United States Senator John McCain just said on tv Ref Russia going - TopicsExpress


United States Senator John McCain just said on tv Ref Russia going in to ukraine is basically like Adolf hitler trying to take Czechoslovakia ECT, Hello Mr Mcain your not world police look after your own home issues and for the record here is USA conflictsMoro Rebellion (1899–1913) United States Sulu Sultanate Moro Victory Rebellion suppressed. Philippine–American War (1899–1902) United States Philippines First Philippine Republic PRA First Philippine Republic Pulajanes Sulu Sultanate Sulu Sultanate Moro Zamboanga Republic of Negros Victory Occupation of the Philippines Dissolution of the First Philippine Republic. Boxer Rebellion (1899–1900) British Empire United Kingdom Russia Japan France France United States Germany Kingdom of Italy Italy Austria-Hungary RHA China Victory Anti-Christian movement suppressed. Occupation of Nicaragua (1912–1933) Part of the Banana Wars United States Nicaragua Germany Soviet Union Victory Occupation of Nicaragua Withdrawal due to Great Depression. Mexican Revolution (1914–1919) Mexico United States Mexico Maderistas Mexico Orozquistas Mexico Villistas Mexico Zapatistas Mexico Carrancistas Mexico Magonistas Mexico Seditionistas Germany Defeat Porfirio Díaz ousted from power and exiled in France Convention of Aguascalientes between revolutionary leaders Mexican Constitution of 1917 enacted Founding of the National Revolutionary Party. Occupation of Haiti (1915–1934) Part of the Banana Wars United States Haiti Germany Victory Occupation of Haiti. Occupation of Dominica (1916–1924) Part of the Banana Wars United States DR Germany Victory Occupation of the Dominican Republic. World War I (1917–1918) France Russia United Kingdom Italy United States Serbia Australia Canada India Japan Belgium Greece New Zealand Romania Portugal South Africa Brazil Germany Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire Bulgaria Azerbaijan Georgia North Caucasus Jabal Shammar Darfur Dervish state Flaggenentwurf 7 Südwestafrika 1914.svg DSWA Flag of the German East Africa Company.svg DOA Flag of Deutsch-Kamerun.svg Kamerun German new guinea flag.svg DNG Victory End of the German, Russian, Ottoman, and Austro-Hungarian empires Formation of new countries in Europe and the Middle East Transfer of German colonies and regions of the former Ottoman Empire to other powers Establishment of the League of Nations. North Russia Intervention (1918–1920) Part of the Russian Civil War United Kingdom United States Canada France France Russia White movement Russian SFSR Defeat Bolshevik victory. Siberian Intervention (1918–1920) Part of the Russian Civil War Japan United States United Kingdom Canada France France Italy Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia Poland Poland Republic of China (1912–1949) China Russia White movement Mongolia Russian SFSR FER MPP Defeat Allied withdrawal Bolsheviks regain Siberia. World War II (1939–1945) Soviet Union United States United Kingdom China France Poland Canada Australia Yugoslavia Greece Denmark Norway Netherlands Belgium South Africa New Zealand India Luxembourg Czechoslovakia Brazil Cuba Mexico Panama Costa Rica Dominican Republic Dominican R El Salvador Haiti Honduras Nicaragua Guatemala Ethiopia Bolivia Colombia Germany Japan Italy Hungary Romania Bulgaria Thailand Kingdom of Iraq Iraq Italian Social Republic RSI Independent State of Croatia Croatia Slovakia Albania Belarusia Hellenic State Turanist Hungary Manchukuo Second Philippine Republic Philippines Flag of the Mengjiang.svg Mengjiang New China Flag of the Empire of Vietnam (1945).svg Vietnam Flag of the State of Burma (1943-45).svg Burma Montenegro India Azad Hind Finland Vichy France Victory Collapse of the German Reich Creation of the United Nations Emergence of the United States and the Soviet Union as superpowers Beginning of the Cold War Puerto Rican revolts (1950) United States PRNP Victory Continued American rule over Puerto Rico. Korean War (1950–1953) Part of the Cold War South Korea United States United Kingdom Canada Turkey Australia Ethiopian Empire Ethiopia Philippines New Zealand Thailand Hellenic Kingdom Flag 1935.svg Greece France Colombia Belgium South Africa Netherlands Luxembourg North Korea China Soviet Union Ceasefire Cease-fire armistice; North Korean invasion of South Korea repelled, UN invasion of North Korea repelled, Chinese invasion of South Korea repelled. Korean Demilitarized Zone established, little territorial change at the 38th parallel border. First Indochina War (1950–1954) Part of the Cold War France South Vietnam State of Vietnam Flag of Cambodia under French protection.svg Cambodia Laos Kingdom of Laos United Kingdom British India United States Flag of North Vietnam 1945-1955.svg Viet Minh Laos Pathet Lao Flag of the Peoples Republic of Kampuchea.svg Khmer Issarak Flag of the Peoples Republic of Kampuchea.svg UIF Defeat Geneva Conference; French Indochina partitioned into four countries. Departure of the French from Indochina. Partition of Vietnam. Air battle over Merklín (1953) Part of the Cold War United States Czechoslovakia Tactical defeat American F-84 shot down. Vietnam War (1953–1975) Part of the Cold War and the Second Indochina War Flag of South Vietnam.svg South Vietnam Flag of the United States (Pantone).svg United States South Korea Thailand Australia New Zealand Flag of Laos (1952-1975).svg Kingdom of Laos Cambodia Khmer Republic Vietnam North Vietnam Viet Cong Viet Cong Flag of Democratic Kampuchea.svg Khmer Rouge Flag of the Peoples Republic of Kampuchea.svg Khmer Issarak Laos Pathet Lao North Korea China Soviet Union Defeat Withdrawal of American forces from Indochina. Dissolution of the Republic of Vietnam. Communist government takes power in South Vietnam. Laotian Civil War (1953–1975) Part of the Cold War and the Second Indochina War Flag of Laos (1952-1975).svg Kingdom of Laos Flag of the United States (Pantone).svg United States Flag of South Vietnam.svg South Vietnam Thailand Laos Pathet Lao Vietnam North Vietnam Defeat Withdrawal of American forces from Indochina. Communist government takes power in Laos. Lebanon crisis (1958) Lebanon United States INM LCP PSP Indecisive Lebanese President resigns Sectarian and political tensions intensify. Congo Crisis (1960–1965) Part of the Cold War United States Democratic Republic of the Congo Congo Stanleyville Congo Simba Maoists Katanga South Kasai Belgium Victory Joseph Mobutu seizes power. Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961) Part of the Cold War United States Cuba Brigade 2506 Cuba Defeat American invasion repelled. Colombian conflict (1964–present) Colombia United States Colombia FARC ELN EPL Ongoing Ongoing conflict. Invasion of the Dominican Republic (1965–1966) Part of the Cold War United States Brazil Honduras Paraguay Nicaragua Costa Rica El Salvador Dominican Republic Dominican Republic PRD Victory Occupation of the Dominican Republic Juan Bosch excluded from Presidency, election of Joaquín Balaguer. War in Bolivia (1966–1967) Part of the Cold War Bolivia United States ELN Victory Defeat of the guerrilla forces. Execution of Che Guevara. Korean DMZ Conflict (1966–1969) Part of the Cold War South Korea United States North Korea Indecisive Return to status quo ante bellum Continued division of Korea Lower tensions until 2013 Korean crisis. Cambodian Civil War (1970–1975) Part of the Cold War and the Second Indochina War Cambodia Cambodia Khmer Republic United States South Vietnam FUNK Vietnam North Vietnam Viet Cong Viet Cong Defeat Withdrawal of American forces from Indochina Communist government takes power in Cambodia Cambodian Genocide. Soviet war in Afghanistan (1979–1989) Part of the Cold War and the Conflict in Afghanistan Peshawar Seven United States Iran Tehran Eight AMFFF Soviet Union DR Afghanistan Victory Geneva Accords Soviet forces withdraw from Afghanistan Civil war continues Communist government falls in 1992 First Gulf of Sidra incident (1981) United States Libya Victory Deterioration of Libya–United States relations. Lebanese Civil War (1982–1984) Lebanon United States France Italy United Kingdom Syria Sudan Saudi Arabia Libya United Arab Emirates LF SLA Israel Lebanon Tigers Militia Lebanon Marada Brigades Lebanon LNM Lebanon LNRF PLO Amal Movement Hezbollah Iran IUM Taif Agreement Christian 6:5 ascendancy replaced by 1:1 representation Muslim prime-ministerial powers strengthened PLO expulsion from Lebanon Syrian occupation of most of Lebanon Israeli occupation of South Lebanon Invasion of Grenada (1983) Part of the Cold War United States Antigua and Barbuda Barbados Dominica Jamaica Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Grenada Cuba North Korea Victory UN condemnation Occupation of Grenada. Action in the Gulf of Sidra (1986) United States Libya Tactical victory Deterioration of Libya–United States relations. Bombing of Libya (1986) United States Libya Victory Deterioration of Libya–United States relations. Operation Earnest Will (1987–1988) Part of the Iran–Iraq War United States Iran Ceasefire United Nations Security Council Resolution 598 UN enforced status quo ante bellum. Second Gulf of Sidra incident (1989) United States Libya Tactical victory Deterioration of Libya–United States relations. Invasion of Panama (1989–1990) United States Panama Panamanian opposition Panama Victory UN condemnation. Persian Gulf War (1990–1991) Kuwait United States United Kingdom Saudi Arabia France Canada Egypt Syria Qatar United Arab Emirates Oman Bangladesh Iraq Victory Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait; Emir Jaber III restored Sanctions against Iraq. Iraqi no-fly zones conflict (1991–2003) Part of the Iraqi–Kurdish conflict United States United Kingdom France Australia Belgium Iraq Jordan Victory No fly zones enforced through airpower. Operation Restore Hope (1992–1994) Part of the Somali Civil War United States Malaysia Pakistan Somalia USC Victory UN humanitarian mandate fulfilled. Bosnian War (1993–1995) Part of the Yugoslav Wars Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia Herzeg-Bosnia Croatia United States Belgium Canada Denmark France Germany Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Portugal Spain Turkey United Kingdom Republika Srpska YPA Serbian Krajina Western Bosnia Federal Republic of Yugoslavia FR Yugoslavia Victory Dayton Accords Internal partition of Bosnia and Herzegovina according to the Dayton Accords Deployment of NATO-led IFOR to oversee the peace agreement Massive civilian casualties for the Bosniak ethnic group. Operation Uphold Democracy (1994–1995) United States Poland Argentina Haiti Victory Reinstatement of Jean-Bertrand Aristide as President of Haiti. Operation Infinite Reach (1998) United States al-Qaeda HUM Sudan NIF Indecisive Osama bin Laden pledges to attack America again. Kosovo War (1999) Part of the Yugoslav Wars KLA Albania AFRK Albania Croatia United States Belgium Canada Czech Republic Denmark France Germany Hungary Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Portugal Poland Spain Turkey United Kingdom Federal Republic of Yugoslavia FR Yugoslavia Both sides claim victory Kumanovo Treaty Yugoslav security forces pull out of Kosovo KLA veterans join the UÇPMB, starting the Preševo insurgency. War in Afghanistan (2001–present) Part of the War on Terror and the Conflict in Afghanistan United States Afghanistan United Kingdom Germany Italy Georgia Poland Romania Turkey Australia Denmark France Iran Northern Alliance Afghanistan Taliban al-Qaeda IMU HI-Gulbuddin HI-Khalis Haqqani network Lashkar-e-Taiba JeM ETIM Afghanistan TTP IEW Afghanistan TNSM IJU Afghanistan Afghanistan Ongoing Invasion of Afghanistan Fall of the Taliban government Destruction of al-Qaeda camps Over two thirds of al-Qaedas leadership demolished Occupation of Afghanistan Establishment of a new Afghan Government and Security Force Taliban insurgency War in North-West Pakistan Killing of Osama bin Laden. Operation Enduring Freedom – Philippines (2002–present) Part of the War on Terror and the Moro insurgency in the Philippines Philippines United States Australia Moro Islamic Front Abu Sayyaf Jemaah Islamiyah Ongoing Ongoing conflict. Operation Enduring Freedom – Horn of Africa (2002–present) Part of the War on Terror and the Somali Civil War United States Djibouti Somalia Ethiopia Sudan Seychelles Kenya AIAI ICU al-Shabaab Hizbul Islam al-Qaeda Ongoing Ongoing conflict. Second Liberian Civil War (2003) Liberia LURD Liberia MODEL Sierra Leone Guinea United Kingdom United States Liberia Victory Charles Taylor exiled to Nigeria Transitional Government of Liberia installed Accra Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed United Nations Mission in Liberia deployed. Iraq War (2003–2011) Part of the War on Terror United States Iraq United Kingdom South Korea Italy Poland Australia Georgia Ukraine Denmark Baath loyalists ISIS al-Qaeda in Iraq Mahdi Army Special Groups IAI Ansar al-Sunnah Iraq Iraq Syria Indecisive Invasion of Iraq Overthrow of Baath Party government and execution of Saddam Hussein Coalition occupation of Iraq Iraqi insurgency and sectarian violence Elections held American withdrawal in 2011 Ongoing insurgency. War in North-West Pakistan (2004–present) Part of the War on Terror Pakistan United States Afghanistan Taliban Afghanistan TTP Afghanistan TNSM al-Qaeda Lashkar-e-Islam IMU Ghazi Force Ongoing Ongoing insurgency Large part of FATA under Taliban control Shifting public support for the Pakistani government. War in Somalia (2006–2009) Part of the War on Terror and the Somali Civil War Ethiopia Somalia TFG Puntland Somalia Galmudug Somalia Sufi groups United States Uganda Burundi Nigeria Ghana Malawi ICU OLF ARS al-Shabaab RKB Jabhatul Islamiya Muaskar Anole al-Qaeda Defeat Islamists re-take Mogadishu & much of southern and central Somalia, including the TFG headquarters at Baidoa, which was seized by al-Shabaab Ethiopian troops withdraw from the country Moderate Islamist leader and ARS-chairman Sharif Ahmed becomes new Somali president Enforcement of Sharia Law by Sharif Ahmed administration. Operation Enduring Freedom – Trans Sahara (2007–present) Part of the War on Terror and the Insurgency in the Maghreb United States Algeria Morocco Mauritania Tunisia Burkina Faso AQIM Ansar Dine Ongoing Ongoing conflict. Al-Qaeda insurgency in Yemen (2010–present) Part of the War on Terror Yemen United States Ansar al-Sharia Ongoing al-Qaeda holds partial control in Yemen. Libyan Civil War (2011) Part of the Arab Spring Libya NLA Qatar United States Bulgaria Belgium Canada Denmark France Greece Italy Netherlands Norway Romania Spain Turkey United Kingdom Sweden Jordan United Arab Emirates Libya Victory Overthrow of Gaddafi government Post-civil war violence in Libya. LRA insurgency (2011–present) Uganda South Sudan Democratic Republic of the Congo DR Congo Central African Republic United States LRA Ongoing Ongoing conflict. World War I campaigns[edit] War or conflicts name(s) Campaign or Theater Opponent(s) Time Conclusion(s) World War I or First World War or Great War Germany Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire Bulgaria April 6, 1917 – November 11, 1918 Armistice with Germany November 11, 1918 Paris Peace Conference 1919 Treaty of Berlin (August 25, 1921) Treaty of Trianon (in part) Allied victory: End of the German, Russian, Ottoman, and Austro-Hungarian empires Formation of new countries in Europe and the Middle East Transfer of German colonies and regions of the former Ottoman Empire to other powers Establishment of the League of Nations Asian and Pacific Theatre Part of World War I Germany 1917 – 1918 Allied victory; Treaty of Versailles European Theatre Part of World War I Germany Austria-Hungary 1917 – 1918 Allied victory; Treaty of Versailles, Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Italian Campaign Part of the European Theatre of World War I Germany Austria-Hungary 1917 – 1918 Allied victory; Treaty of Versailles Western Front Part of the European Theatre of World War I Germany Austria-Hungary 1917 – 1918 Allied victory; Collapse of the German Empire. First Battle of the Atlantic Part of World War I Germany 1917 – 1918 Allied victory; Treaty of Versailles World War II campaigns[edit] War or conflicts name(s) Campaign or Theater Opponent(s) Time Conclusion(s) World War II or Second World War Nazi Germany Empire of Japan Fascist Italy Italian Social Republic Hungary Romania Bulgaria Finland Thailand Manchukuo Croatia Slovakia December 7, 1941 – September 2, 1945 Allied victory: Dissolution of the Third Reich Dissolution of the Empire of Japan Creation of the United Nations Emergence of the United States and the Soviet Union as superpowers Beginning of the Cold War Pacific War Part of World War II Empire of Japan Manchukuo Flag of the Republic of China-Nanjing (Peace, Anti-Communism, National Construction).svg Wang Jingwei regime Second Philippine Republic Thailand India Free India 1941 – 1945 Decisive Allied victory End of World War II: Fall of the Empire of Japan. Continuation of Chinese Civil War. Substantial weakening of European colonial powers, gradual decolonization of Asia (including the Indonesian National Revolution and the First Indochina War) American occupation of Japan, removal of all Japanese troops occupying parts of the Republic of China, retrocession of Taiwan to China, liberation of Korea and Manchuria from Japanese rule, division of Korea, secession of all Japanese-held islands in the Central Pacific Ocean, such as the Marianas Islands, the Marshall Islands, the Caroline Islands, and the Palau Islands to the United Nations, removal of all Japanese troops from the Australian-governed Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, the Admiralty Islands, and the Bismarck Archipelago, seizure of Sakhalin and of the Kuril Islands by the Soviet Union Burma Campaign Part of the Pacific War of World War II Empire of Japan Burma State of Burma Thailand India Free India January 1942 – July 1945 Decisive Allied victory, leading to later Independence of Burma in 1948 Solomon Islands Campaign Part of the Pacific War of World War II Empire of Japan January 1942 – August 21, 1945 Decisive Allied victory New Guinea Campaign Part of the Pacific War of World War II Empire of Japan January 23, 1942 – August 1945 Allied victory Aleutian Islands Campaign Part of the Pacific War of World War II Empire of Japan June 3, 1942 – August 15, 1943 Allied victory Guadalcanal Campaign Part of the Pacific War of World War II Empire of Japan August 7, 1942 – February 9, 1943 Strategic Allied victory Gilbert and Marshall Islands Campaign Part of the Pacific War of World War II Empire of Japan November, 1943 – February 1944 Allied victory Mariana and Palau Islands Campaign Part of the Pacific War of World War II Empire of Japan June – November 1944 American victory Philippines Campaign Part of the Pacific War of World War II Empire of Japan Second Philippine Republic October 20, 1944 – September 2, 1945 Allied victory; Allied forces liberate the Philippines Volcano and Ryukyu Islands Campaign Part of the Pacific War of World War II Empire of Japan January – June 1945 Allied victory Japan Campaign Part of the Pacific War of World War II Empire of Japan February 16 – July 23, 1945 Allied victory Borneo Campaign Part of the Pacific War of World War II Empire of Japan May 1 – August 1, 1945 Allied victory; the Japanese are pushed further from Australia Second Battle of the Atlantic Part of World War II Germany Italy France Vichy France 1941 – 1945 Decisive Allied victory Mediterranean, Middle East and African Theaters Part of World War II Germany Italy France Vichy France Italian Social Republic 1941 – 1945 Allied victory Egypt–Libya Campaign Part of the Mediterranean, Middle East and African Theaters of World War II Nazi Germany Germany 1942 – 1943 Allied forces finally succeed in driving all Axis forces out of Libya Algeria-French Morocco Campaign Part of the Mediterranean, Middle East and African Theaters of World War II France Vichy France Germany (naval participation in Morocco) November 8–16, 1942 Allied victory Tunisia Campaign Part of the Mediterranean, Middle East and African Theaters of World War II Germany Italy November 17, 1942 – May 13, 1943 Decisive Allied victory Sicily Campaign Part of the Mediterranean, Middle East and African Theaters of World War II Italy Germany July 9 – August 17, 1943 Allied victory European Theater Part of World War II Germany Italy France Vichy France Italian Social Republic Kingdom of Hungary (1920–46) Hungary 1943 – 1945 Decisive Allied victory: Fall of Nazi Germany (concurrently with Eastern Front) Fall of Fascist Italy Liberation of occupied countries in Western and Northern Europe Partition of Germany (1945) Naples-Foggia Campaign Part of the European Theater of World War II Nazi Germany Germany Kingdom of Italy Italy (to 8 September) September 3, 1943 – September 16, 1943 Allied victory Anzio Campaign Part of the European Theater of World War II Germany Italian Social Republic January 22, 1944 – June 4, 1944 Operation successful; VI Corps established beachhead; Battle of Anzio followed Rome-Arno Campaign Part of the European Theater of World War II Germany January 22, 1944 – September 9, 1944 German resistance crumbled Normandy Campaign Part of the European Theater of World War II Nazi Germany Germany June 6, 1944 – mid-July 1944 Decisive Allied victory Northern France Campaign Part of the European Theater of World War II Nazi Germany Germany June 6 – August 15, 1944 Decisive Allied victory Southern France Campaign Part of the European Theater of World War II Germany August 15, 1944 – September 14, 1944 Allied victory North Apennines Campaign Part of the European Theater of World War II Germany Italian Social Republic August 25 – December 17, 1944 Inconclusive Rhineland Campaign Part of the European Theater of World War II Nazi Germany Germany August 25, 1944 – March 1945 Allied victory Ardennes-Alsace Campaign Part of the European Theater of World War II Nazi Germany Germany December 16, 1944 – January 18, 1945 Allied victory Central Europe Campaign Part of the European Theater of World War II Nazi Germany Germany Kingdom of Hungary (1920–46)Hungary February 8, 1945 – May 8, 1945 Allied victory Po Valley Campaign Part of the European Theater of World War II Germany Italian Social Republic April 6, 1945 – May 2, 1945 Decisive Allied victory: German surrender in Italy Italian Social Republic disestablished Older conflicts[edit] Dates indicate the years in which the United States of America was involved in the war. War or conflicts name(s) Campaign or Theater Opponent(s) Time Conclusion(s) American Revolutionary War or American War of Independence Great Britain Kingdom of Great Britain Loyalists Iroquois Cherokee Nation Cherokee September 1, 1774 – September 3, 1783 American victory Treaty of Paris Britain recognizes the independence of the United States of America Western Theater Part of the American Revolutionary War American Indians Great Britain 1775 – 1778 Military stalemate, United States diplomatic victory; Spanish Louisiana successfully defended Southern Theater Part of the American Revolutionary War Great Britain 1775 – 1782 Decisive Franco/American victory Surrender of British army at Yorktown Invasion of Canada (1775) or Canadian Campaign Part of the American Revolutionary War Great Britain Kingdom of Great Britain Canadian militia June 1775 – October 1776 American defeat, Defeat of Colonial invasion; British counter-offensive Chickamauga Wars (1776–1794) Part of the American Revolutionary War American Indians Great Britain Cherokee Nation Cherokee Shawnee Seminole Ojibway Creek Chickamauga Meskwaki Miami Mingo Kickapoo Lenape Mascouten Potawatomi Sauk Wyandot 1776 – 1794 Decisive American victory: United States diplomatic victory, American rights in Treaty of Paris successfully defended Britain recognizes independence of the United States and cedes forts and influence in Indian territory. New York and New Jersey Campaign Part of the American Revolutionary War Great Britain Hesse Hesse-Kassel Waldeck-Pyrmont July 1776 – March 1777 New York: British gain control of New York City, British victory New Jersey: Americans lose and then regain control of New Jersey, American victory Philadelphia Campaign Part of the American Revolutionary War Great Britain Hesse Hesse-Kassel Ansbach-Bayreuth 1777 – 1778 British occupation then evacuation of Philadelphia Saratoga Campaign Part of the American Revolutionary War Great Britain Brunswick-luneburg Hesse-Hanau Iroquois Confederation (except Oneida (tribe)s) June 14, 1777 – October 17, 1777 Decisive American victory: Surrender of British army Entry of France into the war Northern Theater Part of the American Revolutionary War Great Britain 1778 – 1782 ???[clarification needed] Gulf Coast campaign Part of the American Revolutionary War Great Britain Choctaw Creek 1779 – 1782 Decisive Spanish/American victory Yorktown Campaign Part of the American Revolutionary War Great Britain Ansbach-Bayreuth Hesse Hesse-Kassel January – October, 1781 Decisive Franco/American victory Northwest Indian War or Little Turtles War or Miami Campaign Western Confederacy Canadian Militia 1785 – 1795 American victory, Treaty of Greenville Quasi-War or Franco-American War or Half War France French Republic 1798 – 1800 Indecisive American victory: End of French privateer attacks on American shipping America neutrality and renunciation of claims against France First Barbary War or Barbary Coast War or Tripolitan War Ottoman Empire Vilayet of Tripoli Flag of Morocco 1666 1915.svg Morocco 1801 – 1805 American victory, peace treaty Tecumsehs War or Tecumsehs Rebellion Tecumsehs Confederacy August – November 1811 American victory, peace treaty War of 1812 or Second War of Independence British Empire Shawnee Red Sticks Ojibway Chickamauga Meskwaki Iroquois Miami Mingo Odawa Kickapoo Lenape Mascouten Potawatomi Sauk Wyandot June 18, 1812 – March 23, 1815 Treaty of Ghent Status quo ante bellum Atlantic Theater Part of the War of 1812 British Empire 1812 – 1815 British blockade of America: Treaty of Ghent Status quo ante bellum Chesapeake Campaign Part of the Atlantic Theater of the War of 1812 British Empire 1813 – 1814 Inconclusive: Treaty of Ghent Status quo ante bellum Great Lakes and Western Theater Part of the War of 1812 British Empire 1812 – 1815 American control of Lake Erie, British control of remaining four lake: Treaty of Ghent Status quo ante bellum Canadian Campaign Part of the Great Lakes and Western Theater of the War of 1812 British Empire 1812 – 1813 Indecisive: Treaty of Ghent Status quo ante bellum American Northwest Campaign Part of the Great Lakes and Western Theater of the War of 1812 British Empire 1813 Inconclusive: Treaty of Ghent Status quo ante bellum American West Campaign Part of the Great Lakes and Western Theater of the War of 1812 British Empire 1813 – 1814 Inconclusive, British maintain control of Fort Mackinac: Treaty of Ghent Status quo ante bellum Niagara Frontier Campaign Part of the Great Lakes and Western Theater of the War of 1812 British Empire American invasion force defeated: Treaty of Ghent Status quo ante bellum St. Lawrence and Lower Canada Campaign Part of the Great Lakes and Western Theater of the War of 1812 British Empire Niagara and Plattsburgh Campaigns Part of the Great Lakes and Western Theater of the War of 1812 British Empire 1814 Inconclusive, Americans regain control of Lake Champlain: Treaty of Ghent Status quo ante bellum Southern Theater Part of the War of 1812 British Empire 1814 – 1815 Decisive American victory: Treaty of Ghent Status quo ante bellum Creek War Part of the Southern Theater of the War of 1812 Red Stick Creek 1813 – 1814 American/Allied Native American victory Second Barbary War or Algerian War Flag of the Ottoman Empire (1453-1517).svg Algiers 1815 American victory West Indies Anti-Piracy Operations Caribbean Pirates 1817 – 1825 American victory First Seminole War Seminole Spain Spanish Florida November 22, 1817 – April 12, 1818 American victory African Anti-Slavery Operations African Slave Traders 1819 – 1861 Atlantic slave trade suppressed by 1861 Callao Affair Spain November 5 – 6, 1820 Spanish vow to punish those responsible for attacks on American shipping. Arikara War Arikara 1823 The Arikara eventually settled with the Mandan and Hidatsa on the Fort Berthold Reservation in North Dakota Aegean Anti-Piracy Operations Greek Pirates 1825 – 1828 United States victory Winnebago War or Le Fèvre Indian War Prairie La Crosse Ho-Chunks, with a few allies 1827 United States victory; Ho-Chunks cede lead mining region to the United States First Sumatran Expedition Chiefdom of Kuala Batee February 6 – February 9, 1832 United States victory Black Hawk War or Black Hawk Campaign Black Hawks British Band, with Ho-Chunk and Potawatomi allies May–August 1832 United States victory Second Seminole War or Florida War Seminole December 23, 1835 – August 14, 1842 3,800 Seminoles transported to the Indian Territory, 300 remain in Everglades United States Exploring Expedition Fiji Samoa Tabiteuea 1838 – 1842 Successful expedition, victory in battle with aboriginals Second Sumatran Expedition Chiefdom of Quallah Battoo December 1838 – January 1839 United States victory, Malays agree to cease attacks on American vessels Capture of Monterey Mexico October 19–20, 1842 United States captures Monterey Battle of Kororareka Māori March 11, 1845 Māori victory Mexican–American War or Mexican War Mexico April 25, 1846 – February 2, 1848 Decisive United States victory: Republic of Texas unites with the United States End of all conflict between Texas and Mexico All claims by Texas recognized by Mexico Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Mexican Cession Texas Campaign Part of the Mexican-American War Mexico 1846 Decisive US victory: All Mexican forces pushed out of State of Texas, Mexican bandits suppressed Conquest of California Part of the Mexican-American War Mexico 1846 – 1847 Decisive US victory: Declaration of Independence of California and establishment of the Republic of California United States annexed the Republic of California All Mexican forces defeated or surrender to US Indian tribal nations recognize US suzerainty Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo New Mexico and Arizona Campaign Part of the Mexican-American War Mexico 1846 – 1847 Decisive US victory: All Mexican forces pushed out of region Territory annexed to the US Indian tribal nations recognize US suzerainty Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Pacific Coast Campaign Part of the Mexican-American War Mexico 1847 – 1848 Decisive US victory Indian tribal nations recognize US suzerainty Mexico City Campaign Part of the Mexican-American War Mexico 1847 Decisive US victory Mexican Cession Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Cayuse War Cayuse 1847 – 1855 United States victory Pitt River Expedition Tolowa Nomlaki Chimariko Wintun April 28 – September 13, 1850 Indecisive Apache Wars Apache Ute Yavapai 1851 – 1900 Decisive American victory, Apaches moved to reservations Bombardment of San Juan del Norte or Bombardment of Greytown Nicaragua July 13, 1854 United States victory, town severely damaged Puget Sound War Nisqually Muckleshoot Puyallup Klickitat Haida Tlingit 1855 – 1856 Indians relocated to Siletz, Grand Ronde, and Coast Reservations Rogue River Wars Rogue River people 1855 – 1856 Indians relocated to Siletz, Grand Ronde, and Coast Reservations Third Seminole War or Billy Bowlegs War Seminole 1855 – 1858 United States victory Yakima War Yakama 1855 – 1858 American victory, peace treaty Battle of Ty-ho Bay Chinese Pirates August 4, 1855 Anglo-American victory First Fiji Expedition Fiji October 1855 United States victory in battle, objective failed Second Opium War or Second Anglo-Chinese War or Second China War Qing Dynasty 1856 – 1859 Treaty of Tianjin June 18, 1858 Utah War United States Utah Mormons Nauvoo Legion 1857 – 1858 Brigham Young replaced as governor of the territory. Territory accepts U.S Federal authority. Navajo Wars Navajo 1858 – 1866 United States victory, Long Walk of the Navajo Second Fiji Expedition Fiji 6–16 October 1858 United States victory Paraguay Expedition Paraguay 1859 Paraguay extended an apology to the United States, indemnified the family of the slain Water Witch crewman, and granted the United States a new and highly advantageous commercial treaty Paiute War or Paiute Indian War or Pyramid Lake War Paiute Bannock Shoshone 1860 United States victory Reform War Mexico Conservatives March 6, 1860 United States victory American Civil War or War Between the States Confederate States of America April 12, 1861 – April 9, 1865 Union victory: Territorial integrity of the United States of America preserved Slavery abolished Seceded states of the Confederate States of America eventually re-admitted to the Union Eastern Theater Part of the American Civil War Confederate States of America 1861 – 1865 Union victory Western Theater Part of the American Civil War Confederate States of America 1861 – 1865 Union victory Lower Seaboard Theater Part of the American Civil War Confederate States of America 1862 – 1865 Union victory Pacific Coast Theater Part of the American Civil War Confederate States of America 1862 – 1865 Union victory Trans-Mississippi Theater Part of the American Civil War Confederate States of America 1862 – 1865 Union victory Bombardment of Qui Nhơn or Cochinchina Campaign Early Nguyen Dynasty Flag.svg Nguyen Dynasty July 31, 1861 United States victory, fort silenced Dakota War of 1862 or Sioux Uprising or Sioux Outbreak of 1862 Pine Ridge Flag.svg Dakota Sioux August 17 – December 26, 1862 United States victory Colorado War Cheyenne Arapaho 1863 – 1865 United States victory Battles for Shimonoseki Chōshū Domain July 20, 1863 – September 6, 1864 Decisive Allied victory Snake War Paiute Bannock Shoshone 1864 – 1868 United States victory Powder River Expedition or Connor Expedition Sioux Cheyenne Arapaho 1865 United States victory; raids along Bozeman trail stopped Red Clouds War or Bozeman War or Powder River War Lakota Cheyenne Arapaho 1866 – 1868 Indian victory: Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868) Creation of the Great Sioux Reservation (including the Black Hills). Comanche Campaign or Comanche War Cheyenne Arapaho Comanche Kiowa 1867 – 1875 United States victory Formosa Expedition or Taiwan Expedition of 1867 Paiwan June 1867 United States objectives failed Korean Expedition or Shinmiyangyo Joseon Dynasty June 1, 1871 – July 3, 1871 United States military victory, United States diplomatic failure; Korean-American Treaty of Amity and Commerce Modoc War or Modoc Campaign or Lava Beds War Modoc July 6, 1872 – June 4, 1873 United States victory Red River War Cheyenne Arapaho Comanche Kiowa June 27, 1874 – June 1875 United States victory; end to the Texas-Indian Wars Black Hills War or Great Sioux War of 1876–77 or Little Big Horn Campaign Lakota Northern Cheyenne Arapaho 1876 – 1877 United States victory Nez Perce War or Nez Perce Campaign Nez Perce 1877 United States victory Bannock War or Bannock Campaign Bannock Shoshone 1878 United States victory Cheyenne War or Cheyenne Campaign Cheyenne 1878 – 1879 United States victory Sheepeater Indian War Shoshone 1879 United States victory White River War or Ute War or Ute Campaign Ute 1879 – 1880 United States victory Pine Ridge Campaign or Ghost Dance War Sioux November 1890 – January 1891 United States victory Second Samoan Civil War Mataafans 1898 – 1899 Mataafan victory, Mataafa Iosefo becomes high chief of Samoa; United States acquires American Samoa, Germany acquires German Samoa Spanish–American War Spain April 25 – August 12, 1898 United States victory: Decisive United States victory Treaty of Paris Spain relinquishes sovereignty over Cuba, cedes the Philippine Islands, Puerto Rico, and Guam to the United States for the sum of $20 million Caribbean Theater Part of the Spanish-American War Spain 1898 US victory Cuban Campaign Part of the Caribbean Theatre of the Spanish-American War Spain 1898 US victory Puerto Rican Campaign Part of the Caribbean Theatre of the Spanish-American War Spain 1898 Militarily inconclusive, Spain cedes Puerto Rico in accordance with the accords of the Treaty of Paris of 1898 Pacific Theater Part of the Spanish-American War Spain 1898 US victory Guam Campaign Part of the Pacific Theatre of the Spanish-American War Spain 1898 United States victory: United States captures Guam Philippine Campaign Part of the Pacific Theatre of the Spanish-American War Spain 1898 Expulsion of the Spanish colonial government during Spanish–American War (1898) See also[edit]
Posted on: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 22:55:07 +0000

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