United States and OBAMA Have Sduced the Caribbean away, from - TopicsExpress


United States and OBAMA Have Sduced the Caribbean away, from Failling Trotskyist Petrol of Venezuela, by doing a whole Talk on Caribbean OIL, and Stability, for the FUTURE and NO RIOTS on the ISLANDS if you Join, and the Caribbean Islands seeing the end of Venezuelan Very Cheap OIL, in Exchange for Black Beans and Rice to Feed VENEZUELA, in Last Year, and a 96% Rise in Basic Foods Prices for the Poor, that the Minimum Wage has NOT kept up with at all, Plus only 75 Days of Food left in Country and NO DOLLARS to buy more, and if you dont Feed the Army and MILICIA FIRST (They all got a New Car and 45% Rise, to Shoot Pensioners I suppose, who only got 15% Rise in the Last Payrise by Maduro Decree) and Refined Petrol Running out as Dollars to Pay ARUBA Refinary Run out, and FIRESTONES say they run out of Rubber for Tyres,as Water Trucks Working Overtime as Plastic for Bottles has Failled, and Now the Trucks with Water Need Tyres to carry the Water have Parts Problem and the Communist Ministries of VENEZUELA, Fail the People with Centralised Command Economy which is Great in Wartime if you are Eficient, but Six Times as Bad if you are NOT, as a Bad Decion goes down the Line and end up Planting Rice in a Waterless Desert, Like Stalin Found out in the UKRAINE, and Starved Four Million on the Expropritaed Collective Farms, and had to go back to Capitalisim for a Year, then Back to Communisim and Killed 38 Million of his own People Making HITLER BUTCHERS BILL Lower in the Dictators Stakes! Maduro should Resign and allow Elections or be Picked up as a Colombian Subject (Which He is Pastrana Ex Presedent of Colombia Says) but Santos the Colombian Presedent Today Kept the Birth Cerificate, to Blackmail Maduro and Get the FARC and ELN out of the Jungle before Veezuela Faills so He has NOT got an Enemy at his Back in the Jungle! Under Even the Chavista Ilegal Constitution that is NOT Permited, so this Presedent is NOT even a Legal Presedent, and Santos should Now Come Clean, on the Matter!
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 12:23:48 +0000

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