Unity of Ummah what does it mean Allah (S.W.T) exhorts - TopicsExpress


Unity of Ummah what does it mean Allah (S.W.T) exhorts Muslims in Quran saying that hold the rope of Allah together tightly and do not pull in different directions. The last Prophet (Peace be upon him) tells us that Muslims resemble a strong wall in their unity. Each one of them holds and supports another like bricks which stick together to create a strong building. Quran also gives broad guidelines how to solve emerging problems in every age and time and the Prophet had trained his companions according to those guidelines and provided lived examples how to create a peaceful, just and God loving society. It also warned that one should not follow the enemies of Allah in matters dealing with EIIMAN because Islam is the only valid way of life in the sight of Allah. If a Muslim follows the way of life of the Jahiliyah then it will lead to failure here and hereafter as well. History is witness History is witness that till the time Muslims followed the instructions of Allah they were able to create a world of peace, wisdom, common brotherhood and tolerance. That does not mean there was no conflict. That means that they were intellectually sound enough and broadminded to solve those tricky and irritating questions in the light of instructions and guidelines and committed some mistakes also like any other human being which are recorded in the history but the unity of Umma was intact because these were peripheral issues and never boiled down to create disintegration. What happened next? When Muslims deviated from that path and injustice and ignorance started taking root the edifice of unity started crumbling. Since then many ideologies emerged and played their roles and still continue to do so. But those ideologies, be it socialism, capitalism, fascism, have failed now and history has rejected them. During and after colonial era Muslim intellectuals took seriously the weakness and disintegration of the Ummah and started searching for the solutions which have helped in locating the causes but complete solution has not come yet. Extremism certainly is not one of those solutions and Muslim intelligentsia is very worried about this aspect and try to stop that every day. How to go about it? The most important is that institution building should be done on a priority basis. Every trivial issue should not be invoked to judge the depth of unity of the ummah as the hostile forces try to do every single day. The leadership should not be reactionary. We must not depend on the governments alone otherwise it will do serious damage to our causes. Instead of complaining we must start creating positive change in our own limited way. We must behave in a way we have been guided by Allah so the people could know that Islam is not what the media portrays. Humanity is waiting for Islam, Despite constant maligning by the world media and rotted intellectuals, Islam is winning hearts and minds. This is ,ironically, happening the most in the West. All the ideologies have created an unjust and unlivable world for the people. They are waiting for the divine order. Are we ready? Let us serve the humanity as they deserve to be served.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 09:04:58 +0000

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