Unit 13, Session 1: Dear Parents, Thank you for continuing this - TopicsExpress


Unit 13, Session 1: Dear Parents, Thank you for continuing this journey of The Gospel Project® for Kids. Our children will grow spiritually more effectively if they are being taught spiritually at home by parents/guardians. This week, our journey takes us to the Northern Kingdom of Israel, created as a result of King Solomon’s sin. King Jeroboam, the first king of the Northern Kingdom, created two golden calves for his people to worship. Needless to say, his kingdom wasn’t starting out very well. The Northern Kingdom was plagued by evil kings who led people away from worshiping the one true God. Baasha (BAY uh shuh), Elah, Zimri (ZIM righ), and Omri (AHM righ) each reigned as evil, sinful kings of Israel. Each king led the Israelites further away from worshiping God. Then Omri’s son Ahab (AY hab) became king of Israel. Ahab was more evil than the kings who were before him! If that wasn’t enough, Ahab married Jezebel, who encouraged him to serve and worship the false god Baal. Ahab built an altar for Baal in Samaria. All the things Ahab did made God very angry. God’s people asked for a king to lead them, but no king led them perfectly. Was there any king on earth who would be faithful? God would send a king from heaven—His own Son—who would lead God’s people back to God. He would be the King of all kings—Jesus Christ. This week read through 1 Kings 16 with your child/ren and discuss why God was so angry with all these kings of Israel? Why is it important to be faithful to God? Who was and is the only perfect King? Also memorize with your children 2 Kings 17:13-14, which is our Key passage for the next several weeks.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 18:58:49 +0000

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