Understanding your Gift from a Kingdom Perspective! This - TopicsExpress


Understanding your Gift from a Kingdom Perspective! This morning the lord spoke to my heart that many are out to make a name for their self and to open doors for their self but ministry is not about being known or becoming popular or making room for yourself because the bible plainly says that your gift shall make room for you and bring you before great men, God will open doors for you that no man can shut and cause you to walk through those doors by his spirit to bring his name glory and honor. The miracles that Jesus done glorified His father in heaven, he never did any work or ministry to please his flesh but only to please his father, John 8:28-29 KJV Then said Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am he, and that I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things. And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him. The ministry of Christ was one of serving others and bringing salvation into the world, he was the king of kings and lord of lords but he was obedient to his father in heaven and carried out his will in replace of his own will, even in his most difficult moments in Gethsemane right before he would face persecution and future death he stated to his father, if it be your will lord let this cup or experience pass from me and then he says nevertheless not what I will but as you will, In other words father let your will be done in my life, even though I must suffer and deny my flesh and be persecuted by many who hate me for sport and are out to kill me, I must still stay submitted and fulfill my destiny in you God! The doors that open for us are not always the most easy ones to walk through but God has engineered you and designed you specifically for a special assignment that only you can complete through his grace. Doors open up for us as a result of the destiny that is on our lives, so therefore every mans door will be different which means we all have a different measure of grace or metron and measure of rule that has been bestowed upon us by the grace of God to operate and function in different spheres of influence, so as we wait on our ministry and our ministering according to the Apostle Paul in Romans 12:6-8 we can be sure that he that has began a good work in us shall also perform it and bring forth much fruit through the work which shall be for the advancing of the kingdom of God. Ministry is not about you or me, it never has been or never will be but has always been about the king and his kingdom, we can not mix our American dream into what we are building as a Church and mix the worlds agenda in place of the mandate that God has for his Church, we must not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds, as apostolic people (sent ones) we must build by the blue print of Jesus Christ so that his church will look and become exactly how he wants it to be in the earth which is holy and without spot or blemish totally washed in the blood of Jesus Christ! The lord will make room for us when everything and everyone around us fails us the lord is faithful to stick by his promises over our lives which ultimately opens doors for us to Carry out his purposes and plans in the earth. The lord will cause our gift to bring us before great men and women from all nations and spheres of influence so that we may win them over to his kingdom, new relationships will develop as a result of us being who we are in Christ and taking radical leaps of faith which will lanch us into new dimensions of grace and will by faith open new doors of opportunity and harvest by the spirit of God and the kingdom of God will expand into new nations, new spheres of influence and new Churches will be planted with a goal and heart to reach the lost and to overcome lostness in all the world by the preaching and teaching gospel of Jesus Christ. Fear will dismantle you and paralyze the gift of God in you and thats why we must remember that the lord has not given us the spirit of fear but of love power and of a sound mind. We are empowered by God to walk in dominion and authority with access to the keys of the kingdom of God we can bind on earth what is bound in heaven and loose on earth what is loosed in heaven. We have the power to bind darkness and reveal light through Jesus Christ, if the gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost by their eyes being blinded by the God of this world, when Gods sons rise up they cure spiritual blindness by speaking the word of God, the gospel is the antidote to the blindness that is in the world today. There is no fear in love and the perfect love of God cast our all fear, sons of God walk in dominion and power and cast out the enemy into the deep by the spirit of God! Im believing God that he will make room for his Sons not to become celebrities or to chase the American dream or to be in competition with each other but to win souls that are lost and that are hopeless without any vision and destiny, the harvest is ready but they laborers are few I prophesy may many laborers come forth who have denied their self and have taken up their cross of experience and vow to follow Jesus Christ all the days of their life with an expectancy to see Change in the world. My Gift shall make room for me to bring forth change. Shalom! Written by Shannon Wingate Apostle at New Generation Church.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 10:30:46 +0000

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