Unprecedented attack on disabled veterans’ pensions - TopicsExpress


Unprecedented attack on disabled veterans’ pensions continues...... The question is: ‘Why is the government attacking disabled veterans and war widows?’ Haven’t they already sacrificed enough? The New Year brings a continuation of the government’s unprecedented attack on the pensions and benefits of disabled veterans and war widows. It wants the Senate to agree to the following measures. • The downgrading of the indexation of the Service, TPI, other veterans’ disability and War Widows pensions as well as the Income Support Supplement and the equivalent MRCA payments. This may not be noticed at first because the initial reduction will be small, but over time it compounds and progressively makes a greater and greater difference. Mark Riley on 7 News reported on 11 April 2014 that by 2020 the Service Pension would be round $100 a fortnight less than had no downgrading of indexation taken place. The Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association (CPSA) estimate is much higher than that. • Ceasing for three years any indexation catch ups of income means test free areas. This will hit Part Service Pensioners such as those whose also receiving a Military Superannuation Pension (eg DFRDB/DFRB/MSBS). Part Service Pensioners are allowed a small means test free amount before their Service Pension begins to lose 50cents for every dollar of their income. That means test free amount is indexed so that it catches up with increases in the cost of living (inflation). The government intends to cease this indexation so that, in real terms, Part Service Pensioners’ pensions will be reduced. • Part Service Pensioners will also be hit by the government’s intention to cease indexation of the maximum amount of income allowable before the pensioner becomes ineligible for any amount of Service Pension. It means that Part Service Pensioners are to be squeezed at both ends. • Part Service Pensioners will be hit yet again by the government’s intention to reduce deeming thresholds then cease their indexation for three years. This will effectively reduce the real value of pensions. The government wants these changes to take effect in 2017, which is soon after the next Federal election. The combination of these changes would, as the years pass, drag disabled veteran and war widow pensioners further and further behind community income standards. And that’s not all. • Gold Card holders presently receiving the much needed $886 Seniors’ Supplement will be stripped of it. • The three months backdating of disability pensions will be scrapped. This is a mean one because the backdating recognises the unique nature of military service and the medical expenses that accumulate prior to a claim being lodged. Should the government get its way, it would be a considerable loss to disabled veterans. These unprecedented attacks on veterans’ and war widows’ benefits are spread amongst three bills the government will bring before the Senate for a vote early this year. Their spread between three bills is presumably a ploy to hide their combined effect, to sneak them through in diluted form. Those three bills are: • Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment (2014 Budget Measures No. 5) Bill 2014. • Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment (Seniors Supplement Cessation) Bill 2014. • Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment (2014 Budget Measures No. 4) Bill 2014. The question is: ‘Why is the government attacking disabled veterans and war widows?’ Haven’t they already sacrificed enough? We know Labor Senators and Senator Jacqui Lambie will vote against the bills and we understand the Australian Greens Senators will also vote against them.. But this will not be enough to defeat them. The votes of Senators from the minor parties and of Independent Senators will decide. Here is a list of the Senators whose votes will be critical. If you would like to help having the nasty bills voted down, you could send this e-mail or one of your own to any or all of these Senators. Senator Glenn Lazaras, Palmer United Party, [email protected] Senator Zhenya Wang, Palmer United Party, [email protected] Senator Nick Xenophon, Independent, senator, [email protected] Senator Ricky Muir, Australian Motoring Enthusiasts Party, [email protected] Senator Bob Day AO, Family First Party, [email protected] Senator John Leyohjelm, Liberal Democratic Party, [email protected] Senator John Madigan, Independent, [email protected] Senator Whish-Wilson, Australian Greens, [email protected] Tim McCombe National President (We would be grateful if you would distribute widely)
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 11:21:51 +0000

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