United States Defense League (USDL) #18 - Sheikh Abu Hassan, head - TopicsExpress


United States Defense League (USDL) #18 - Sheikh Abu Hassan, head of the Fatwa Committee, and former adviser to Al-Azhar issued a “fatwa” to “shed the blood” of the German Girl Dena Milany, who adopted an invitation on Facebook to use the Quran as “Toilet” paper. Sheikh Hassan said that in case it was proved that Dena is responsible for this group, then she MUST BE KILLED, (if it is possible to get access to her). The Terrorist sheik is From Al-Azhar mosque the Most Important mosques In Egypt, And Al-Azhar mosque is responsible of Sectarian strife between Muslims and Christians Copts. **“Use the Quran as toilet paper” gets German girl a fatwa from Al Azhar** by SHEIKYERMAMI on OCTOBER 2, 2009 By Bassam Allen Muslim Fatwa Call to Kill a German Girl (Dena Milany) فتوى ازهرية تدعو لقتل الالمانية ديناميلاني Babelfish translation: Sheikh Abu Hassan, head of the Fatwa Committee, and former adviser to Al-Azhar issued a “fatwa” to “shed the blood” of the German Girl Dena Milany, who adopted an invitation on Facebook to use the Quran as “Toilet” paper. Sheikh Hassan said that in case it was proved that Dena is responsible for this group, then she MUST BE KILLED, (if it is possible to get access to her). Link to Stop Islamization Abu Hassan said for the “Al-Youmalshba” Newspaper: Although this girl is not addressed by the laws of “Sharia – Islamic laws” (because of her different religion), but what she did is “immorality” that could not be replied to it by only insulting. he continues to say: .. and this is because Allah didn’t command us (as Muslims) to insult the believers of other religions, so that they don’t insult our religion (Islam). But she (means Dena) has committed a “crime” that can’t be accepted by any person with a grain of faith. Abu Hassan continued and said that Egypt should address the German state to take all legal action against this “ignorant” girl, because she insulted Islam. the Terrorist sheik is From Al-Azhar mosque the Most Important mosques In Egypt, And Al-Azhar mosque is responsible of Sectarian strife between Muslims and Christians Copts and last Muslim Attacked was before few hours, it Caused Killed one and Three wounded. And From Other Side Dena Milany Said In her Site to the Sheikh Terrorist If You would Like to Kill Me than Come to Germany the German Girl Created the Group because She Took about 130 Killing threats From Muslim Like She Said. and She said in her Group that She hates Islam Not Muslims, she doesn’t hate anyone, and why Muslims are Blaming us? The Saudi Arabian government Damages & Burns Bibles and the Torah Everyday. And there is Some Fatwas Said that you Can use Bible and Torah as Toilet Paper. Soooooo Dont Blame me,Blame Yourselves Muslims…) فتوى أزهرية بإهدار دم الألمانية دينا ميلانى بعد ان عبرت عن رأيها عن القرأن كتب عمرو جاد أفتى الشيخ على أبو الحسن رئيس لجنة الفتوى الأسبق والمستشار السابق لشيخ الأزهر، بإهدار دم الفتاة الألمانية دينا ميلانى والتى تبنت دعوة على الفيس بوك لاستخدام القرآن كورق” تواليت”، مؤكدا أنه فى حال صحة ما نسب إليها فيجب قتلها إذا أمكن الوصول إليها. وقال أبو الحسن لليوم السابع، رغم أن هذه الفتاة لا تخاطب بأحكام الشريعة نظرا لاختلاف ديانتها إلا أن ما فعلته وما تدعو إليه هو “سفالة” لا يمكن الرد عليها بالسباب فقط، لأن الله يأمرنا بألا نسب أصحاب الديانات الأخرى فيسبوا ديننا، ولكنها ارتكبت جريمة لا يقبلها أى إنسان لديه ذرة من الإيمان”. وأضاف أبو الحسن أنه يجب على الدولة المصرية أن تخاطب نظيرتها الألمانية لاتخاذ كافة الإجراءات القانونية ضد هذه الفتاة “الجاهلة” لازدرائها الدين الإسلامى .” . و يجدر الاشارة ان جامع الازهر هو المسؤول عن احداث الفتنة الطائفية في مصر بين المسلمين و الاقباط و التي تسببت اخرها بمقتل قبطي و جرح ثلاثة. و من جهة اخرى اعلنت دينا ميلاني انها لا تكره المسلمين و لكن تكره الاسلام و هي لا تحقد على اي شخص. و قالت “اشعر بالشفقة على المسلمين المساكين الذين هم ضحيه لارهاب شيوخ جامع الازهر الارهابيين. sheikyermami/2009/10/02/use-the-quran-as-toilet-paper-gets-german-girl-a-fatwa-from-al-azhar/
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 23:26:13 +0000

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