Unfulfilled Promises Episode 21 “Now that you know your - TopicsExpress


Unfulfilled Promises Episode 21 “Now that you know your parents are aware of her visit, don’t do what you guys normally do in her house.” Boma advised in a teasing manner. “We don’t do anything in her house. What are you insinuating?” he asked buttoning his shirt. “A handsome guy like you, a beautiful girl like her, tell me something else.” “For crying out loud Boma, I’m just sixteen and she is just fifteen!” he protested. “And Jesus died at the age of thirty three.” she put in as a matter of fact. Eric just stared at her. “What has that got to do with the issue at hand?” “Yeah well…” She shrugged. “Okay, maybe it doesn’t relate with what was just said. What I’m trying to say is that no one is too young to taste the forbidden fuit. Joleen, my elder sister lost her virginity at the age of twelve…ooops! Pretend you didn’t hear that.” she put a hand to her mouth. Eric burst into laughter and walked to the door smiling brightly. “Come on, handsome. Promise me you won’t tell anyone. Let this be our little secret.” “Lets see,” Eric pretented to think with a finger underneath his chin. “Little secret number thirty four? How much?” He held out his hand, grinning. “Cash or kind?” she questioned, rolling her eyes at him. “Both.” Eric smiled mischievously. “Alright, spoil sport. I’ll think of something.” “You better do. ‘Cause we don’t want Joleen to know we know her little secret, right?” he remarked sweetly, still smiling mischievously and opened the door. He walked slowly to the lounge. He knew his parents would be in the living room. He still didn’t believe Oleng had come to his house. He was indeed surprised to see her there. She quickly got up when she saw him. Eric had to appreciate Oleng’s mum once again. She knew how to buy good things for her daughter. Oleng was looking drop dead gorgeous as usual in a beautiful top and hip hugging jeans, which brought out her hour glass figure. She wore black ballerinas on her feet and he knew it was some kind of jewellery other than gold and diamond that adorned her neck, ears and wrist. God! Oleng was beautiful. She walked shyly towards him while he just stood in the middle of the room and put his hands in his pockets with an air of indifference. She stopped before him and stared at the thick rug. She thrust out a beautiful hand-made card to him. “I had this made specially for you. I should have given it to you earlier but…i’m sorry I wasn’t there when you were through with your exams….i just couldn’t handle everything then…I…” She was still staring at the rug. She smiled a little. “Zinny told me more than half of the girls in the school hugged you. I don’t blame them though. If I had been there, it wouldn’t have happened…I…won’t you at least take the card from me?” she queried when she looked up at him and he didn’t take it or say anything. He waited for a full minute before he slowly removed his hand from his pocket and took the card. “Thanks.” he quietly said. “I’m sorry.” she apologised and stared at the rug again. When he still didn’t reply, she pleaded in almost a whisper, “Please say something.” “What do you want me to say, Oleng?” he began impatiently. “You hurt me a lot today. For the first time since our friendship began, I was really angry with you. A very special day in my life and my best friend was nowhere to be found. I was surrounded by strangers and few friends but the most important person in my life was not there when I needed her just because she was too sentimental to hang around.” he said each word bitingly. Tears slowly dropped from her eyes. She didn’t know what to say. At the time of her departure, escape had been the uppermost thing in her mind. She hadn’t thought about his feelings. It was when she had gone home and thought of everything before she realized the folly of her actions. It had been too late to go back and Eric had kept rejecting her calls which made her more miserable. She had known she had to see him. She knew she would be in trouble if she got home to meet her mum. She would receive a heavy scolding but she didn’t care. She just wanted to make things right with her best friend. to be continued
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 05:30:05 +0000

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