Universal Traveller; Empowering Our Lives via Holistic - TopicsExpress


Universal Traveller; Empowering Our Lives via Holistic Metaphysical Applications ( Air date Mar 16 2014) Main topics on todays weekly free episode; *Mars retrograde in Libra aligned with the North node in Libra; Appropriate Assertiveness / boundaries / tact, and wise hindsight, which is kind-sight as pre-sight, harmonic intent and application, re-considering how we utilize our energy / time etc in each moment/circumstance. Take the Red pill or the blue Pill? Balance says at least try/start by taking the Purple (Violet) Pill (mix/balance) *Mercury re-entering Pisces to conjoin Neptune; Intuition and Meditation to simplify complexity. *Full Moon in Virgo; Discern-meant and practical application of potetiality/intent, make the dream real. ***And multiple diverse synergistic metaphysical reference points for maximimizing wise co-creation with the natural causal planes; The Naturix; the natural Matrix of natural order/ healthy growth/expansion/release processes. Lord 7 Earth in the D.S. count of the Mayan Calendar and the Monkey wave of; personal expresion with-in, of, and for, the whole; in the Highest Good of all Over-All Long Term Big Picture. (HGOA;LTBP ... h.ighest g.ood of all o.vera.ll l.ong t.erm b.ig p.icture.) Grow with the flow of Natural order/cycles/processes etc, for harmonizing more, for more harmony, joy, health etc ... overall well being. To Know thyself NOW, AND Comprehend and apply as much as possible,the multidimensional conditions NOW. Start a-gain from here now accordingly. Grow with the flow of harmonizing Maximizing overall well being via tuning with-in and to the whole we are with-in-and-of, to ripen fully *Main site for free past shows and more information universaltraveller.ca *Free insta-listen/download link; cjlypodcast.net/UniversalTraveller/Uni_T_Mar16_2014.mp3 Special Timeless extremely empowering episode -Tuning with-in deeply to access higher consciousness for maximizing beneficial co-creation and outcomes-Maximizing overall well being * Expansion Time , rebirth flies free accordingly from the Nov 3rd Hybrid Total Solar Eclipse in Early Scorpio -Extreme Rebirth Potential, and highly suggested Applications to apply in our own ways. Deep clearings, rebirth & renewals, Maximizing overall well being.Know thyself, be thus. Know thyself NOW. Start a-gain from here now. Main theme; Grow forth freely now and co-create more beauty-full. Maximizing overall well being. Let go in order to grow. Holding resentment (or any hurts/resentment/negative energy etc) hurts the holder. The accordingly it is that much more easier to Grow forth freely now and co-create more beauty-full. Universal Transmutation/Release formula ; 4As (C/E)(A/G) Acknowledge, accept, forgive and apologize, factor with empathy and compassion, and encompass and re-place/restore with Appreciation and gratitude - Astro-Climatology* -Macro Field Holistic Heart/ Spirit Centered Earth Living Applying Metaphysical reference points/awareness to infinitely enhance awareness to apply to our personal lives, overall well being (Health/effectiveness/success/joy etc....) (Syncronizing w/ Natural Syncronicity to Maximize overall beneficial outcomes) Empowering Weekly Causal Plane Weather Reports (present emphasized shift potentials) - for Personal Empower-meant with-in the whole NOW. Most recent broadcast of Universal Traveller ; Astroclimatology Reports....etc etc etc As above So below, as with-in so with-out ; Astroclimatology reports for Empowering our Lives . Central Focus of todays free episode: -Collective Healing Crisis cures. Continued, in depth, Deeper clearings & renewals, AND simultaneously Maximizing overall well being via tuning into Roots of overall well being to ripen as health through healthy modalities/applications etc. -Understanding change energy-potentiality increases & co-creating with it as wisely as possible -the Great Quickening. -Heads up for the next apx 3 MONTHS (AT LEAST); the frequency is very high. This is very good in the big picture, so long as we Pay attention, be care-full, and utilize it wisely. Main Show Theme; Expanding Awareness, Modes Potentiality and thus processes, outcomes results a,nd experiences via multiple holistic Metaphysical reference points. .Maximizing overall well being via tuning into Roots of overall well being to ripen as health. Clearings & renewals Overall Show Focus all-ways; Roots of overall well being to ripen as healthy fruit-ion; Heart/Spirit centered-ness TO LISTEN OR DOWNLOAD FREE SHOW (s); TO ISTEN ; -Click the link at the bottom of the description of any showTO ISTEN OR DOWNLOAD FREE SHOW (s); -Click the link at the bottom of the description of any show, then right click the Bar that opens there, and select save link as OR ... Subscribe for FREE automatic Weekly DOWNLOADS at https://itunes.apple/podcast/universal-traveller/id278258308?mt=2 ****To new listeners/readers; Welcome, Namaste/In Lakech (I am an-other-our-self).... Roots of overall well being ; Loving-ness, Balance. Maximizing the beneficial, minimizing the detrimental, minimizing harm ANSWERS / SOLUTIONS NOW! HEALING ANYTHING !! TO GROW FORTH FREELY NOW AND CO-CREATE MORE BEAUTY-FULL!! EMPOWERING AND HEALING ANYTHING !! TO GROW FORTH FREELY NOW AND CO-CREATE MORE BEAUTY-FULL!! Via Metaphysical Attune-meant WITH the physical For more info or personal consultation please e-mail [email protected] or Visit universaltraveller.ca for more info, links and free podcasts to previous shows *****DOWNLOADING FREE PODCAST(s) *****(listen or download free (download highly suggested for future reference, and to listen to parts or the whole thing repeatedly accordingly, as there are endless layers of info with-in the holographic communications.) *****Free Podcast link NOTE: to save the FREE file : When the link opens, right click over the play bar and select save link as. To open the Player ; Click Link Below ***For more info or personal consultation please e-mail [email protected] ****Show instalink;; Click here >Uni-T Mar 16 2014 -Universal Traveller ; Empowering Our Lives via Diverse yet inter-related Holistic Metaphysical Applications ***For more info or personal consultation please e-mail [email protected] universaltraveller.ca
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 20:59:29 +0000

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