Units of the Syrıan Arab armed forces foiled armed terrorist - TopicsExpress


Units of the Syrıan Arab armed forces foiled armed terrorist groups` infiltration attempts towards Al-Khoudhour & Sa`ad Mosques into Salah Eddin area in Aleppo city killing & injuring a number of their members. The Syrian Arab army units also destroyed a terrorists den with all the terrorists inside it in Daret `Azza in Aleppo countryside. A military source told Sana that units of the Syrian Arab armed forces targeted terrorists` gatherings in the old city of Aleppo, Al leiramoun, Saif Al-Dawlah, Al-Kallaseh, Al-Rashideen, Al-Sheikh Sa`id & Al-Mansourah killing a number of terrorists.The source added that terrorists’ gatherings in Rasm Al-`Abboud, Jadideh, Kwairis, `Erbid, `Ezaz, Tal Refa`at, Babis & surrounding the Central Prison in Aleppo countryside were targeted, terrorists were also killed & injured. A number of cars were destroyed in Haritan to the north of Daret `Ezzqah in Fah area in Aleppo countryside. Syrian Arab army units thwarted an armed terrorist group’s attempt to infiltrate from Al-Yarmouk park in Dara`a Al-Balad city into a military checkpoint killing all the group’s members, a military source said. The source told Sana that Syrian Arab army units also killed a number of terrorists to the east of Al-Masara & surrounding Al-Yarmouk school in the city. Syrıan Arab army units targeted terrorists’ gatherings in Nawa, Al-Noua’imeh to the north west of `Etman on Salmin road, Jasem & Saida in Dara`a countryside killing & injuring a number of them. Syrian Arab rmy units inflicted heavy losses upon terrorists in Dara`a neighborhoods & towns. A military source told Sana that Syarian Arab army units targeted concentrations of terrorists near Yarmouk School in the vicinity of Al-Khalil Mosque & to the east of the Journalists Residence in Dara`a Al-Balad killing & wounding numbers of terrorists. The source added that other units eliminated terrorists & wounded several others in Al-Hrak town & near the Old Mosque in Dara`a countryside. A military source told Sana that Syrian Arab army units eliminated all members of an armed terrorist group in Mourek in the northern countryside of Hama among them the leader of the so-called `Oushaq Al-Hour group nicknamed Abou Farouq. Syrian Arab army units eliminated a number of terrorists injured others & destroyed their equipment around Jabal Al-Arba`een, Kafr Najd, Al-Rami & Mariyaan in Idleb countryside. Syrian Arab army units eliminated a number of terrorists & injured others in the towns of Ma`artamsrin & Ehsem in Jabal Al-Zawiyeh area destroying terrorist vehicles equipped with heavy machineguns. Units of the Syrian Arab armed forces continued operations in the old city in Homs & regained control over a building near St. George Church killing a number of terrorists & injuring others. Other Syrian Arab army units eliminated a number of terrorists & injured others in the neighborhoods of Bab Houd, Al-Hamidiyeh & Al-Qousour in the old city destroying their equipment. A military source told Sana that Syrian Arab army units confronted an armed terrorist group which tried to attack a military checkpoint near Akiribate roundabout in Sha’ar Mountain, killed more than 30 terrorists & destroyed 3 cars equipped with heavy machineguns with all the terrorists inside them. Units of the Syrian Arab armed forces targeted an armed terrorist group near Dar Al-Sa`adeh in Al-Sean & destroyed 2 cars equipped with heavy machineguns on Deir foul–Al-Sean Al-Shamali road. The Syrian Arab army units also destroyed a rocket launcher pad in Al-Kuwaiti farm killing a number of terrorists in Abou Al-`Anz farm near the sports hall & the cultural center in Talbiseh. A Syrian Arab army unit destroyed rocket launcher pad in Al-Khaldiyeh village & a mortar in Al-Ghanto village killing & injuring a number of terrorists in Aidon, Al-`Amiriyeh, Bourj Qa`ae, Al-Nasiriyeh neighborhood & Kafr Laha in Homs countryside. A military source told Sana that Syrian Arab army units in cooperation with the national defense forces regained full control over Height 724 to the north of Point 45 in the northern countryside of Lattakia & inflicted heavy losses upon the armed terrorist groups. Syrian Arab army units in cooperation with national defense forces continued to make progress in the direction of Al-Nab`ain & Kesab,establishing control over Height 1017 & Height 959 leaving a number of terrorists dead or injured. Syrian Arab army units carried out a military operation in the areas of Al-Mleihah & Jobar in Damascus Countryside eliminating a number of terrorists & destroying their hideouts.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 10:18:34 +0000

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