Unreal times; In what is being described as an incident that made - TopicsExpress


Unreal times; In what is being described as an incident that made even Prime Minister Manmohan Singh shriek in happiness and utter more than the two words “Theek hai”, the Indian Mujahideen has tweeted that it plans to leave India soon as they find the environment here too challenging. Al Jajera Khan, The UnReal Times reporter, managed to fix a meeting with the IM spokesperson, Tauqeer Bashir, to understand the reason for their sudden exit. Here are the excerpts of the interview: AJK: What is the reason behind this drastic decision? TB: This is not a decision we have made in a single day. We have been in India for quite a few years now and working here is getting tougher by the day. Since 2008, we have been claiming responsibility for the work we do. But nothing happens. Nobody in this country takes us seriously. AJK: Why do you say that? TB: See, we make our boys undergo a three month rigorous training to get them ready for these bombing missions. We have even published books like “101 ways to plant a bomb in India and run away”, ” How to use the Indian Media for your mission and get live updates” etc for the curriculum. But of what use is all this when planting a bomb here is as easy as eating Pani Puri? No systems change here and there are no challenges to look forward to. The boys are not finding their “roles” interesting and are applying for a role change or transfer. They are really low on morale. This is our biggest challenge in operating here. AJK: Didn’t you try other measures in making things work out? TB: Haha, of course we did. We took the risk and tried leaving clues so that someone could send warnings .Who do I tell my troubles to? We tried making it challenging for the boys but nobody cared. Forget about tightening the security, we find security guards happily taking sutta breaks on the “planned blast days” (looks despondent) The worst part is when life is back to normalcy the very next day. Not a single soul seems to be scared of us here. AJK: These days you have even stopped claiming credit for your work? TB: Yaar, if India defeats Bangladesh, will the boys tom-tom this fact from roof-tops? No sir, there are no gains from advertising your work in India in the terrorism market. Moreover, we don’t want human rights lawyers descending on our network of feeders and informers to fight for their rights after intelligence agencies pick them up for interrogation. Nothing can be more morale sapping than that. AJK: Do you think government does not do anything about these blasts. They have news from intelligence after all? TB: They do. But the problem is they do, after we do our job. They visit the place, say they need to learn from mistakes and go back to their happy worlds. You know what is the biggest worry for us? The leaders in this country steal the limelight from us by politicizing every issue and blaming each other for it. We are not remembered for our work. They are taking away credit from us. That is why we decided to leave. AJK: But what about the whole mission of ruining India ? TB: Look, rank misgovernance along with the concomitant venality and hypocrisy of the ruling establishment are doing a much better job than we could ever hope to. So we are better off elsewhere
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 10:11:22 +0000

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