Unpaid labour is capital. Thus, no nation or country but the - TopicsExpress


Unpaid labour is capital. Thus, no nation or country but the working class is the producer of capital. But, owner of capital is the capitalist. Undoubtedly, its not fair and justified. No doubt, the capitalist class as a whole is exploiter.Therefore, fight against capitalist class by working class to vanish the exploitative capitalist class is justified, logical and fair. Certainly, unity of workers of the world is the first condition to vanish the capitalist class. But, Leninist parties are for such unity of workers of the world to fight against capitalist class. Rather, they are for so-called right self-determination of nations to divide the workers by nation and country to disown and ignore the interest of working class. Workers are worker but not nation. Sure. not nation or country but the capitalist class is the producer of working class, thus, they have nothing to do for such national liberation except losing their class interest and class identity. So, participating in such suicidal politics of so-called right of self-determination of nations of Leninism by working class is so useful for the capitalist class. Undoubtedly, Leninist parties has been working to serve the capitalist interest by practicing such policy of national liberation by dividing the workers of the world. Therefore, Leninist parties are working against working class. Thus, no Leninist party is working for a communist revolution to replace the capitalist society by communist society to end and vanish all such nonsense, originated from private property including nationality, ethnicity etc. So, no Leninist party is communist party. 1 ShareLikeLike · · Share
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 20:21:00 +0000

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