Unprecedented means, having never happened before. Having no - TopicsExpress


Unprecedented means, having never happened before. Having no example, model, or equivalent. Unparalleled. New or beyond anything seen before. Exceeding expectations.Groundbreaking.Unrivaled. Extraordinary. Exceptional. Phenomenal. Record-setting. Revolutionary. Those are just some of the definitions for unprecedented. I don’t leave my house in the morning without decreeing the favor of God. Consequently, it shows up all the time. That’s not a coincidence. I’m not lucky. It’s the favor of God. I know how to walk in the favor of God and that’s why we are putting together teaching resources to get this revelation into the hearts and minds of God’s people. I believe it is the answer to the chaos this world is going through right now. If you want to succeed in this crazy world that we are living in you better learn how to depend on God’s favor. God’s favor can get you a job when there are no jobs. God’s favor can get you a promotion when others are being laid off. God’s favor can get you a raise when nobody else is getting raises. His favor can sell a house when nobodyis selling houses. It can buy a house when nobody is buying houses. That’s what the favor of God will do! The favor of God is the answer to rise above the trouble in this world and not be affected by the problems that affect others. The more you see the favor of God in the Word the stronger your faith and expectancy for it to manifest in your life will be. Psalm 5:12 (KJV): “For thou, Lord, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.” The Amplified says, “As with a shield You will surround him with goodwill (pleasure and favor).” This shield David is referring to was a vital part of the armor that he and his men depended upon. In David’s day, a shield was not a small round thing that you held up with one hand in front of your face. That shield was as tall as the person was. It was large and it was broad. It protected the whole body. In David’s mind when he thought of the favor of God, he thought of it like that shield—one that surrounded him, protected him, and couldn’t be penetrated. That’s how the favor of God is on our lives, it surrounds us like a shield. Another word to describe this shield is wall. In the Old Testament, when enemy forces would attack, it was common to form a wall of defense using shields. Man next to man, next to man and the next thing you know, you’ve got all these shields forming a wall of protection. This is what God actually did for Job. The Bible says in Job chapter one that Job was a man that feared God, lived perfect and upright. He avoided evil. God blessed him and everything he set his hand to. In fact, he was the wealthiest man in all the East the Bible tells us. Now, look what Job 1:9-10 (NKJV) The favor of God is the answer to rise above the trouble in this world and not be affected by the problems that affect others. “So Satan answered the LORD and said, ‘Does Job fear God for nothing? Have You not made a hedge around him, around his household, and around all that he has on every side?’” Satan was aware of that hedge. He knew it was there. If you look up the word hedge, you will find that one of the synonyms is the word wall. A hedge forms a wall. Job had this wall of protection. Satan knew that he was powerless against Job as long as that hedge was in place. Job had a wall around his life, his house, his substance, his family and Satan couldn’t penetrate it. He tried, but he couldn’t penetrate it. From The Message, the devil is talking to God aboutJob and says in Job 1:10, “Why no one ever had it so good! You...make sure nothing bad happens to him or his family or his possessions. You bless everything he does. He can’t lose.” Remember, this is Satan talking. He is fully aware that Job has this hedge or wall of protection around him that he could not penetrate. The fact that Satan said, “he can’t lose,” indicates to me that he had attempted to bring down the hedge on several occasions. He tried and he couldn’t penetrate it. He couldn’t bring it down. When he realized he couldn’t penetrate the wall, he tried to talk God into bringing the wall down. I’m paraphrasing, but Satan says in verse 11, “If you would bring the wall down and just let me in, then you will find out the only reason he serves you is because of all these things you’ve done for him. He will turn his back on you when that wall comes down.” Why would he try to talk God into bringing that wall down? Because he discovered that he couldn’t and then he discovered, God wouldn’t. Satan does not have the ability to pull the wall down. If he did, he wouldn’t have asked God to do itSatan couldn’t and God wouldn’t. This means the only one that could bring the wall down wasJob himself, and he did. God didn’t bring it down. Satan couldn’t take it down. Job brought it down by opening the door to fear. After that hedge came down, he became like the rest of the world. Whatever they were going through, he went through. Whatever attacks were successful against them, were successful against him. It’s one calamity after another. But look what Job said, “For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, And what I dreaded has happened to me” (Job 3:25, NKJV). Great fear is not the result of one thought. It’s not the result of one encounter. It’s not the result of just one negative television broadcast. One thought, one broadcast, one encounter can create fear, but not great fear. In the literal Hebrew, this word great is emphasized by the word heavy. He was heavy with fear. So, how does fear come? It comes the same way faith comes, by hearing and hearing. You hear the Word of God enough and you’re going to grow in faith. You hear negative opinions, negative philosophies and negative thoughts all the time and you’re going to grow in fear. Satan’s purpose in exposing you to negative information is to distract you from the promises of God. If you listen to it long enough it will produce in you the same thing it produced in Job, great fear. It will eventually cause you to fear that what you’re Satan does not have the ability to pull the wall down. If he did, he wouldn’t have asked God to do it. Satan couldn’t and God wouldn’t. hearing is going to happen to you, until you bring the wall down. That’s what it’s all about. It’s what you hear every day and every night that is going to either grow your faith or grow your fear. I assure you, if you’ve allowed great fear to become developed on the inside of you, then you’re no longer looking to the favor of God to protect you. You don’t confess it. You don’t think about it. You don’t meditate on it. You’re just consumed with all those bad things. When you fear them enough, what you so greatly fear will come upon you. You’re bringing the wall down. That’s why Proverbs 4:23 (NKJV) says, “Keep your heart with all diligence.” The Amplified says, “guard your heart with all vigilance.” You can’t play church and religious games with this stuff. Satan has one thing on his mind—to kill, steal, and destroy. That’s serious. That should motivate you to do whatever you’ve got to do to stand on the Word of God. Don’t subject your spirit to negative voices coming from media, friends, or relatives. They are designed by Satan to distract you from the promises of God and pull your wall of favor down. The Message translation of Hebrews 10:23 says, “Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going.” God has put this wall of favor around our lives, but it’s up to us to keep the wall up. So my challenge to you is to do whatever it takes, so that this wall stays in place. Be strong in faith, expecting God’s favor to manifest every day and you are going to have a 2013 that will be described as a year of unprecedented favor. -Jerry savelle-
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 05:48:11 +0000

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