Unsere Freunde vom EXIT Festival haben uns um Hilfe - TopicsExpress


Unsere Freunde vom EXIT Festival haben uns um Hilfe gebeten! Our friends over at Exit Festival kindly ask for your help. exitfest.org/en/exitaid exitaid #supportserbia #supportbosnia #supportcroatia Dear friends, Weve received hundreds of emails, messages, all asking about the unprecedented floods in the Balkans. Thank you all so much for caring and for the messages you sent - its nice to know that weve got so many lovely friends. Novi Sad, home of #EXIT, thankfully hasnt been hit by the floods, nor is the festival being threatened in any way. However, central parts of Serbia, Bosnia, and Croatia have been hit very hard by the worst floods weve seen in the history of the Balkans. Its truly tragic. Numerous cities and villages are gone. Dozens of people have lost their lives and more than one million of people have been evacuated. Hundreds of thousands lost everything - homes, jobs, food, clothes. Its devastating... We, the people behind the Exit Festival kindly ask you to help as well. Your act of kindness could save lives. Please take a look on how to donate: exitfest.org/en/exitaid Thanks for sticking with us. #ExitAid #SupportSerbia
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 12:10:58 +0000

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