Unpopular Opinion: Freedom of Expression Look at what’s being - TopicsExpress


Unpopular Opinion: Freedom of Expression Look at what’s being said, not who’s saying it - Imam Ali (as) People that reject arguments from another person solely because they don’t affiliate with a certain gender, ethnicity, belief, etc, need to relax and learn to entertain another’s perspective and arguments. Just because someone is a male or female, does not restrict them from giving their input on opposite-gender issues. Just because someone doesn’t hail from a specific country in the Middle East does not bar them from speaking about historical and current issues. In Islam, there are many instances where The Prophet (pbuh) spoke about the female hijab, women’s rights, how women should speak, behave, etc. The Prophet (pbuh) is a male. He is a man. He is not a female. But there you go, a man talking about women’s issues. Are you going to reject his words, solely because he’s a man as well? Obviously there are certain things that only women are allowed to speak about, and only men are allowed to speak about, and such things should be done in private amongst men and women themselves, between a husband and wife, between a father and son, between a mother and daughter, and so on, but applying this logic to every single topic of discussion that’s vaguely correlating to a certain gender is preposterous. Also, you don’t have to be from a certain country to speak about it. How many of us are Pro-Palestine, yet have no connection to Palestine at all through ethnicity/blood? We still stand for the country and speak against the oppression that Israel has been committing there for decades. So when someone who isn’t Palestinian has something to say against Palestine, you can’t dismiss them on the basis of them not originating from that country. The same goes for Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, The United States, and so on. There are so many examples I can use for this, but bottom line, there’s a difference between denying an argument based on logic but to forego something based on a person’s gender, their ethnicity, or culture, is absurd. Everyone should be able to speak about anything they’re interested in, provided that their argument is backed by solid sources and logic.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 05:53:42 +0000

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