Unforgettable Day It was in September 2001 when my husband and I - TopicsExpress


Unforgettable Day It was in September 2001 when my husband and I were coming from Trashigang to Paro by bus to attend my late father’s funeral. We were having breakfast at hotel Kuenga in Trongsa after halting a night at Bumthang the previous night. The day started off with a mist in the air and it was quite chilly in the morning. I was half way with my bathup(porridge) when my husband placed some amounts on my lap just enough to pay for the breakfast saying he was going to the bathroom to have a puff of cigarette. No sooner did he go to the bathroom than the bus roared to life signaling its passenger to get inside. I quickly finished off my bathup, paid the bill and went to search for him. But to my astonishment he was nowhere. I requested the driver to wait for few minutes; we waited for more than few minutes but no sign of him. The driver got so impatient and told me to get inside saying he might come in the second bus. Without knowing what to do, I found myself dragging inside the bus. After few minutes away from the town, I again requested the driver to stop the bus and got out. I was in so tensed and couldn’t go on by myself. The 2nd bus was on its way and I tried to stop it to look for him but it dashed in front of me before I could stop it. I was so frustrated, I even cursed the driver. Not knowing what to do, I headed towards the same hotel hoping to find him there but in vain. At that moment I realized that I was such a fool to get out of the bus. I didnt even have a single penny in my pocket. How would I get to Thimphu? Where would I spend the night? I didnt know a single person in Trongsa. The fear of where to spend the night gave me goose bump all over my body. I parked myself on a culvert near the check post preparing myself to ask for a lift if any vehicle passed by but to my disappointment, not a single vehicle came by. As time passed by, the fear inside me grew stronger. I regretted for getting out of the bus, I cursed myself for my stupidity and even cursed my husband for letting me to go through such miserable and pathetic condition. Not knowing what to do I burst into tears. The people passing by stared at me. They might have thought I had gone out of my mind. One of the policemen at the check post might have spotted me crying; he came to me and asked what the problem was. I tried to explain to him but found myself choked with words. He tried to calm me and surprisingly it worked. After few minutes, I was able to speak out everything. He consoled me and even offered to help me out. I felt so relieved and grateful to find someone to help me in the cluster of strangers. After two hours of waiting, a BG Hilux came by, stopping at the check post for entry. Fortunately I got lift in it with the help of that policeman. I thanked him wholeheartedly before I was driven away. At last I could bid Trongsa farewell. Though I was relieved to leave Trongsa, still the mysterious disappearance of my husband lingered in my mind. I looked out of the window glass, lost in my thoughts when suddenly I saw a familiar figure trotting alongside the road in the opposite direction. I requested the driver to stop the vehicle. I got out and called out his name. He turned around and was surprised to see me. He looked so tired and drenched in perspiration. He was about to collapse, despite all these things, he hugged me with tears in his eyes begging sorry for everything. My eyes filled with tears again but this time it was the tear of joy. I couldnt wait to ask for his disappearance. I asked as soon as we got into the vehicle. He explained everything. The reason was so simple and silly at the same time. Sometimes it is so funny that even silly little things can cause a miserable experience. He said he missed the 1st bus in which we were travelling, so fortunately caught the 2nd bus. After an hour later, he was able to catch the 1st bus but to his disappointment he found I was left at Trongsa. So having no other option, he returned to Trongsa by foot since not a single vehicle passed by and that was his share of the day. At last we were able to catch the bus at Nobding, took out all our belongings, and uploaded them in the hilux. Finally we reached to our destination with such a bitter and ridiculous experience in a day of our life.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 14:39:18 +0000

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