Until I came to kogi, I knew close to nothing about the confluence - TopicsExpress


Until I came to kogi, I knew close to nothing about the confluence state. It no longer comes as a surprise, the reaction I get when I tell people that Im based in Kogi. So,I decided to write a few things about the state and its people. Im sorry, if this write up offends you. Kogi is a state in North central Nigeria. Its home to the Ebiras, Igalas, Okuns(similar to Yoruba). There are also other minority tribes in the state such as Ogugu, Gwari, Kakanda and so on. The main source of livelihood to the indigenes of the state is Agriculture. Although,very few are civil servants. They also engage in Mining. Kogi state has the largest iron and steel company in Nigeria. Kogis natural endowments makes it a very beautiful state, with the potential of being a hotspot for tourism. The hills and valleys make the state beautiful. The administration of Kogi state is headed by Idris Ichalla Wada. His administration is simply useless. The rate of poverty in the state is high. Which shouldnt be so,considering the resources that has been bestowed upon the state. Tourism alone,could boost the economy of the state, not to talk of Agriculture or even Mining. What of the standard of Education? Its nothing to write home about. No free Education in Kogi state. And though the students pay peanuts for their fees,what they get in return is not worth calling Education. Ive been in Okene for 2years and 2 months, yet the dividends of democracy is yet to be seen. Unemployment rules the day. But... in terms of electricity, the state is highly blessed,as there is a regular supply of power. The state is popularly known for its riot. Ethnic,tribal and religious riots, of course. The Ebiras are stereotypically wicked. Wickedness runs in their veins. They are also very diabolical, even to the extent of using love potions on young girls. And like the Hausas, they are religious fanatics. But they are beautiful people. Both facially and inwardly, at least, Ive met few people who were extremely nice to me. Okene is known as the headquarters of the Ebiras. Its highly dominated by Muslims. Although,Christianity is on the increase,which is obvious from the influx of converts to different denominations. Although, the Ebiras are very hospitable,they are the kind of people you dont mess with. They never forgive a grudge. Ebira men are never faithful to their wives, even the Christians among them. They run after anything under a hijab or skirt,as the case may be. ...to be continued....
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 15:32:03 +0000

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