Universal Laws | Our Capability There are tons of claims, - TopicsExpress


Universal Laws | Our Capability There are tons of claims, arguments on the human capabilities. Some people say that human capability is limitless whereas others say it is limited. So, does our capability really limitless?… or does it depends on the conditions? How we should consider our capabilities? What universal laws tell us about our capabilities? Why some people really can’t do while others can? You say, “I wish I could do that. But I can’t.” Sometimes the thing you desire seems most evasive and elusive to you. You may seem to think that you need money or something else that is external to you for you to be able to achieve your desire. And because this external thing is away from you and you don’t have it, you think that you are doomed because even that seems elusive. So you are stuck in a vicious circle. You accept that, you fear it. But before you accept something that has absolutely no value to you, take another look. Fear is a thing we are conditioned to accept without question, yet it has absolutely no value. Next time you accept fear, ask yourself what value it really has for you. Escape is not a value. There is nowhere to run. Eventually, you will be found and you will have to face yourself. Running away from a problem is an idea that stems from the illusion that there is a you with a problem, and a you that can escape the you with the problem. Insane? Yep! The first step to getting out of a problem is knowing and accepting that you are the problem, and then you become the solution. Nothing outside changes, but as you change, a new outside replaces the old. The law of attraction and the law of cause and effect work this way. For now, let us define capability. What is can? Everyone has things that they can do now that they could not do before. You can now walk while as a child you could not. The ground never changed, but you did. You can now read while you once could not. The English language never changed, but you did. At one time, Bill Gates could not write software, now he can. The world did not change, Bill did. At one time, Einstein had to leave school since he was really unsuccessful; but now we remember him as a great genius. Physics or mathematics did not change, Einstein did. Do you get the picture? There are a million things that a person can do now that they could not do years ago. Why? It is never those things that changed. What changed was the idea that this person had of himself or herself. Have you seen the movie The Matrix? When Neo changed his idea of himself, he was able to do the undoable. It is so with everyone. So what is can? What is capability? It is nothing more than a shift in what you think you are. What You Really Are is a being with infinite possibilities. Everyone is. We are all literally an idea. As such, success is not something we can chase and get, it is something that we attract by the persons we become. We become those persons by changing the idea of what we think we are. The problem is not with the world. The problem, if there is one, is with your recognition of yourself and your world. The way you perceive and interpret yourself and your world is a system. Change that system, through seeking new truths, and you change your world. To put it in another way, on earth you are a being that has experiences. These experiences are determined by your thoughts, which are determined by your perceptions. And these experiences are experienced through perception. It is a cycle. The key here is that perception is a learnt system. You learnt your own way of perception as you grew up. Whatever you accepted as true from your parents, friends, teachers, and so on, is what builds your framework of perception. Perception is a learnt system. You learn it, and you can just as easily unlearn it. You unlearn it by replacing it with a new system, and you get a new system by seeking new truths from books, guides, your higher self, and so on. The world that you perceive is perceived differently by the next guy. We are all seeing an illusion, an interpretation of energy activity that we produce. You are in charge of “can”, and no one else. People can tell you that you can’t, all day long, until they grow hoarse and lose their voices. It will have absolutely zero effect on you — Unless you accept it. What did you accept as a child? Do you like it? Then un-accept it. Change. Re-create yourself. Have a new idea of who you are! To summarry, the univesal laws tell us that we may have limited abilities for now, but we have limitless development for our capabilities. Today, we may not be able to do a certain thing we want, but universal laws tell us we can do it in sooner future if we want. Just ask for it to the universe; apply the univesal laws; and the time for achieving your desire will be come. Posted 3 years ago Tagged: universal laws, lost universal laws. Quantum physic is the science behind universal laws. The universal laws are the principles of each and every circumstance in your life. A person can learn using these laws and determine the future experiences he/she wil have. With the universal laws, you have almost full control on your destiny. You can see it yourself and learn the universal laws at: thelostuniversallaws. There is nothng to lose and so much to gain. Posted 3 years ago Tagged: universal laws, lost universal laws. Source: thelostuniversallaws Universal Laws - Identifying the Essence of What You Want One of the biggest mistakes people make with the universal laws is when setting New Year Resolutions is that they don’t first get clear about what they REALLY want, and more importantly, WHY they want it. Do you know what you want - really? Don’t be tempted to skip over this section because you think you already know what you want. Think about this for a moment: How many times have you achieved a goal and then quickly realized that you weren’t satisfied with it? Such an experience can be confusing, to say the least! You wonder how you could have chosen a goal that now seems not to matter at all to you. Or you point to one tiny negative aspect of the outcome and say, “Well, if it wasn’t for that, I’d be satisfied. It just didn’t turn out like I hoped, that’s all.” But that’s not usually what’s happening in this type of situation. Rather, you may have set a goal based on the surface circumstances that you believed would make you feel happy, rather than focusing on the underlying ESSENCE of what you really wanted. For example, let’s say that one of your goals was to work less so you have more time to enjoy life. You manage to rearrange your schedule so you have more time to yourself, but within a few weeks you start feeling bored and restless. You decide that freedom is overrated and eagerly bury yourself in work again – but you still feel dissatisfied and yearn for something more. What happened with this goal? There are numerous possibilities, but most likely you were craving something else, not just “freedom” – but you never connected with exactly what you wanted. Perhaps you were actually craving creative expression, which you could have satisfied by setting aside a few hours a week to explore your artistic side. Maybe you actually desired a deeper spiritual connection, which you could have achieved through daily meditation or journaling. Every goal you set will have a deeper desire stemming from it. But the universal laws cannot deliver the essence of that deeper desire unless you know what it is. The universal laws must be understood carefully to be used for happy results. The power of the laws is real and effective. If you don’t use the universal laws carefully, you may harm yourself or your loved ones. You can easily learn the universal laws for your convenience: thelostuniversallaws Posted 3 years ago Tagged: universal laws, universal laws of attraction, lost universal laws. Universal Laws of God The intention of God is for every person to succeed. This is called the Universal Law. It is God’s purpose that man should become great. It is God’s will that man should not only employ, but appreciate, every good in the galaxy. The Law of God denies man nothing. Man is born to be rich. Endless forces are inherent in him. Each normal individual is endowed with a complete set of faculties which, if properly produced and scientifically applied, will ensure accomplishment, ever- growing accomplishment. Advancement is an easy goal for man. Endless development capacity is within each man. Into all things is development of the Law’s great objective. Man may create himself into greater and greater accomplishment by learning to operate with the Universal Law in endorsing that aim. Operations of Nature are all prosperous. Nature does not know downfalls. She only ever plans success. In every kind and manner, she aims at effects. To do well in the greatest and fullest sense of the term we must replicate Nature’s strategies. We shall discover all the techniques of success in her principles and universal laws. At man’s fingertips are infinite assets. There are no restrictions to his possibilities. Just some of the factors he does include concentrating and individualizing the elements, forces, and concepts of the entire world. All human problems sorted out. All life’s questions may be answered. All Nature’s secrets discovered. He can create a wonderful cleverness. Nothing is out of the question. What you don’t know is that higher faculties, remarkable talents, superior insight, and greater power are inactive in all. These excellent elements can be developed to an extraordinary degree for actual and practical use by special psychological methods. Every mind can develop greatness. KNOWING HOW is the crucial. When applying one’s faculties and using one’s forces, true self-help, self discovery, self-knowledge, and the proper instruction will enhance any person. Training will insure efficiency; use will bring forth outcomes. Success is within the reach of every ambitious man. Is accomplishment your goal? It will occur. To acquire an understanding of the principles and universal laws upon which success is based, you need to gain an understanding and apply the right methods of operating these causes until achievement is earned. Within yourself you possess all the requirements. The laws of any science are as particular as the universal law of success. The exact use of this law will produce results every time. Results count. By a consistent application of this law, there is no finishing to the success you can take pleasure in as results may be increased indefinitely. Great things are no less possible than small things, and it is the great things that will follow whoever uses the law with faith and understanding. There is a better and a larger future in store for you, whatever your present state or condition may be, but you must prepare yourself for it. You must DO SOMETHING about it to rise into the better and greater things. According to the Universal Law, everything will work out in the end. Consequently, If you are someone who wonders what is the secret of success, you should learn all the lost univesal laws completely. The laws are phenomenal and the core of every being or circumstance. You can learn all the universal laws here: thelostuniversallaws Posted 3 years ago Universal Laws - 10 Powerful Tips to Make Law of Attraction Works! The law of attraction is a power and 3rd of the lost universal laws which is an inheritance of human like walking, speaking, breathing etc. So, there is no such thing as the law of attraction doesn’t work for you as long as you are able to think something. The reason of your past failures is not because of the law of attraction; they are because you have lack of information. When you know all the universal laws and how to applying to the law of attraction correctly, you’ll notice that your life is changing to better. I wrote here the 10 most effective tips to make the law of attraction works for your convenience: 1. Don’t give away your power to people. Take responsibility for your life. There are lots of people who believe that they can’t achieve anything. Don’t let them to harm you. The law of attraction is real and thousands of people clearly experienced it. If things aren’t going as hoped in your life, re-examine your deepest beliefs. Swap your all limiting beliefs for empowering ones. 2. Don’t watch movies that drag you down. Watch movies that will make you feel good. Listen to music that fills you with positive emotions. Read books that empower you. (Control the input to your brain, and you can control your output). 3. Focus on what you want in your life, instead of what you don’t want. You have the power to create the life of your dreams - even if the world around you seems messed up, don’t lose your focus. Just know everything will be okay as long as you continue to apply to the law of attraction in the right way. We never know how the things will come to us and absolutely change our lives. 4. Allow Yourself To Receive. Be consistent on your desires. Just think of your desires and leave it out there, go away, and trust that your desires will come true when the time is right. 5. Don’t focus on bad things in your life! (Mistakes happen; and sometimes often.) Use them as a learning experience that will make more powerful in the future. Take control of your emotions. Sometimes it may be hard to do it, but it’s important to turn your life to the better way. In addition, negative emotions will gladly help you to attract more bad things to you. Therefore, you have to keep yourself in good mood. 6. Be Patient! Unfortunately, many people give up just a couple of steps before the finish line because they’ve decided that if the law of attraction is not working by now, it’s never going to work at all. Worse, still are those who throw in more and more energy because they think that with more resources, the results will come faster. You can’t get well by taking hundred of pills in one day! It would be just a suicide! universal laws are working in the exact same way. 7. The law of attraction is not any kind of magic that gives you everything without doing anything. It requires mental work, focus and visualization, and also following the mental work with any required actions on the physical plane. 8. Don’t wait for being happy until you get your desire… Don’t delay the happiness. Appreciate things you possess. Live now. Enjoy now. This will keep yourself in good mood, increase your patience. It’s important to attract the things you want faster. 9. Discover the truth about the meaning of your life. The answers are there if you look for them. Awareness and peace of mind are high vibrations. Learn the structure of the universe and you understand how all this can be possible. 10. Always Support and Educate Yourself. Like a young person who doesn’t know how to drive a car yet, you need support. You also need to guidance on how to do it, and also the role models to look up to. In order to utilize the law of attraction consciously and get more positive results, you need more than just general information; you need to know all the universal laws very well that working and affecting the law of attraction. You can find everything you need for free at thelostuniversallaws Posted 3 years ago 3 notes Universal Laws | Beginning of Creation - Thinking Life is only mysterious to people who do not have the time to comprehend it. Because as your awareness and knowledge improves, you realize that you become amazed with the events that occur but you do not wonder how or why they occur anymore. This shows that the power of the universe is inherent in you. And once you grasp and live by the universal laws, everything will come to its proper order. Your decisions and way of thinking will determine your destiny. And in actual fact, your mental state has the greatest influence on your life. So, when you are harmonious, open to new ideas, and optimistic, good things will automatically come to you. You will also be able to attract positive people. But if you keep on having a negative mental state, you will only attract negative things and negative people. This is according to the Law of Thinking. Also, you must know that thought is an invisible force. Thought is the beginning of everything. It leads you into believing and doing. This is what the law of thinking tells you. Thought is also a powerful entity that makes up the whole universe. It always produces effects. And it is vital in the Universal Laws. In addition, all the thoughts you have in your mind inevitably comes into reality. So, if you want to control your life, you have to learn mind-control and only think of positive things. You must remember that there is really no poverty. Instead, there is lack of prosperity. That is why if you want to attract prosperity, you must only focus on acquiring it. You must only think of success. And then, poverty will generally disappear. Apply the Law of Thinking, and whatever you believe will come true. Whatever you expect will also happen. Then, you must also keep in mind that your thoughts are governed by the Universal Laws. And it is astute to apply the Law of thinking linto your life. However, your thoughts must also be accompanied with actions. If you want to reach a destination, you have to take a step and then another. You have to keep on going until you make it to your destination. True, you may take a wrong direction. But you have to get back at the right track. And as you go along, you will realize that there are people who are willing to help and guide you. There are also unseen forces that help you in times of dire circumstances. The universal laws are always in effect and the universe is very much willing to help you succeed. But you have to make the first move. Each day, you must create plans and move towards your goals. You always have to think positively. Get rid of negative thoughts. Organize your thoughts, so that you will be in accordance with the Law of Thinking; because if your thoughts are disorganized and muddled, they will reflect your life. Thus, you will end up experiencing confusions and pain. And in order for you to be able to live gracefully, you should maintain an orderly mind. You should think clearly about the Universal Laws. Creating order will require discipline and practice. But nevertheless, the rewards are worth it. Consequently, you can acquire anything you desire and this depends on how much you obeyed these laws correctly.You can learn all the laws correctly at: thelostuniversallaws Posted 3 years ago Tagged: universal laws. Source: thelostuniversallaws Universal Laws - How a Winner Operate The idea of universal laws is a perceive that gives absolute success to any person who applies them correctly. They also give you the capacity to reduce the most complex concepts in life to the simpliest form. In addition, when you using the universal laws correctly, you will gain a new character and you will have strong aspects which will lead you to success every time. Here are the 4 essential aspects of the winners who applies the universal laws: 1. Winners are brave. Like all human beings they feel fear, but have mastered it and are able to rise above it. Whilst they acknowledge that there are frightening people and places in the world, in general they view the world as a benevolent place, full of great opportunities and wonderful people. This is a vital principle. Winnèrs view the world as mainly benevolent with some bad bits. Losers see the world as mainly malevolent with some good bits. 2. They are good visualizers. They have the ability to imagine the future, often in glorious Technicolor detail. They have high self-esteem, and know that they are worth more than they have at present. Life to them is an exciting adventure to be lived to the full. In contrast, losers view life as a terrible chore to be somehow ‘got through’ with as little pain as possible. 3. They are intelligent, rational and logical. If they have a dream of the future, they know the secret technique for making this happen. Today’s dreams are tomorrow’s realities. They know that large projects cannot be tackled by finite human minds unless they are broken down into manageable, bite-sized pieces. They are able to work backwards from a future dream to the present day, and to list the logical steps required to make that dream come true. 4. Having written down the steps required to achieve their goals, they know what is required next. Action. Up until this point, all of their plans amount to little more than ethereal hòt air. It is action which grounds the circuit and allows the current to flow. They know that the journey will be long and hard. Any worthwhile dream will involve hard work, concentrated effort and some suffering to attain. They need one more quality. Discipline. This keeps them going during setbacks, when the list seems too long, and when others heap mirth and derision upon their efforts. As you see, the thinking way of universal laws brings a certain perceive to a person and this leads to abundance in all levels of society. Its also a reason for complete success in a person’s life which will bring, a whole happy and healthy life. You can learn all the universal laws at: thelostuniversallaws Posted 3 years ago Tagged: universal laws, universal laws of attraction. Source: thelostuniversallaws Universal Laws of Attraction The concept of universal laws of attraction states that if you want something badly enough and believe that you’ll get it then you will. It’s not about chance or fate but rather influencing the natural order of things by projecting a need so great that you actually motivate that thing into happening. The entire concept is very similar to Peter Pan and his never ending chant of ‘I do believe in fairies. I do, I do,’ when confronted with the possibility that Tinkerbell might die. So right there you see that it’s not just about desiring something, it’s about reaching as deeply down as you can and wanting it with your entire soul. About wanting it and believing without a doubt that you’ll get it. The idea that thoughts could affect the world outside of the head has been debunked and abused by critics as was expected considering that the idea is a new-aged one and has been steadily growing in popularity. They say that thought cannot influence chance while others claim that chance is neither here nor there in the equation since it doesn’t exist in the first place. Whatever the belief there are still a hefty number of followers out there who have studied and practiced the technique and sometimes received amazing results as rewards for their efforts. The New York Times were the first to use the particular catchphrase Law of Attraction. Granted the phrase was used in 1879 and had very little to do with the actual exercise of the law of attraction but still, it was a huge turning point because at that moment people began to consider it as a more viable idea. It was no longer the simple ramblings of crock-pots and psychics. It was a legitimate term with legitimate backing and while tat one sentence out of a thousand may not have revolutionized the minds of every critic within reading distance, it did start the stirring pot for something much bigger. By 1902 electrical engineers, physicists, were beginning to put more credit behind the concept and in 1904 a movement began that would stretch over the next six years and pop up randomly every dozens of years thereafter. Thomas Toward, the poster child for the New Thought Movement, believed that your thoughts preceded any physical manifestations of them and that any action that the mind engages in is simply the seedling for something greater. A seedling which, when left alone, attracts the ingredients and nutrients that it needs to a physical manifestation. Bruce MacLelland said in his book “Prosperity Through Thought Force”, ‘You are what you think, not what you think you are.’ The quote pretty much summarizes the entire principle of the law of attraction, a feat which authors who came before and after MacLelland, and who mentioned the subject too, were not able to accomplish nearly as well. Today, we know the deeper sides of the law of attraction which we call them as universal laws. With the understanding of universal laws, thousands of people changed their life to the better. Failure is not an option with all these laws. If you want to see real success results you should learn all the universal laws correctly. You can find all the information on the universal laws at: thelostuniversallaws Posted 3 years ago Tagged: universal laws, universal laws of attraction, law of attraction. Universal Laws | Knowing Thyself The most common form of self help advice out there is ‘know thyself’. For those who don’t know, ‘thy’ means ‘you’. In other words know yourself and what makes you tick. Know what you believe in everyday rather than what you believe in only when other people are around to see. Know what brings you happiness and brings you pain. What you fear and love. Despite the threat of sounding like a cliché’, you must know thyself in order to change thyself. What does that mean exactly, to change yourself? What it means is that we all have something about our lives that we aren’t happy with. Some things we can’t help, some things we can, and others we believe we can help but we really can’t and vice versa and so on and so on. The trick is knowing which things fall under which categories and how to accept it when something we thought was one thing was another all together.A big step in the right direction is handling as much as you can handle, when you can handle it.The universal laws can help in that respect where it may not in others. So say for example that you really needed money to pay off debt. You try the lottery and when you’re laying you’re practicing all the universal laws you’ve been learning about lately. You ask to win the lottery, you believe and behave as if it’s going to come true, and finally you’ve accomplished the ever difficult act of opening up yourself enough so that your thoughts can manifest on a visible level. You have it all down pt but unfortunately in the middle of your lottery thoughts you began to think about how jealous so and so is going to be when they find out how much money you won. Or you start worry about the debt you have now and what other bills could turn into just as big of a problem if you don’t get them fixed. Then you begin to worry if what you win will be enough for all the things you want to do and if it’s not then won’t you be in as tight a spot as you were before? Maybe you should ask for more. Or maybe even play more than once just to make sure that if one doesn’t work another one will. Do you notice the disintegration of focus there? The thoughts spiraled out of control until they were touching on every subject with just as much intensity as the lottery one. The splitting of focus into different sub categories guarantees failure. The same goes for if you’d concentrated more on your debt than winning the lottery. Shifting from one extreme like wining a lot of money, to another like owing a lot of money, also shifts the effects of the law f attraction from positive to negative. So know what you want, very specifically, and also why you want it. Know what to concentrate on and do so and you’ll have success more often than not. The universal laws are the principles that are followed by most successful leaders in the world. If you want to have high success in your life, you have to learn the universal laws. Getting anything you desire is depend on how much you followed these laws correctly.You can learn all the universal laws correctly at: thelostuniversallaws Posted 3 years ago The idea of the universal laws is that the intense belief of something can cause it to occur. The essence of the belief is based off of three main rules that must be followed. The first step is to ask. Basically what you’re doing is asking the universe for what you want after you finally decide what that is. This step can only work if you create what you want as being as real as possible in your mind. Without that solid visualization whatever it is you’re asking for cannot be achieved. The second step is to believe. Believing isn’t simply saying that you believe in something, it’s changing your whole attitude and thought process because of your belief in this thing. You have to act, feel, and think as if the object that you desire is right around the corner. Last but not least is the third and final step. To receive. This step is the most essential because you have to be not only willing, but able to open yourself up to receiving what you’ve been asking for. You need to pay attention the messages that the universe throws your way as well as your own intuition and feelings. Once you open yourself up to feeling those then the next step is to keep yourself open to receive what you’ve been waiting for. All the belief in the world won’t make something manifest if there’s no place for it to manifest at. You have to be both mentally and physically prepared for this step to have any effect. Mentally because if you’re not emotionally prepared for whatever it is that you desire then even if you receive it, it would be a disaster because you weren’t prepared for it. You have to make sure that you’ve matured enough as a person to get some of the things that you want the most. You need to be ready physically because it helps when you’re stretching yourself in new ways to have some sort of knowledge about how to release tension, anxiety, and doubt. Trying to hard to accomplish the step that deals with receiving can cause more harm than good. It isn’t a contest or a race against time. Pushing yourself like it is either one of those things could close you up faster than not and then you’ll start to think that even after all your effort what you wanted still didn’t come through. Meaning that you no longer believe that it can work. Once that belief is lost then asking comes next, because why ask for something when you don’t actually think you’ll be able to get it? One step can unravel all the progress made in the others so that they all collapse, if not at once, then one after another. Universal laws are the secret ways of taking control of your volatile situations. Today hundreds and thousands of people are doing this easily. If you want to be one of those successful people, you must learn the universal laws correctly. You can discover all the laws correctly here: thelostuniversallaws
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 14:38:08 +0000

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