Until when u admit that the country is on wrong side of politics; - TopicsExpress


Until when u admit that the country is on wrong side of politics; I shall then seek political work to correct it together with u. Until when we realize the time we stood together on 9 Jan 2011 to vote out S. Sudan from our Northern neighbour; shall I then say politics of hatred is reversible. Until when my fellow S. Sudanese trusts my house more than a UN compound for safety; shall I agree that there is real meaning for One Nation, One People slogan. Until when we sit at tea & coffee place and discuss politics of national economy instead of politics of tribes; shall I know that a war against tribalism is success giving chance to fight against corruption. Until when our organized forces dont have more rights over normal citizens and that rebel fighters stop killing innocent civilians; shall I know that there is a rule of law. Until when u believe that Equatorians are not a tribe and that Upper Nile region is not about Nuer and/or for conflict; and realizing that Bahr el Ghazal is not only for Dinka; shall you &I know that there was confusion in S. Sudan to some extent. Until when people come to realize that politicians can wrangle over positions and visions without taking the risks to citizens but only to invite them for fair choice in elections; shall I know that there are possibilities of this nation to escape security fragility. But only until incumbent leaders can be blame & account for their wrong deeds then shall we know that leaders are our servants not our rulers. Until when we all say no to war shall we have peace. Until when the nation thinks back and stops the history to repeat itself shall S. Sudan grow and have a strong place in our hearts n in the region. Until the Nuers stop saying: We Nuer and Dinkas stop saying: We Dinkas as Equatorians denounce: We Equatorians slogans shall we know that citizens are the problems to themselves. They are cheated to fight and die for unknown reasons. They are cheated to die unpaid and unburied. S. Sudan a country I love than anything. S. Sudan a country I have not harmed with my words. S. Sudan a country I have never deserted going to another country for safety for it is my right to perish here. Oh God why? why is it always me crying among copses and skeletons.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 00:35:18 +0000

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