Unemployment Dropped to Lowest since 2008 under Gov. - TopicsExpress


Unemployment Dropped to Lowest since 2008 under Gov. LePage! Governor’s efforts to improve economy are working for Mainers. Governor Paul R. LePage pointed to declining unemployment rates in September and October as evidence that his economic policies are putting more Mainers back to work. The unemployment rate fell to 6.9% in September, and then dropped to 6.7% in October. According to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, 3,800 more Mainers were employed in October 2013 than in October 2012. The recent federal government shutdown delayed the release of unemployment numbers by over a month. “We have been working hard for three years to improve the business climate in Maine so our companies can do what they do best: create jobs,” said the Governor. “We have reduced taxes, cut red tape, streamlined regulations and made fiscally responsible decisions to right-size government. All of these factors make Maine more competitive in attracting and retaining jobs.” While the national unemployment rate is still well above seven percent at 7.3%, Maine’s unemployment rate in October fell to its lowest since 2008. “The nation’s unemployment rate remains high because of the broken system in Washington, D.C., which has resulted in an unprecedented $17 trillion of debt, unbalanced budgets, high taxes and uncertainty in the marketplace,” said Governor LePage. “Now Obamacare is crushing small businesses and the middle class. These job-killing efforts are the exact opposite of what a government should be doing to increase employment.” “Career politicians don’t know how to create jobs,” the Governor added. “I spent my entire career in business, and I understand what companies need to succeed. When businesses succeed, Maine families benefit from the good-paying jobs they provide.” The Governor highlighted the world-class companies that have created jobs in Maine over the past few months, including Barclaycards, Irving Forest Products, Ameridial, Eimskip, Tempus Jets, Maine Wood Products, Molnlycke Health Care and many others. “These companies recognize the great strides our administration has made to transform Maine state government from an adversary into a partner with a ‘can do’ attitude that moves at the speed of business,” said the Governor. “Our pro-growth, pro-business policies have made it easier for them to create more jobs for Mainers.”
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 20:37:11 +0000

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