Until game companies realize that game designers, not game company - TopicsExpress


Until game companies realize that game designers, not game company executives, need to be in charge, we will continue to get games that are nothing but endless sequels of shooters. The industry is stagnating because the people in control of all of the creative aspects of a game are not in charge, and are subordinate to the people who only look at sales and losses. In my eyes, games are an artistic medium that has been completely stifled. Look around and try to tell me what other artistic medium is controlled by marketers and executives and not the actual artists (film doesnt count because it suffers from the exact same problem), and youll see the problem. This is why the games we praise for breaking the mold rarely, if ever, become widely-known. Its why consoles are dominated by the same, triple-A developed games. Steam is a haven for indie developers, who are much more prevalent now. The old model is failing, but in order for video games to be something more then just entertainment, they need to be seen as something more then that. As it stands now, its just seen as a lucrative business. But true artists dont just make art for money, they make art for the sake of making art. And when you get a developer with that mindset, thats when you get some truly beautiful works of art. It has been a goal of mine for a long time to become a game developer, because I think like that, because I think games are art, and because I want to change things.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 00:17:16 +0000

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