Ungo ungo sa ta be.. Humans, if subdivided into halves, would - TopicsExpress


Ungo ungo sa ta be.. Humans, if subdivided into halves, would constituent to the human body and the soul. According to metaphysical studies the two (body and soul) are linked together by this life thread called the SILVER CORD. The silver cord is somewhat like a spiritual umbilical cord that connects the body to our soul (which then extends from our etheric body, then the astral body and the mental body). During deep sleep, our soul often wanders away from the human body. It is said that people who are born of normal birth delivery during deep sleep, have the capacity to move away from the physical body at a distance of 50-70 feet. The silver cord pulls back the soul (astral body) back into the physical body. In rare cases, for those who might have encountered near death experiences and dying, the silver cord might have been broken and their soul wanders and may not be able to get back. And of course it could not be documented that the cause of death is this one because not all can see the spirit. However, it is also said that if a person becomes older, or if death is near, the soul (astral body) separates itself from the physical body and the cord breaks making it an irreversible. This is also documented in the Old Testament. In Ecclesiastes 12:6-7 King James Version, the passages stated about the silver cord. This could also be true in some cases like that one in the movie INSIDIOUS. Moreover, i will tell you my experience. I am a nurse. A Carolinian. And I have a third eye. Currently, I am working as an ICU nurse in one of the known hospitals here in Cebu. Let me tell you two stories. One happened while I was a student nurse, and the other was when I was working in the ICU. Part 1. We were in the surgical theater attending to a critical patient. The patient was a victim of assualt and had multiple stabwounds on his chest and his abdomen. It was very busy then. Sme of our classmates were in the theater to watch and our clinical insturctor was at my back, giving supervison when i needed. We were halfway through the explore-lap operation (opening the abdomen and checking of internal organs) when the patient went on to a cardiac arrest. His vitals were going down. Everyone was busy, and the surgeons were getting edgy and irritable. I was afraid the doctor might be mad, so i focused on the things i could do whenever they needed assistance in the instruments. The environment was becoming intense because of the dying patient, when out of an instance, in the middle of the busy scenario, in the corner of the operating room appeared a black silhouette of a man, then another silhouette appeared next to the other.. I am starting to fear what i am seeing. I just stared at the silhouettes, looking at them straight and crying, stucked and frozen. My clinical instructor was shocked with my reaction so i was removed from the operating area and was brought to the side. Naunsa man ka? Ngano nihilak man ka? Hoyyy!!! as my clinical instructor tried to get my attention. I found it hard to open my mouth and i tried to search for words, Naa na sila... Gisundo na sya.. And I cried. Tuo lagi ko.. Asa man sila kunuhay beh, pila man sila?, my classmate poke fun at me. Usa, duha.. as i counted them pointing the silhouettes. Hoi undang na oi, nahadlok na ko., my classmate stopped me and my clinical instructor brought me out of the operating room. I was ashamed for what i did, somehow making a fuzz while operating a patient.. But i know what i saw. That was the last time i ever saw the patient, he was never brought to the recovery room. Part 2. ICU. Census: 1:1. I was a assigned to a 73years old man who suffered from chronic lung disease. Bed-ridden, and on life support for almost three months. Its a new patient load. My previous patient was pulled out from life support. It was a graveyard shift and most of my time i will be with my patient. Doing some routinary checks, medications, medications and loads of medications. Like every ICU, harsh lights is quite not indicated. The room is dimmed, and only the beeping sound and the breathing apparatus of the life support are the only sounds you can hear. It was around past midnight, i turned on the air humidifier, and turn on to the patient to start the scheduled nebulizer. While nebulizing the patient, i reached for my paolo coelhos book to read while waiting. The reading light from the bedside table was enough to lit the area around the patient; so I read facing the patient, when suddenly a hand tapped me on my shoulder. I turned back to see who it was but there was none. I tried to shrug off the thought, but i cant control the shivers in my spines. Right then i knew someone else is with me. So i thought i would keep myself busy, so i stood up and as i turned to my left to go to the nurses station, there i saw face to face my dear patient. Standing right in front of me. He didnt look dead but pretty hell, he looked so scary. I was stuned and paralized, i couldnt move a muscle. He just stared at me right into my eye, and then turn around and walked towards the dark. And i knew then, it was his spirit; he still on bed hooked to a life support. I went to the nurses station to while away what happened. I went back at my patients side to get his vitals and everything seems alright. I read the book again and got sleepy. I decided then to take a quick nap. I woke up to a grunting sound, and stood up and reach towards the patients bed, and tried to listen if it was him who was grunting. But the sound did not came from my patient. But as I moved back to where i am sitting, there i saw beside my patient is an old man standing looking down at my patient. He was looking at his own body, and somehow he knew he will wander off and will never see his body again. He turned back, away from his body and walked straight and gone before he could hit the wall. A few minutes later, i activated Code Blue. And all i hear was the never ending beep sound that came out from the life support machine. SHCP
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 17:25:52 +0000

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