Until a few years ago, LA CASA DEL TERROR was one of those un-holy - TopicsExpress


Until a few years ago, LA CASA DEL TERROR was one of those un-holy grails that fans of Lon looked for and wanted to see in its original verion, not Jerry Warrens hack and slash that he retitled FACE OF THE SCREAMING WEREWOLF (Mixing footage from LA CASA DEL TERROR with footage from the original Aztec Mummy film and some stuff he shot himself. Enough has been said about the disaster. And until one of the Spanish language stations ran it form time to time, and you find out about it, SCREAMING WEREWOLF *after seeing what Warren slapped together, I can understand why he was screaming...although not in the film*. And then one of the video companies in Mexico turned it loose on vhs and eventually dvd. While it has its ups and downs, it is fun to see Lon, when you are sure it is him under the werewolf makeup, snarling, slashing and terrifying the heroine. A few months back I posted some stuff from the film and as it is a rainy day in the area of Southern California where I live, I thought Id post a few things again but throw in some shots of the appearance of Lons mummy-cum-werewolf. A good chunk of them I got on an ebay auction a few years back from a seller in France. The spots you will see around the edges of some ofthe shots were due to water damage. But happily the main body of the shot is clear and un-spotted, for want of a better term. As I have said the film has its ups and downs, but I enjoy watching it and tryign to figure out some of the dialogue...Im afraid my knowledge of Spanish is next to nothing...I wish there was a version of it floating around with subtitles. If anybody knows of such a version, I wish they would let me know. I would liek to know what the films mad scientist, Yerye Beirute, is up with his body snatching and laboratory with all those gadgets... Okay, enough of my howling. Here are some shots from LA CASA DEL TERROR with Lon, Tin-Tan and Yolanda Varela. First we have the original posters from Mexico and Spain followed by the main body of the single sheet pressbook when the film was released to the U.S. Spanish language theater circuit. The last shot here is from the pressheet...looks like Lon is giving Tin-Tan some advice or pointers about what to do if he runs into a monster. Well, if anybody can give a potential...if reluctant...monster fighter advice, it is definitely Lon Chaney Jr.! :) More to follow a little later. Hope you like these.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 20:44:49 +0000

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