Undoubtedly this Post will draw the usual bigots out of the - TopicsExpress


Undoubtedly this Post will draw the usual bigots out of the woodwork who violently disagree with what George Galloway has to say, but the truth is I doubt whether the majority of them have actually listened to his words before condemning him for being a traitor etc. etc. However regardless of your views, be they Left, Right or indifferent, there is a far greater issue at stake here than mere party politics - it is the issue of Free Speech! When an elected representative of the British Parliament is attacked and beaten in the street for expressing his views on any subject whatsoever, this country is heading down a very slippery slope. Any sensible thinking person can see the danger in this (except possibly the morons who shout about He should be shot etc), and would be naturally worried for the future of our Democracy - if we have one left! So what do our High and Mighty leaders do about it? - sweet F all, is the answer to that. Galloway is right in what he says, if the attack had been carried out by a Moslem on a Right Wing MP who strongly supported Israel (as most of them do), all hell would have broken out, in parliament and on the streets. The Prime Minister himself would have lead the condemnations of this act of Terrorism and its threat to the country, but not a peep, not a single whisper escaped from Camerons well fed lips. The EDL and others would be marching and causing mayhem in Islamic areas. But nothing - not a word. Why? Because the thug was not a Jihadist Muslim, but a Jew dressed in the uniform of the Israeli Defence Forc,e who had earlier in the day made threats to kill George Galloway. Have we really reached the stage in this country where as long as a crime is committed in the name of Zionism it is acceptable? Is the British Parliament really a limp little poodle to the New Master Race - Judaism?
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 17:19:36 +0000

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