Unselfishness When Being Hurt The Lord said in, 2 Corinthians - TopicsExpress


Unselfishness When Being Hurt The Lord said in, 2 Corinthians 1:3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, Selfishness from being hurt or abused appears as a normal and rational response. Selfishness from being hurt or abused is instinctive. When we suffer physical pain, we instinctively grab ourselves as a self-protective measure. In much the same way, we instinctively grab ourselves when we suffer emotional hurt or abuse. Although becoming selfish when we get hurt is instinctive, to remain selfish causes Christ to grieve. Christ is with us at all times. He hurts with us. He grieves with us. In addition, He experiences our joy and our elation. Christ is in our every moment. Selfishness grieves Christ because when we are selfish for any reason, we take ourselves away from Him. When we are hurt or abused we instinctively turn selfish. When we are selfish then our selfishness does not bring Christs healing love to us. Our selfishness only makes our hurt and abuse worse. Although taking every hurt to Christ may never seem natural, we must trust Christ to enfold us and love us in our hurt. We must recall we are to take every moment of our pain to Christ. Because He loves us, we can trust Christ like we trust no other. Because He loves us, we can trust Him so much we can place all of our life, even our hurt and abuse, in His hands. Pastor Rubin Wilson
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 04:34:52 +0000

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