Until now I still see posts about how grandiose Marian and - TopicsExpress


Until now I still see posts about how grandiose Marian and Dingdongs wedding was. And the more I hide those stories and try to ignore it, the more new posts appear every tab refresh and I feel so numb already. I am not throwing shades at their wedding. No. So fans dont get mad at me. But I have few comments though: (as usual) 1. They deserve their expensive wedding because they worked hard for it. The 12-million peso cake, the 1.7 million watch, and blah blah are all fruits of their labors. So if you are bashing because its too extravagant and a lot are hungry, drop it cause they deserve it hunny. 2. ....but, an expensive wedding doesnt always mean classy. Well its SUBJECTIVE, but theres something about their wedding that doesnt exude aahhmmm I dunno. Its just me ok. Im sorry. Maybe its not all about how expensive the way things are, but the one using it should do the magic. Its not about how expensive the gown was, but what mattered was the one wearing it. As an example, put Danielle Cojuanco or Bianca Araneta in Marians gown and visualize. People who thinks like me knows what Im talking about. ;) Again its SUBJECTIVE. 3. I recognize the grandiosity of the wedding, but I felt it was so theatrical. That everything was a showcase. A showcase of their ability to purchase. A showcase that Marian can really throw a thousand senseless shower parties in no sweat. A showcase of the most influential Ninongs and Ninangs of which I doubt if they will really guide the couple spiritually when they need one. Marriages are supposed to be a showcase of LOVE, and not a showcase of how expensive your cake was. Or, is it just the media who over sensationalize and over do things so people are focused more on the aesthetics rather than whats really essential? Seriously, I was recently touched more with Bianca Gonzales and JC Intals wedding. Very simple. Intimate. Personal. Felt. Yeah I believe there is love with Dongyan after-all of course, but sometimes its hard to notice when your love is overshadowed with 5000 flowers and a rolex watch splashed as a headline on the newspapers rather than the story of how deep is your love. (...is your love for me is your love, na na na nah...) lol 4. Nevertheless, their hard work has paid off. And they truly deserve it. But I will always view their wedding as an entertainment. No more no less. 5. Why is it called the royal wedding by the way? Do they have a royal blood like Prince Harry? Just asking cause I didnt know. Cause the last time I heard royal wedding was the wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William. And good lord that was really the ROYAL WEDDING. A wedding after-all is simply a two-hour ceremony. But you and your partner will have an entire lifetime to work things out as couples. The height of your cake will not represent the height of your patience with your marriage; the number of guests you have, will never represent the number of years you will spend each other happily; and the number of flowers you used, will never guarantee a lifetime of abundance when trials hit you unprepared. Life is passing through thats gonna hit you both highs and lows. So you both have to be prepared. As long as its a Christ-centered relationship, nothing can go wrong. A simple or an extravagant wedding, let Christ be the center. Like what I said, I view their wedding as purely entertainment. And I am deeply entertained about this cliche unsa man ka bonga ang kasal sa mga Artista, mag bulag ra gihapon na. Now Im smiling.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 01:43:47 +0000

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