Understanding the Festus Okubor phenomenon. So much is being - TopicsExpress


Understanding the Festus Okubor phenomenon. So much is being said in recent times about Delta state and the jostle for who succeeds the incumbent Governor, Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan who, of course, has left an indelible mark in the sands of time in the governance of the state. The evidences of Uduaghan’s transformation efforts abound for all to see than need repeat here. It is against this background that it has become imperative to add one’s voice to the many talks about who the cap fits to succeed Governor Uduaghan in Delta state. My take is that when the issue is looked at from the main characteristics of effective leadership, which sages have listed as intelligence, integrity or loyalty, mystique, humour, discipline, courage, self-sufficiency and confidence, I dare say that Dr. Festus Goziem Okubor epitomizes these attributes. He is a phenomenon that should be understood. Indeed, Okubor is not profligate, and he understands Delta state very well through his about 16 unbroken years of playing politics at the top level, both as party chieftain, and as an appointee of government that served in various high profile executive capacities. Check out his record in the offices he has been privileged to serve in; it has been spotless and above reproach. Upon leaving any of the offices, he leaves with eulogies from staff for the positive impact he made, and the valuable legacies left behind. As one of the founding fathers of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in the state, Dr. Okubor is well-informed about the demands and expectations of the founding fathers for the office of the governor. He understands that the expectation of PDP is that of a governor that must play a role of value in serving the peoples of the State and Nigeria, diligently and dedicatedly to uncommon, superlative accomplishments. Indeed, he has the charm, the charisma, the style and panache to deliver. Prince Abugo, a public affairs commentator, writing in Vanguard of Monday, April 28, 2014 stated: “Who succeeds uduaghan cannot be an exception. He must have been with the PDP from the beginning and contributed to progress in the State without soiling his hands. Somebody with a listening ear, humble, accessible and has respect for elders of the State.” I dare to say that the load of attributes weaved into the cap that Abugo painted above, which the aspirant seeking to succeed Uduaghan in 2015 must possess fits no other but Dr. Festus Goziem Okubor. Certainly, Okubor is a systems man that has been there from the inception of Uduaghan’s administration. A man of rare humility, served Uduaghan’s administration beginning with the appointment as Chairman, Delta state Hospital Management Board, one of the key agencies involved in birthing and concretising Uduaghan’s vision of human capital development in the health sector. Besides, none of the governorship aspirants in the State today can beat his record of loyalty, dedication and commitment to party ideals, decisions and vision. To every party cause and decision, he has always aligned, as he will not do anything to betray the cause of the party be it at the local government, state or federal levels. Just as he has not been noted to treat party elders with scorn and disdain, but treats them with high regards and appreciates them. What the foregoing points out is that Dr. Festus Goziem Okubor is a governorship aspirant that can be trusted. At a recent political event at Agbarho, Delta state, the Delta Central Political Movement (DCPM) led by the indomitable Olorogun Olori Magege, easily one of the foremost and committed student union leaders in the annals of student unionism in Nigeria said: “For several years now, we have been searching for the person who possesses the leadership traits, character and hand on cognate knowledge of governance. We have found one and we recommend him. Dr. Festus Okubor, a guru in the art and science of government and a politician per excellence. As a local government chairman, he acquired the knowledge of government at the grassroots level. As commissioner in two ministries; health and information he honed the skill of managing government resources for maximum mandate delivery. As the Director of Protocol, Government House, he learnt how to manage a governor’s scarcest resource: TIME, and as chief of staff, Government House, he learnt practical governance at very close quarters. To date, Dr. Okubor has put in more than 15 continuous years in the art and science of practical government in all its ramifications. In party politics, he was the first National Publicity secretary of the defunct Grassroots Democratic Movement (GDM). He was also Deputy Director General in the PDP Campaign council in the 2011 elections. He is a shaker and mover in PDP in the state and in the nation.” Magege and DCPM, a political movement committed to building bridges across all ethnic divides in the state, understands and acknowledges that Okubor as a human being possesses all the emotions common to humble men. He then declared: “We commend Dr. Okubor to you as first among equals not because he is from Delta North, but because he is eminently qualified as a Deltan to lead us as the next governor of Delta state.” As one that has worked closely with Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan, governor of Delta State, Okubor once told a group of journalists in Asaba that Dr. Uduaghan is the most under-stated governor, in terms of achievements, and the best governor today in Nigeria because of his great effort and the enormous achievements made, and most importantly in affecting the lives of Deltans in an irreversible manner. The import of this statement by Okubor is that it is an assertion by one who recognizes the fact that whoever succeeds Uduaghan will run into trouble if he tries to reverse the people oriented policies and programmes put in place by Uduaghan. That Okubor understands this much should be a plus for him and place him in a better stead to succeed Uduaghan. The point must however be made that Okubor has developed over time, through a consistent process of self- study, education, training and experience. This human activity in him comes from the heart and considers the hearts of others. He is selfless, patriotic; not petty, reliable and dependable, loyal, team player, ever focused, innovative and forward looking. As a bridge builder, Okubor is conversant with Delta state and understands the heartbeat of the various sections and sectors of the State. Above all, he is God fearing and humane. He is the kind of person that should be entrusted to conceive and articulate goals that will take Delta State beyond where Governor Uduaghan will stop in 2015. He is ready to take Delta state out of trivial concerns and unite them in pursuit of issues that their best efforts will produce.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 09:12:54 +0000

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