Undertaker > Mr S Cowell, the x-factor judge! 1st things 1st - TopicsExpress


Undertaker > Mr S Cowell, the x-factor judge! 1st things 1st simon ill be honest upfront&get to the point! The undertaker ere is not an xfactor fan&never watches the show, ask luis walsh. Was up at grove hq ere for sat night grub after vigil church service there! According too brother of destruction kane gallen, whos obviously more easily pleased in the entertainment aspect of things than the undertaker ere is says its the x-factors finals tonight &will be watching it with mum, i dont know, you tell me mr cowell? Anyways mr cowell dont know if it were a mix up in records but look what a courier delivery man threw too the undertaker here the other day, a custom HAF (high air flow) X-Factor style xl-atx gaming chassis tower! As iv said mr cowell im not an x-factor fan so i never entered any xfactor open competitions so cant understand how the undertaker ere ended up receiving a custom designed x-factor gaming chassis? Was it meant for my neighbours two doors down from me who are xfactor fans, you tell me? Hmm, suppose at this time of year mr cowell as large uk trading chain tescos motto says, every little helps! Luckily though mr cowell as a pc gamer for 15odd years now i did happen to have a few technical vital pc organs that can be mounted into the x-factor style pc chassis &build up a second studio 2 ROG (republic of gamers) sli pc gaming suite so all is not that bad in this technical competition error mr cowell, the undertaker ere will graciously accept that x-factor style, sponsored high air flow pc chassis! Guess its just a matter of the undertaker ere getting down too business tomorrow &start building the highend hardware pictured alongside the x-factor tower in the second pic &getting it put together! Sure ill keep yea posted Mr Cowell how things go&are getting along when i get the ROG gaming rig put together! So on a final note mr cowell, hats off &thank you &the x-factor team for the x-factor sponsored pc gaming chassis! Its just a matter now of putting all together inside the chassis &firing her up! It will make a sweet secondary gaming studio available at the undertakers fort ere in hells gate:) Although the undertaker here is not an x-factor fan &wont be watching the finals good luck too all the finalists tonight Simon &may the best performance win, best of luck too them! Guess its game on in two ways then mr cowell, for the finalists tonight in the x-factor final &for the undertaker ere gaming wise in due course, ill keep yea posted &cheers meantime mr cowell, game-on!!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 21:23:15 +0000

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