Universal guide to karaoke etiquette, as provided by a multitude - TopicsExpress


Universal guide to karaoke etiquette, as provided by a multitude of KJs and patrons contributing. It is still open source if anyone has any adds. KJ etiquette. 1. People are out to decompress, they have stressful lives and this is their off time. If you ever are rude or let any frustration show, youre diminishing the value of the commodity they are purchasing (fun/decompression). Be pleasant at all times. 2. If a customer approaches, acknowledge them once they get within a few feet of yourself. You dont have anything better to do or anywhere to be. If they have to wait to get your attention (outside of a few seconds to cue a singer or finish putting in a song) or interrupt you, youre violating rule 1. 3. Balance considerations of all people in the room with equal weight. It doesnt matter if they are a first time customer or a 100th time customer, when they arrived, how they sound on the mic or any other such thing, you do your best to be egalitarian to all considerations. 4. Be proactive and ahead of the game. Tell people when theyre up in a few turns so they can submit a song or inform you that they wish to be taken out of rotation. Call at least two in advance, five when possible. (Converse: patrons should show proactivity in this regard as well) 5. If their song doesnt show up on your search, ask them if it is possibly titled differently or if they are certain that is the official song title. A surprising number of slips contain a song lyric that isnt the actual song title. (e.g. Summer Nights as Summer Loving is a common mistake) Patron etiquette 1.dont get all mad and upset when you come to the bar at midnight and the KJ tells you sorry, you probly wont get in, my rotation is pretty big right now... 2. The KJ doesnt have the song you want to sing. Its either brand new and hasnt come out on karaoke, the KJs boss hasnt had the time to download new songs, or the artist didnt release their song in karaoke format...this is NOT the KJs fault. 3.The equipment they use is very expensive, dont be swinging the microphone around, leave your drinks at your table or bring it to a table near the stage...dont bring it up to the booth when you turn slips in, this can avoid a disaster of drinks being spilled on the electronic equipment. 4. Accusing the KJ of playing favorites will most likely get you taken out of the rotation, while, yes, sometimes it does happen, you are just going to alienate yourself from the KJ, be nice to the KJ and they will be nice to you. 5. If you have a certain version of a song you prefer(SoundChoice,DK,etc) please write that on the slip, dont yell at the KJ that its not the right version of the song...do you know how many different versions of a song there can be? Literally hundreds, but breaking it down be version really helps the KJ know what you want... 6.There may be someone that really sucks, but clap for them anyways, Did you do a perfect job the first time you ever sang in front of an audience? It takes a certain degree of BALLS to get up there and sing, dont put others down for trying... 7. Dont sign others up for songs without their knowledge and waste everyones time while they watch the person act utterly shocked and then the KJ has to figure out if the person wants to sing or not. 8. Dont waste time getting to the stage, dont start a conversation half way to the stage, finish your drink before getting up, etc. Moreover, dont act indignant if you get pushed back one because you werent timely. 9. Dont Sign Yourself up with Different Names or Multiple Duets Flippin your name with another person it is not fair to the other people waiting to sing and then the KJ has to hear( that person has sang X amount of times to my one time) Cmon be fair!!!! 10. Given a four minute song average and a 10 second pronouncement between songs, the KJ is off the mic 96% of the time. Whatever you wish to communicate can be communicated in that 96% window. Dont interrupt them while theyre speaking on the mic. 11. Let the KJ know you are leaving...I know its kind of mentioned in #4 but it really needs its own rule or to be added to #4 cause all too often the time gets wasted for someone to show up to sing when they have actually left...a good 30 secs.-2 mins of someone elses turn wasted... 12. Telling the KJ I want to sing X is insufficient for his/her purpose, as they need to know who to call and how to incorporate a new singer in the rotation. 13. Repeating a song performed earlier in the night by another patron (knowingly) is an insult and abridgement of karaoke etiquette..
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 07:52:30 +0000

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