Universal Gateway Whakatane new Zealand Ascended Masters and - TopicsExpress


Universal Gateway Whakatane new Zealand Ascended Masters and Archangels who came through on 2 July 2013 at Universal Gateway, Whakatane with Trance Channel Suzanna Maria Emmanuel♥♥ Lord Emmanuel , Ascended Master – How to bring peace to the world Archangel Michael – Helping young ones on their path Horus, Ascended Master – Meditation, meeting your Spirit Teacher Lord Emmanuel introduced himself as the Highest Ascended Being in the Universal Love and Light. He greeted the audience and showered love onto them. ‘Here, in this space, we become one. The Ascended Divine energies and Mankind.’ He said how important people were to the Divine ones and how they walk together with the young people. ‘We read the hearts. We understand the human journey much better than humans. We understand where it is you are going. Open your hearts to the love and light so we can comfort you. We can help you through these transitions. There is so much more to life. We invite everyone to listen to the divine messages.’ Sarah, Pleiadian High Priestess, came through to address the people and said how happy she and many of her star brothers and sisters in the light were to help mankind to understand higher wisdom. She sang a beautiful prayer of love to open mankind and the earth more to the loving vibrations of the universe. Her toning was beautiful and high. Lord Emmanuel returned and said in his address, ‘We help people every day. There is much more to life.’ ‘When people open, a separation happens within them. People, when they open to the light, live in two thoughts. Fear and love, including appreciation. This shows people are growing. Allow yourself to feel the beauty of what is happening. Keep feeling into the love energies.’ Tonight, Lord Emmanuel taught, ‘How to bring peace in your world.’ He mentioned how people have been programmed deeply within the fear. He mentioned an example of a terrorist attack and how people talk about it because it becomes their focus, which feeds greater energy into the terrorist attacks. Focus has an enormous energy. He asked, ‘On what do you focus on as an individual?’ ‘Where your focus is, that’s where your energy flows. Most focus on the fear. Fear stops abundance, love and joy. Fear is not real. You make it real with your focus.’ He went on to teach that terrorism is an industry. People have created it. ‘In New Zealand you also focus on fear. You lose the love of being alive. You become stuck in your emotions and there is no need for it. Live in abundance, unity, love. Focus on strength and good energy.’ Lord Emmanuel mentioned how there are people on our planet who desire to rule for power. ‘Their focus is to rule every person on this planet. They have done so for thousands of years.’ He said, ‘You need to awaken to the energy of peace.’ These people in power, create fear and disease. People then, because of their fear, ask these very people to fix it. ‘It is the same with terrorism. These people, in many cases, create these situations. They pour billions into security.’ He mentioned, ‘When people are in fear they are easily controlled. Protesting, arguing, debating, feeds energy to the people in the power game. They are after ruling the world.’ ‘The population is too big now to stay with the same tactics. In the past they used religion. Religion was a good ploy to put the fear into the people. Religion has now lost its power. Many people are leaving religious ways of thinking.’ ‘If people withdraw their fear, the power of these world rulers would be gone. If everyone focused on love and light, the power of these world rulers would be gone. Your world would change.’ He talked about our gene pool. ‘Within your gene pool there is a trigger. This trigger is triggered by the fear and flight mode, the survival gene. ‘People will do anything to survive. If there is enough fear created on your plane, this trigger can cause destruction of mankind.’ He then talked about what can overcome this trigger. ‘You have something within you that can override this trigger and that is the source of light. When people focus on the light, they can overcome this survival gene.’ Humankind is now on a crossroads. ‘You can now become enlightened, or face total destruction.’ He assured us though, that humankind will come to enlightenment. He said, ‘There are many Divine Beings in the Light helping mankind to be enlightened. We understand it all and we focus on your greatness. Choose not to fight anymore. Fighting for peace has never created peace and security on your plane. It has given people in power more strength.’ ‘Many inventions made by your great scientists for peace and helping the people, have been taken over by these people in power and have been used to create fear and destruction instead.’ He taught how there are situations now creeping up on us that many of us are unaware of, such as power takeovers and diseases. ‘Stay out of your fear and stay in your centre. People in the love are less affected by people in the fear. Now it’s time for Light to come to this planet.’ ‘It is time for the people to unite as one voice and one strength with unity. You will say we are taking our power back. We are tired of being dominated. We have our Angels behind us and nothing these people in power do, can harm us.’ Then your great scientists can create technology to bring peace, abundance and energy. ‘They will be able to channel the knowledge to your plane and bring in greater information. People will come together to bring energy from the heavens to the earth so the people and earth and all her beings can heal.’ There will be no fear, no disease, no anger. Then you can turn to the Light with greater health. He said, ‘We as Universal Love Beings are not angry with the people who desire to rule others. We are pure love and light. All must align with the love energies.’ You will pray, ‘Thank you for aligning us with peace and security energies.’ ‘People have not been able to bring peace and security. You have written many contracts and signed many documents, but no peace has come.’ ‘Now it’s time for the universe to have their turn.’ The question to us as people is then, who will we stand with? Archangels, Divine Masters, who can truly heal? ‘We will shine a lamp before you. We will guide you to truth. Take this into your hearts.’ Archangel Michael came through to address the people. It is a time for, ‘Grand instruction. Many people have waited for this time for lifetimes.’ He said, ‘Many desire to learn more about their journey. You desire a clearer understanding and walk hand in hand with your Masters. The little ones also feel love from the angels. Many young ones are awakening to higher frequencies. They do not understand the older frequencies.’ Archangel Michael said that our educational system doesn’t cater for the younger people with their higher frequencies. He talked about an energy clash going on at this moment, between the younger generation and the older generation, because the younger ones see the older ways will not work in the future. He taught, ‘The older energies do not match the newer. You as a society, must learn to listen to your young minds.’ Archangel Michael brought out some guidelines to help the younger ones and the older ones to learn to be together in greater harmony. He said, ‘The answers are so easy. The older generation must have peace within themselves. The young ones must focus on their talents and focus on their hearts. Don’t focus on the fears.’ ‘We can help you bring peace. We can guide people in harmony. We can unite together young and old.’ Horis, Ascended Master, came through for a teaching and a meditation. He said, ‘Feel more peace within you. Meet a spirit teacher to help you in your life so you can be supported and guided. You have teachers in the light. There is security here in this divine place. Without it people are unresolved with their emotions. Learn to go to your teacher and the light. Do not venture in this world without your teacher. Each person must learn this. To go to the light. We rejoice in the realms of light.’ The meditation was to meet our teacher. So we have peace, wisdom, security and divine love. He taught about the deep breath. This opens to divine glory. It calms the emotion centre and can bring us into the deeper state of the spiritual self. ‘It is important to stop the mind from chatter. Chatter is an unsettled emotional self. Come into a union with Divine Self.’ He took the group to a temple to meet the teacher, their greater self. Meeting finished at 8.45p.m.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 05:46:41 +0000

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