Unlike some policemen, and for no particular reason, I never post - TopicsExpress


Unlike some policemen, and for no particular reason, I never post about this kind of stuff, you all know that.. Recently I responded to a call concerning an unresponsive young boy, not breathing. As the call came out my heart sunk, of course I thought of my sons. I hit the lights and sirens, slammed on the throttle, busted a u-turn and visualized what it is I would need to do upon my arrival. I had recently performed CPR on a man a couple weeks prior so the routine was fresh. I sped through traffic, thinking of the tips Ive learning from advanced driver training to get there as quickly and as safely as possible. With a combination of going as fast as I could and being cautious, I was dodging cars, going through stop signs, red lights and intersections. Some drivers see my lights, hear my sirens and get out of my way, some dont. I overhear radio traffic that the ambulance crew has assembled, it was quick, Im relieved a little bit, more help is coming. I continue the race against time and concentrate on the task at hand and do my job.. When my shift is over in the a.m. I go home, glance into my kids room with nicely made beds. I listen to some music, have something to eat and go to bed to rest for the next shift.. Thats how it is.. One of my first calls I ever went on I was dispatched to an assault in progress. Later witnesses say the arrival of my vehicle made the man decide to stop swinging the bat at the unconscious victim. The tactic the assaulter used was to try and blend in with the many ppl on the scene and bolt off, the blood all over his shorts made me think it was a good idea to quickly detain him, and head inside. The victim was laying in a pool of blood larger than himself. I put latex gloves on and tried to keep blood from coming out of his head. Many females are yelling,crying and Im trying to calm them as I tend to this fellows wound. Ambulance personnel arrive and tended to him and took care of him.. I go back to my patrol vehicle where the intoxicated suspect is in my handcuffs. I am now covered in blood, I read Miranda warning then interview him...an arrest is made. Several months later, I am having to arrest the victim of this incident for a separate occurrence. On the way to jail he tells me he knows where I live (Im confident he does, smalltown) He lets me know he knows who my woman is, what my kids look like and he plans to kill them. He insults me and my family the whole way to jail, and in the booking room. The whole time Im thinking I just saved this guys life not too long ago I could go on with stories about confronting armed, unstable men. Or explain how some of the inspirational words and post come from talks I have had with suicidal subjects and other ppl at rock bottom. I could go on with many many stories as many policemen/policewomen could...but other than these words and stories I wont and I dont, it is my job..this post isnt about getting a praise so save it. Its about understanding, because evidently there isnt much of that going on. Are there bad cops youre damn right and I dont know a single good one that wouldnt want to haul this small, small, ever so so small fraction of them in themselves. This recent incident in Ferguson Mo. has brought a spotlight on law enforcement and open the flood gates to bashing policemen and women, ppl like myself. I see what a lot of you are saying about cops, I am a cop and I am none of those things, therefore you are wrong.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 20:09:50 +0000

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