage (Note: This presentation is by far the most accurate and Scripturally correct that we have come across). It is now more than ever far more expedient to develop a clean heart towards Yahuah and all men. It is not our knowledge that impresses Him most, but our hearts’ willingness to be led into all truth…each in our own season. We would like to stress the point that many believers will enter the Kingdom because of their heart condition, in spite of not perhaps possessing high levels of knowledge. Believers who exclude others for lack of knowledge on unimportant discrepancies, might set themselves up for a big surprise. Joe 2:30 And I shall give signs in the heavens and upon the earth: blood and fire and columns of smoke, Joe 2:31 the sun is turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of יהוה. Joe 2:32 And it shall be that everyone who calls on the Name of יהוה shall be delivered. For on Mount Tsiyon and in Yerushalayim there shall be an escape as יהוה has said, and among the survivors whom יהוה calls. Rev 6:12 And I looked when He opened the sixth seal and saw a great earthquake came to be. And the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood. May you and your precious family be blessed with a wonderful, peaceful Shabbat, and we pray that this post blesses you too. With love from Ephrayim and Shulamit in Messiah Yahushua, Amein.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 21:24:16 +0000

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