Unlike Infowars, which many people know makes little effort to - TopicsExpress


Unlike Infowars, which many people know makes little effort to hide their crackpot ideas, pages like The Mind Unleashed and WorldTruth.tv are far more subtle, at least on the surface. But dig down a little deeper as I have suggested and you’ll find Holocaust denialism and other anti-Semitism in addition to the usual vaccine conspiracies or government mind control or weather control stories. Instead of blaming the problems our country faces on gerrymandering, voter apathy and unlimited money in politics, these sites blame wacky conspiracies. They encourage people to open or free their minds which really means to abandon educated skepticism and critical thinking and embrace pseudoscience and fantasy instead. Again, these aren’t right-wing prepper sites trying to sell overpriced survivalist gear or books. Pages like The Mind Unleashed or WorldTruth.tv are aimed firmly at the left and once they get you hooked on one kooky idea – like vaccines are plot to depopulate the planet – then they can introduce you to other insane stories and further line their pockets with advertising or merchandise dollars. Just think of it like a gateway drug to the world of anti-Semitism, chemtrails and lizard people.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 19:16:15 +0000

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