Unofficial Translation of an article published in CNM online on - TopicsExpress


Unofficial Translation of an article published in CNM online on India-Maldives Relation: CNM WEBSITE [] Why India is important for the safety of Maldives? By: Ahmed Haidharu Ibrahim ..... The well-known and quite sensitive issue of the influence of Indian Ocean and that fact that major world powers are eyeing the ocean has circulated for years. Geographically speaking, Maldives is a small country situated in a strategic location in the Indian Ocean and the World. Though Maldives is a small nation, the major world powers think of Maldives as a very important country. More importantly, it is clear that since the US treaty with Great Britain to establish US naval bases in British Territory Diego Garcia; located north of Maldives, is expiring in 2014, US eyes will also wander towards Maldives. Some affirm that the ‘SOFA’ agreement was signed to facilitate this purpose. China; which is closely associated with the South Asian countries, is a special friend of Maldives. Particularly, after the present government came to power some believe that efforts are being made to greatly strengthen the ties with China. Then there is India. Our long standing friend. The country which came to aid without hesitations during the major terrorist attacks faced by Maldives. The closest friend of the development of Maldives. India is connected to the structural development and commodities imported to Maldives. Specially, India is the reason that Maldives was able to recover so quickly from the 3rd November 1988 terrorist attack. The defense and health assistance provided on that day. What I mean to say is, India is our close friend whom we can call upon in time of need. As I mentioned earlier, US and China are also important partners of the development of Maldives. Don’t assume that I forgot about Japan. It’s not that I don’t appreciate the assistance extended to us by other countries. However India, China and US should be noted here. Especially because of the interest towards these three particular countries, among the public. Some people believe that India is not a sincere friend. In fact, the political supporters of the present government accuse that India is trying to intervene civil matters of Maldives. However majority of the people are against this accusation and appreciate the good relation with India. The public also have mixed feelings towards China and US. Though, there is one thing we should keep in mind. The complications Maldives may face if India, China and US conquer the Indian Ocean. We have to be watchful for any threats which may arise due to an action taken by these countries for power. India is also a major world power. Especially they have got nuclear power. India was invited to Maldives following the November 3rd attack. They were asked to help Maldives. However once the operation was over, they immediately left Maldives. India did not plan to remain in the country to spread their power. Hence, there is no opportunity for us to question the integrity of the assistance provided to Maldives by India. My point is, while a powerful country like India is assisting Maldives, inviting other major world powers to this country may pose a threat to the sovereignty and harmony of the country. More importantly, if Maldives becomes a host to naval bases of the powerful armed forces of the world, it will greatly affect Maldives. In other words, if Maldives becomes a football field for the world powers, the outcome will be irreparable. …………………..
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 05:25:59 +0000

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