*Unexpected* - Part 11 #Enjoy YoungJae: here he is, he’ll get - TopicsExpress


*Unexpected* - Part 11 #Enjoy YoungJae: here he is, he’ll get better if he took a rest YongGuk: (come closer without saying a word ……… *shocked*) YoungJae & you: (just stay still looking at them sad) YongGuk: (get down on his knees next to the bed where JongUp is laying and hold his hand) …… I am sorry, I wasn’t responsible enough to protect you always :( it’s all because of me ……… JongUp you hear me (tears start to fall) I promise this time I’ll listen to you and stop yelling at you but please don’t leave me alone you are all I have now ……… JongUp wake up let’s go home JongUp~~ get up ……… let’s go home (try to move him to take him with him) You: (go to him running) president stop it, that will just make his condition worst YongGuk: he will come with me home now (tears keep falling) YoungJae: president!! he’ll be fine believe me please calm down YongGuk: HOW CAN I …………… LOOK AT HIM !! YoungJae: I know it’s hard but now you are just hurting yourself :/ YongGuk: I am sorry I yell at you I ……… I can’t stay still now ……… I have to take him to the hospital now You: president!! You can stay with him here tonight; you can’t take him anywhere until he wakes up YongGuk: how do you know? You: I worked as a nurse for 5 months, I’ll take care of him don’t worry YoungJae: you can sleep in my room if you want ^_^ YongGuk: no I’ll stay with him here You: I’ll get more blankets and pillows for you (go to get it) YongGuk: ok thank you so much both of you, if you weren’t here I don’t know what would happen to him :/ YoungJae: he’ll be fine as long as Y/N told you so YongGuk: thank you ^_^ … ……but why she isn’t a nurse anymore?? YoungJae: because she once lost her temper and hit the doctor -_- sometimes she can’t hold herself back YongGuk: O.O huh??!! YoungJae: but now she changed she start controlling herself, don’t worry ^^’ YongGuk: ok that’s good ^^ You: (come in) here I got you blankets to warm you up, at night it gets cold ^^ YongGuk: ok thank you again You: sure ^_^ now take a rest you need it ^^ good night sir …………… I mean good night YongGuk: good night for both of you ^^ YoungJae: good night So you and YoungJae get out of the room and close the door than YoungJae: go and sleep in my room ok You: and you YoungJae: I’ll sleep on the couch You: but it’s not comfortable and cold YoungJae: I am use to it don’t worry now go and take a rest it was a long day, and you have work tomorrow You: no I don’t YoungJae: why You: tomorrow the electronics in the company will be tested if it works right to see if it should be replaced or not YoungJae: ahh ok than more rest for you ^_^ good night cupcake You: good night oppa ^_^ even though you don’t have work The next morning you woke up early to make breakfast for YoungJae to go to work ^_^ YoungJae: you didn’t really had to You: it’s ok ^_^ eat well YoungJae: thank you I will heheeh, by the way is JongUp and YongGuk awake yet? You: I don’t know YoungJae: if they are not just don’t wake them up ok ^^ You: ok I won’t, don’t worry YoungJae: I ate well sweets now I have to go You: when will you get back?? YoungJae: by the end of the day or a bit earlier if I end work a bit early You: ok see you soon be careful YoungJae: (on his way out) Nae~^^ You went out after a bit to get todays’ grocery when you get back you found YongGuk coming out of the room You: ohh you already awake sir ^_^ good morning YongGuk: good morning ^_^ You: I already made breakfast have a seat YongGuk: maybe after JongUp wakes up You: he still didn’t wake up YongGuk: I come out actually looking out for you to check if he is getting better!! You: ahh sure You two go to your room (where JongUp is ^^ )after you are done: YongGuk: (waiting for you to say something) You: don’t worry he is getting better ^^ he needs just more rest YongGuk: (relieved) that’s good thank you You: welcome ^^ JongUp: ..... *Next part ...... Tomorrow ^_^ *
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 11:40:30 +0000

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