Unity is not achieved by wishful thinking or flattery بسم - TopicsExpress


Unity is not achieved by wishful thinking or flattery بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله ، وبعد So many speakers in the east and the west are trying to “unite” the Ummah by uniting with the deviants, sharing the same platform with them and many have signed the treaty with them to: “cooperate in which they agree and remain silent in which they disagree”. The likes of Nouman Ali Khan cooperating with the Soofees including the deviant Hamza Yusuf and others. Yasir Qadhi and his complete U-turn on the Raafidhah and his aligning them now. And many more like “Mufti” Menk, one would hardly find them touching the subject of Tawheed, `Aqeedah and Shirk. Their reasoning: The topic on Tawheed and Shirk divides the Ummah and these topics do not generate big crowds. These are all deceptions. Their “Unity” is a deception and their principle is falsehood. They are trying to deceive the Ummah into believing that such a “unity” is possible based on such false principles. The sad part is many brothers and sisters are so obsessed with this “Unity” thing that if you speak about Tawheed and Shirk, they say: “You are dividing the Ummah.” When you enjoin good and forbid evil, they say: “You are dividing the Ummah.” You speak about errors, they say: “You are dividing the Ummah.” When we remain silent, the deviants like Hamza Yusuf have already won half the battle and this is what they want. The other half they try winning by propagating their false beliefs. **Points: 1. Unity is not achieved by wishful thinking or flattery. 2. What united the Companions رضي الله عنهم أجمعـين in the first place? 3. This Ummah will not unite upon misguidance. 4. Hadeeth: this Ummah will be divided into 73 sects. 5. Differences in the Ummah occurred when some people opposed the teachings of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. Differences occurred when the people separated from the Jamaa`ah (the main body). 6. Those who deviated in the first place are the ones who divided the Ummah, we should stir clear of them. 7. Do not compromise. 8. Those who unite upon misguidance will always have hatred for each other despite their apparent love and cooperation to achieve a common purpose. 9. Why we need to speak out. 10. From the characteristics of the Believers is that they do not witness the falsehood. 11. Correcting mistakes is from enjoining good and forbidding evil. 12. Remaining silent is enjoining evil and preventing good. Rather, remaining silent is like participating in that evil. 13. Remaining silent will be the cause of Allaah’s punishment. 14. Remaining silent is from the ways of the two cursed ones. 15. Enjoining good and forbidding evil is from doing good to the brothers. 16. The purpose of Unity should be to uproot evil. 17. Unity upon false principles is deception.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 11:37:25 +0000

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