Unfortunately, Darth Cognus loses to Darth Vader. Apparently her - TopicsExpress


Unfortunately, Darth Cognus loses to Darth Vader. Apparently her Ikotchi precognition could not see far enough into the future to defeat the Empires Fist. Match 3 of Round 1: Lord Vitiate vs Darth Andeddu! Vote for your favorite between the two by clicking LIKE, COMMENT, or SHARE on the PICTURE of the character you want to see win. I will not tally votes that only comment their name on the status here, it must be done after clicking on the picture of the character you prefer. The Sith Emperor was a Dark Lord of the Sith who reconstituted the Sith Empire after its destruction in the Great Hyperspace War and went on to rule it for over 1300 years. Born in 5113 BBY as Tenebrae, the illegitimate Sith son of Lord Dramath of Medriaas and a poor farm woman, the child who eventually became the Emperor killed his own father at the age of ten and was granted the title of Lord Vitiate by the then–Dark Lord Marka Ragnos three years later. Vitiate renamed his world Nathema and ruled it for the next century, content to exclude himself from Sith power struggles and even the Great Hyperspace War when the Galactic Republic destroyed the Empire in 5000 BBY. Summoning the remaining Sith Lords to Nathema with the promise of salvation from the Jedi, Vitiate turned on his fellows and used their strength to perform a ritual that made him immortal, at the expense of every living thing on Nathema. Shedding his identity as Lord Vitiate, the self-proclaimed Sith Emperor led the scattered survivors of the Empire on a twenty-year odyssey into the Unknown Regions, where he established a new Sith Empire on the lost colony world of Dromund Kaas. He delved deep into the mysteries of the dark side of the Force as his people built a new civilization and expanded the Empires domain over the next thousand years. His life prolonged through the power of the ritual, the Emperor sought a way to repeat the same feat of Sith magic on a galactic scale. However, doing so required a war—war that would destroy civilizations and fuel his power so that he could consume everything in the galaxy and become like a god. Darth Andeddu, also referred to as the Immortal God-King of Prakith, was an ancient humanoid male who reigned as Dark Lord of the Sith, and was dubiously thought of as the forebear of the Darth title. A paranoid man, Andeddu believed that his subordinate Sith Lords—whom he regarded as his enemies—wanted to claim his vast collection of Sith lore and ritual for themselves. He was eventually betrayed and overthrown by his followers, forcing him to flee the planet Korriban for the Deep Core. Andeddu made the world of Prakith his domain where he ruled for centuries as a deity until his physical demise, at which time he entombed himself in an attempt to deprive his pursuers of the power they sought to steal. Prior to his physical death, Andeddu stored all of his wisdom within a holocron which also contained his most arcane secret: the ability to cheat death by transferring ones essence into another vessel. A Sith cult founded by Lord Andeddu called the Malevolence constructed a temple in reverence of their Dark Lord, and guarded the fortress for generations in anticipation of the God-Kings return. - Admin Darth Malak
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 00:29:50 +0000

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