United States Attorney General, Eric Holder, and New York State - TopicsExpress


United States Attorney General, Eric Holder, and New York State Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman, please phone John Bagdasarian at: 718 304 7414. My computers have been hacked by John V. Mcnamee Jr., the President/Secretary/Treasurer of my union, Exhibition Employees Union Local #829, and currently under indictment, and, a defendant, in a suit by The United States Department of Labor, for, prohibited financial transactions, and, misused funds, totaling over fourteen million dollars, in our unions finances. July 23rd, 2013, 9:47 am: I can make submissions to the Rachel Maddow Show through their FaceBook page again. July 19th, 2013: As of 9:50 am, this morning, I can no longer submit items to the Rachel Maddow Show through their FaceBook page. July 14th, 2013, 11:32 pm: Yesterday I went to see the 11:10 am showing of the film, Pacific Rim, at the AMC Empire 25 theater on 42nd Street off of 8th Avenue, a theater I have been going to since they first opened years ago. I arrived at the theater at about 10:00 am, and was met by two members of, security, who told me that I would not be allowed in the theater with my attractive luggage cart and bag. They then ordered me to take my cart across the street to the Port Authority and put it in one of the lockers there until the film was over. We, had words, about this and I left. I then walked back to 34th street and 8th Avenue, and bought a ticket at the AMC Theater at that location, for their 1:45 pm showing of the film, and watched it there. Afterwards, I spoke with a supervisor about a problem with their projection, and went home. I was up, off and on, until about 5:00 am, and went to sleep. When I awoke, a little before 8:00 am this morning, I found that my internet connectivity and, with it, my Vonage internet phone line werent working. At precisely 9:28 am, by my clock, they both returned. The name of Jay Mcnamees and my union is: Exhibition Employees Union, Local #829. July 11th, 2013, 10:01 pm: over the last few days, the, Use Side Switch to: function on my iPad has begun to spontaneously switch from, Lock Rotation, to, Mute, and, tonight, when I posted this statement along with another by Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman, on my FaceBook, News Feed, page, my phone stopped working for a few minutes. July 6th, 2013, 9:22 pm: For a few hours this afternoon, in Penn Plaza Park, a little park on 34th Street, off of 8th Avenue, in Manhattan, I like to go to and play my guitar, John V. Mcnamee Jr. had a man in a red t-shirt, black pants, red socks and black shoes, lie in front of me and pretend to be unconscious. At moments like this, he almost becomes endearing. Jay, if youre reading this, everything that has happened to you, happened because you made it impossible for it not to happen. If you hadnt done the sick, pathetic things you did, and, if you refrain from doing the sick, pathetic things you are plotting now, our Union may have a chance to become the way your father always dreamed it would be. July 2nd, 2013, 4:12 am: 1 leaking, 32oz, Silk Pure Almond Almondmilk container, with its top torn off, 1 crushed, leaking, 12oz., can of Blue Sky Organic Root Beer, and 3 crushed, 64 oz., Hansens. Natural Grape Juices, in 3 different boxes, part of a larger shipment of foodstuffs I had ordered from amazon, were delivered to my house, yesterday afternoon, July 1st, 2013. June 30th, 2013, 1:34 pm: When I opened my iPad today, I found that someone had broken into it and muddled my statement as follows: (Part 1) (Part 1) New York State Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman, please phone John Bagdasarian at: 718 304 7414. On June 9th, 2013, from about 1:15 pm to about 1:45 pm, during a normal web surfing session, a hacker, somewhere on the Internet, took control of my iPad while I was accessing New York State Attorney General Eric Schneidermans FaceBook page. They, variously, caused my display to rapidly zoom into the page, made nonsensical text appear in the address field of my browser, caused the browser to switch randomly to other open tabs and slowed my web access to the point where it was effectively frozen. All of this lasted through numerous restarts until it stopped of its own accord. On June 14th, 2013, the, Post, button on my Facebook, News Feed, page stopped functioning. I first noticed this at a little after 6:00 pm. It is still out as I am writing this at 7:57 pm. June 15th, 2013, 1:44 pm: I can now post a few sentences, but nothing more. June 16th, 2013, 12:28 pm: I can post again. June 16th, 2013, 12:34 pm: I cant post again. June 16th, 2013, 12:39 pm: I can post again. June 16th, 2013, 11:09 pm: I cant post again. June 16th, 2013, 11:22 pm: I can post a few sentences. June 20th, 2013, 12:59 pm: By breaking my larger, complete post into separate sections, I can post everything but the portion of my character references list, following John V. Mcnamee Jr. and Frank Strock. June 20th, 2013, 8:46 pm: I was able to post my Character References tonight. June 20th, 2013, 8:52 pm: I was able to post my entire statement, contiguously, tonight. June 25th, 2013, 7:36 am: Today is the fifth time in the last 30 days, or so, I am without hot water. The first time was for 3 or 4 days. June 25th, 2013, 9:42 am: I have hot water again. June 25th, 2013, 1:24 pm: I can no longer post a comment at Attorney General Eric Schneidermans FaceBook page, and receive the following error message when I try: Please Try Again Later An error occurred. Please try again in a few minutes. June 25th, 2013, 9:16 pm: I still cant post comments at Attorney General Eric Schneidermans FaceBook page. June 26th, 2013, 2:00 am: I still cant post comments at Attorney General Eric Schneidermans FaceBook page. June 26th, 2013, 2:19 am: By breaking my post into 2 parts, I am able to comment again on Attorney General Eric Schneidermans FaceBook page. June 27th, 2013, 12:38 am: From about 6:30 am to about 8:30 am, when I left my apartment, I didnt have hot water today for the 6th time. It was back on when I got home at about 12:30 pm. When I spoke to the super about it in the lobby, he said his was working at 7:00 am. June 27th, 2013 1:05 pm: I can no longer comment at Attorney General Eric Schneidermans FaceBook page. (Part 2) My computers have been hacked by John V. Mcnamee Jr., the President/Secretary/Treasurer of my union, Exhibition Employees Union Local #829, and currently under indictment, and, a defendant, in a suit by The United States Department of Labor, for, prohibited financial transactions, and, misused funds, totaling over fourteen million dollars, in our unions finances. dol.gov/ebsa/newsroom/2012/12-405-NEW.html The United States Department of Labor US Labor Department sues trustees of IATSE Local 829 retirement and benefit plans to undo prohibited transactions, account for misused funds ...The suit alleges that the defendants violated their fiduciary duties as trustees by engaging in a series of prohibited financial transactions between 2006 and the present. These include the improper transfer of more than $2.9 million in assets from Local 829’s pension plan to the union and its annuity, vacation and hiring hall funds, as well as the improper transfer of at least $240,000 from the pension plan and annuity fund to service providers. Additionally, the defendants allegedly allowed the annuity fund to retain at least $5.9 million in undocumented and inadequately secured loans to fund participants, including Local 829 President John V. McNamee Jr., and they failed to prudently investigate or evaluate the annuity fund’s investment of more than $5 million into an illiquid real estate investment trust. ... This email, if you receive it at all, may have been altered in transit. If you respond to it, I may not receive your message. It is also possible you may receive emails, or other materials, purporting to be from me, I didnt send. dol.gov/ebsa/pdf/12-CV-1511.pdf On October 18th, 2012, my iPod was stolen from my guitar gig bag by an agent, or agents, of John V. Mcnamee Jr. During the evening of October 20th, 2012, while I was walking home from Penn Plaza, at 8th Avenue and 34th Street, in New York City, my gig bag was slashed by an agent, or agents, of John V. Mcnamee Jr. Aside from two guitars, and assorted paraphernalia, I keep my iPad with me in that bag, and they are trying to get to it. On, or about, October 27th, 2012, an agent, or agents of John V. Mcnamee Jr., returned my iPod to my apartment while I was out. Everything seems to be working. I discovered it on October 28th, 2012. On June 9th, 2013, from about 1:15 pm to about 1:45 pm, during a normal web surfing session, a hacker, somewhere on the Internet, took control of my iPad while I was accessing New York State Attorney General Eric Schneidermans FaceBook page. They, variously, caused my display to rapidly zoom into the page, made nonsensical text appear in the address field of my browser, caused the browser to switch randomly to other open tabs and slowed my web access to the point where it was effectively frozen. All of this lasted through numerous restarts until it stopped of its own accord. On June 14th, 2013, the, Post, button on my Facebook, News Feed, page stopped functioning. I first noticed this at a little after 6:00 pm. It is still out as I am writing this at 7:57 pm. June 15th, 2013, 1:44 pm: I can now post a few sentences, but nothing more. The New York Post Year in jail for union $teak louse By BRUCE GOLDING Last Updated: 1:04 AM, February 14, 2013 Posted: 1:04 AM, February 14, 2013 A crooked labor leader got the tab for dining out on his union’s dime: a year and a day in the slammer. John “Jay” McNamee Jr. was also slapped by a Manhattan federal judge yesterday with a $25,000 fine for embezzling $150,000 in union dues while he ran Local 829 of the International Alliance Of Theatrical Stage Employees, which sets up and takes down exhibits at trade shows. Manhattan federal prosecutor Carrie Cohen said McNamee, 53, gorged himself at some of the city’s finest steakhouses about once a week during his seven-year scam, which he began after taking over the union following the death of his father, its previous president. According to his indictment, McNamee blew $85,000 at steakhouses, including Wollensky’s Grill, Wolfgang’s Steakhouse and The Palm. His scheme also allowed him to live large on the Upper East Side, treat his family to lavish vacations, and throw himself a $15,000 party to celebrate his 50th birthday. McNamee’s prodigious spending with union credit cards was uncovered by a Department of Labor audit that led him to resign his leadership post and make restitution in a failed bid to avoid prosecution, Cohen said. McNamee, who filled a courtroom with supporters yesterday, sought probation. But Judge Kimba Wood said she needed to put McNamee behind bars as a message to other union officials who might be tempted to copy his crimes. bruce.golding@nypost nypost/p/news/local/manhattan/year_in_jail_for_union_teak_louse_OXASWZw9lmRGXeZmDtinHJ The New York Post John Bagdasarian 455 West 34th Street, #4D New York, New York 10001 718 304 7414 hmjbag@rcn John Bagdasarians Character References John V. Mcnamee Jr. President/Secretary/Treasurer Exhibition Employees Union Local 829 386 Park Avenue S, Floor 13 New York, NY 10016-8804 Phone: (212) 679-1164 Frank Strock c/o Teamsters Local 807 32-43 49th Street. Long Island City, N.Y. 11103 Phone: (718) 726-2525 Fax: (718) 726-7037 Teamsterslocal807.net Contact Person: Maria Bonaguro ex 136 Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Fred Bestmann 455 West 34th Street, #11A New York, New York 10001 Paul Berman 455 West 34th Street, #5F New York, New York 10001 Roxanne Ziegler and partner 455 West 34th Street, #2B New York, New York 10001 K. Manchester (?), September 23, 2013 455 West 34th Street, #5D New York, New York 10001 Bennet and Monique Cohen 225 Park Place, 5th floor Apartment Brooklyn, New York 11238 Richard Harkness and Jude Calder 230 Park Place, #3E Brooklyn, New York 11238 Sherry Zimmerman 230 Park Place, #6D Brooklyn, New York 11238 Robert Muenz Tax Associate Notary Republic c/o H&R Block 475 Ninth Ave. New York, New York 10018 Phone: 646 473 0366 FAX: 646 473 0484 H&R Block 360 W 31ST ST STE 901 NEW YORK,NY 10001 212-268-5751 Premium Office Accounting/Business Services Myrna (April 1, 2013) Jackson Hewitt 530 E 13TH STREET New York , NY 10009 (212) 387-0804 New York State Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman, please phone John Bagdasarian at: 718 304 7414. On June 9th, 2013, from about 1:15 pm to about 1:45 pm, during a normal web surfing session, a hacker, somewhere on the Internet, took control of my iPad while I was accessing New York State Attorney General Eric Schneidermans FaceBook page. They, variously, caused my display to rapidly zoom into the page, made nonsensical text appear in the address field of my browser, caused the browser to switch randomly to other open tabs and slowed my web access to the point where it was effectively frozen. All of this lasted through numerous restarts until it stopped of its own accord. On June 14th, 2013, the, Post, button on my Facebook, News Feed, page stopped functioning. I first noticed this at a little after 6:00 pm. It is still out as I am writing this at 7:57 pm. June 15th, 2013, 1:44 pm: I can now post a few sentences, but nothing more. June 16th, 2013, 12:28 pm: I can post again. June 16th, 2013, 12:34 pm: I cant post again. June 16th, 2013, 12:39 pm: I can post again. June 16th, 2013, 11:09 pm: I cant post again. June 16th, 2013, 11:22 pm: I can post a few sentences. June 20th, 2013, 12:59 pm: By breaking my larger, complete post into separate sections, I can post everything but the portion of my character references list, following John V. Mcnamee Jr. and Frank Strock. June 20th, 2013, 8:46 pm: I was able to post my Character References tonight. June 20th, 2013, 8:52 pm: I was able to post my entire statement, contiguously, tonight. June 25th, 2013, 7:36 am: Today is the fifth time in the last 30 days, or so, I am without hot water. The first time was for 3 or 4 days. June 25th, 2013, 9:42 am: I have hot water again. June 25th, 2013, 1:24 pm: I can no longer post a comment at Attorney General Eric Schneidermans FaceBook page, and receive the following error message when I try: Please Try Again Later An error occurred. Please try again in a few minutes. June 25th, 2013, 9:16 pm: I still cant post comments at Attorney General Eric Schneidermans FaceBook page. June 26th, 2013, 2:00 am: I still cant post comments at Attorney General Eric Schneidermans FaceBook page. June 26th, 2013, 2:19 am: By breaking my post into 2 parts, I am able to comment again on Attorney General Eric Schneidermans FaceBook page. June 27th, 2013, 12:38 am: From about 6:30 am to about 8:30 am, when I left my apartment, I didnt have hot water today for the 6th time. It was back on when I got home at about 12:30 pm. When I spoke to the super about it in the lobby, he said his was working at 7:00 am. June 27th, 2013 1:05 pm: I can no longer comment at Attorney General Eric Schneidermans FaceBook page. Cćdds (Part 2) My computers have been hacked by John V. Mcnamee Jr., the President/Secretary/Treasurer of my union, Exhibition Employees Union Local #829, and currently under indictment, and, a defendant, in a suit by The United States Department of Labor, for, prohibited financial transactions, and, misused funds, totaling over fourteen million dollars, in our unions finances. dol.gov/ebsa/newsroom/2012/12-405-NEW.html The United States Department of Labor US Labor Department sues trustees of IATSE Local 829 retirement and benefit plans to undo prohibited transactions, account for misused funds ...The suit alleges that the defendants violated their fiduciary duties as trustees by engaging in a series of prohibited financial transactions between 2006 and the present. These include the improper transfer of more than $2.9 million in assets from Local 829’s pension plan to the union and its annuity, vacation and hiring hall funds, as well as the improper transfer of at least $240,000 from the pension plan and annuity fund to service providers. Additionally, the defendants allegedly allowed the annuity fund to retain at least $5.9 million in undocumented and inadequately secured loans to fund participants, including Local 829 President John V. McNamee Jr., and they failed to prudently investigate or evaluate the annuity fund’s investment of more than $5 million into an illiquid real estate investment trust. ... This email, if you receive it at all, may have been altered in transit. If you respond to it, I may not receive your message. It is also possible you may receive emails, or other materials, purporting to be from me, I didnt send. dol.gov/ebsa/pdf/12-CV-1511.pdf On October 18th, 2012, my iPod was stolen from my guitar gig bag by an agent, or agents, of John V. Mcnamee Jr. During the evening of October 20th, 2012, while I was walking home from Penn Plaza, at 8th Avenue and 34th Street, in New York City, my gig bag was slashed by an agent, or agents, of John V. Mcnamee Jr. Aside from two guitars, and assorted paraphernalia, I keep my iPad with me in that bag, and they are trying to get to it. On, or about, October 27th, 2012, an agent, or agents of John V. Mcnamee Jr., returned my iPod to my apartment while I was out. Everything seems to be working. I discovered it on October 28th, 2012. On June 9th, 2013, from about 1:15 pm to about 1:45 pm, during a normal web surfing session, a hacker, somewhere on the Internet, took control of my iPad while I was accessing New York State Attorney General Eric Schneidermans FaceBook page. They, variously, caused my display to rapidly zoom into the page, made nonsensical text appear in the address field of my browser, caused the browser to switch randomly to other open tabs and slowed my web access to the point where it was effectively frozen. All of this lasted through numerous restarts until it stopped of its own accord. On June 14th, 2013, the, Post, button on my Facebook, News Feed, page stopped functioning. I first noticed this at a little after 6:00 pm. It is still out as I am writing this at 7:57 pm. June 15th, 2013, 1:44 pm: I can now post a few sentences, but nothing more. The New York Post Year in jail for union $teak louse By BRUCE GOLDING Last Updated: 1:04 AM, February 14, 2013 Posted: 1:04 AM, February 14, 2013 A crooked labor leader got the tab for dining out on his union’s dime: a year and a day in the slammer. John “Jay” McNamee Jr. was also slapped by a Manhattan federal judge yesterday with a $25,000 fine for embezzling $150,000 in union dues while he ran Local 829 of the International Alliance Of Theatrical Stage Employees, which sets up and takes down exhibits at trade shows. Manhattan federal prosecutor Carrie Cohen said McNamee, 53, gorged himself at some of the city’s finest steakhouses about once a week during his seven-year scam, which he began after taking over the union following the death of his father, its previous president. According to his indictment, McNamee blew $85,000 at steakhouses, including Wollensky’s Grill, Wolfgang’s Steakhouse and The Palm. His scheme also allowed him to live large on the Upper East Side, treat his family to lavish vacations, and throw himself a $15,000 party to celebrate his 50th birthday. McNamee’s prodigious spending with union credit cards was uncovered by a Department of Labor audit that led him to resign his leadership post and make restitution in a failed bid to avoid prosecution, Cohen said. McNamee, who filled a courtroom with supporters yesterday, sought probation. But Judge Kimba Wood said she needed to put McNamee behind bars as a message to other union officials who might be tempted to copy his crimes. bruce.golding@nypost nypost/p/news/local/manhattan/year_in_jail_for_union_teak_louse_OXASWZw9lmRGXeZmDtinHJ The New York Post John Bagdasarian 455 West 34th Street, #4D New York, New York 10001 718 304 7414 hmjbag@rcn John Bagdasarians Character References John V. Mcnamee Jr. President/Secretary/Treasurer Exhibition Employees Union Local 829 386 Park Avenue S, Floor 13 New York, NY 10016-8804 Phone: (212) 679-1164 Frank Strock c/o Teamsters Local 807 32-43 49th Street. Long Island City, N.Y. 11103 Phone: (718) 726-2525 Fax: (718) 726-7037 Teamsterslocal807.net Contact Person: Maria Bonaguro ex 136 Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Fred Bestmann 455 West 34th Street, #11A New York, New York 10001 Paul Berman 455 West 34th Street, #5F New York, New York 10001 Roxanne Ziegler and partner 455 West 34th Street, #2B New York, New York 10001 K. Manchester (?), September 23, 2013 455 West 34th Street, #5D New York, New York 10001 Bennet and Monique Cohen 225 Park Place, 5th floor Apartment Brooklyn, New York 11238 Richard Harkness and Jude Calder 230 Park Place, #3E Brooklyn, New York 11238 Sherry Zimmerman 230 Park Place, #6D Brooklyn, New York 11238 Robert Muenz Tax Associate Notary Republic c/o H&R Block 475 Ninth Ave. New York, New York 10018 Phone: 646 473 0366 FAX: 646 473 0484 H&R Block 360 W 31ST ST STE 901 NEW YORK,NY 10001 212-268-5751 Premium Office Accounting/Business Services Myrna (April 1, 2013) Jackson Hewitt 530 E 13TH STREET New York , NY 10009 (212) 387-0804
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 23:32:11 +0000

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